
The full documentation of the software may be downloaded from:

A all-in-one documentation package is also available from sourceforge. The most relevant documentation consists of the following manuals:

  • ElmerGUI Manual
    Manual of the graphical user interface of Elmer software suite.
  • Elmer Models Manual
    Description of the different physical models that are defined in independent solvers.
  • ElmerSolver Manual ยด
    Capabilities of the solver with an emphasis on generic library services provided by the software.
  • ElmerGrid Manual with related grd-files
    Manual of ElmerGrid utility with simple meshing examples.
  • Elmer Tutorials with related for gui and non-gui 
    Examples of simple Elmer cases with documentation of the solution procedures.
  • Elmer Overview
    Overview over the different Elmer software modules (meta-manual).

The documentation is not complete and usually lagging behind. If you are interested in a particular solver or feature that is not featured in the documentation you may still inquire about it.

The are also many slides shows available that may give a better quick overview of the capabilities of Elmer. The slides are often updated when course are given. Some slides are available as pdf files at: