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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Advanced Elmer/Ice Workshop - IGE 2017 ====== [[http://www.ige-grenoble.fr/|IGE]] (France) in cooperation with [[https://www.csc.fi/en|CSC]] (Finland) organized a 3-day advanced Elmer/Ice workshop from 22nd to 24th November 2017. This course was sponsored by the [[http://www.osug.fr/labex-osug-2020/?lang=en|Labex OSUG@2020]]. You can find below all the material and presentations from this workshop. ==== Course type presentations ==== ^ Title ^ Presentation ^ Material ^ | Introduction | {{ :courses:2017:elmerice_introduction_2017_ige.pdf |pdf}} | - | | Grounding Line dynamics - Stokes | {{ :courses:2017:elmerice_2017_grounding_line.pdf |pdf}} | - | | Calving models in Elmer/Ice | {{ :courses:2017:calving.pdf | pdf}} | Joe's example in Tests {{ :courses:2017:calving3d.tgz | tgz}} | | Inverse methods | {{ :courses:2017:inverse.pdf | pdf }} | - | | Parallel computing (Block pre-conditioner for Stokes) | {{ :courses:2017:parallelcomputing.pdf | pdf}} | {{ :courses:2017:parstokesbueler.tgz | tgz}} | | Hydrology and friction | {{ :courses:2017:elmerice_2017_friction.pdf |pdf}} | - | | Programming your own solver/user functions | {{ :courses:2017:modelpde_example.pdf | pdf}} | {{ :courses:2017:modelpde.tgz | tgz}} | | Lower-order Stokes model | {{ :courses:2017:shallow.pdf | pdf}} | - | | Contributing code to Elmer(/Ice) | {{ :courses:2017:codingpractices.pdf | pdf}} | - | | Post-processing | included in other slides | - | | Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation | {{ :courses:2017:mesh_adapt_2017.pdf | pdf}} | {{ :courses:2017:mesh_adaptation.tar.gz | }} | ==== Users presentations ==== ^ Title ^ Name ^ Presentation ^ | Inverse methods for bed geometry | Johannes Fürst | pdf | | Thermal Regime of Glaciers | Adrien Gilbert | {{ :courses:elmerice_workshopgre_2017_adrien.pdf |pdf}} | | Ocean and Ice coupling | Nicolas Jourdain | {{ :courses:2017:2017_11_presentation_elmer_course.pdf |pdf}} | | Ocean and Ice coupling | Rupert Gladstone | {{ :courses:2017:slides_rupert.pdf |pdf}} | | Rate and state friction law for hard bed glaciers | Kjetil Thogersen | pdf | | Development of a Level Set approach to model complex biphasic media | Kevin Fourteau | {{ :courses:2017:pres_kevin.pdf |pdf}} | | 3D modelling of ice rise in Antarctica | Clemens Schannwell | {{ :courses:2017:cschannwell_20171122_iceriseelmercomp.pdf |pdf}} | | Ice flow modelling to constrain SMB and ice discharge in Patagonia | Gabriella Collao | pdf | | Modelling permafrost | Denis Cohen | {{ :courses:2017:cohenpermafrostelmer2017.pdf |pdf}} |