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====== Tool MshGlacierDEM ====== * **Source Fortran File:** ''MshGlacierDEM.f90'' **NEW:** since version 6626, works for parallel meshes (Warning, the ''mesh_input.dat'' has to be modified, also for serial mesh) This tool deforms vertically a 1m thick 3D mesh to conform with the bedrock and surface elevations given as DEMs. Informations (name and grid definition) of the bedrock and surface DEMs are given is the file ''mesh_input.dat''. This file reads:\\ ! Name of the mesh directory (should exist) WithOutCavity ! Surface DEM name file DEM_TR_surf.dat ! Nsx, Nsy 268 118 ! xs0, ys0 947700.0 2104850.0 ! lsx, lsy 800.0 350.0 ! Bedrock DEM name file DEM_TR_bed.dat ! Nbx, Nby 301 176 ! xb0, yb0 947700.0 2104850.0 ! lbx, lby 600.0 350.0 ! Minimum ice thickness 1.0 ! Number of Partitions 1 The parameter ''Minimum ice thickness'' sets a minimum ice thickness to ensure strictly positive volume of the elements. The parameter ''Number of Partitions'' is 1 for a serial mesh and equals to the number of partitions for a partitioned mesh. Nodal value of elevation are estimated from the bedrock and surface DEMs using bilinear interpolation. The DEMs are given as 2D regular grid in an ASCII file (x y z). The data in the ASCII file have to be ordered such that x1 y1 z11 x2 y1 z21 ... xn y1 zn1 x1 y2 z12 ... xn yn znn The grid is described by giving: * (x0, y0) the left-bottom corner coordinate * (lx, ly) the x and y lengths of the covered domain * (Nx, Ny) the number of cells in x and y directions * No data are given by -9999 An example using ''MshGlacierDEM'' to construct TĂȘte Rousse glacier mesh can be found in ''[ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/examples/Test_MshGlacierDEM'' for both a Serial and a Partitioned meshes.