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====== Reading Data ====== When dealing with real problems, real geometries and/or real datasets, there is the need of interpolating these data on the model mesh. Depending on the dataset format, different tools are available to help you doing that. * Data in netCDF format can be read and interpolated on the mesh using the ''GridDataReader'' solver. This solver is presented [[solvers:griddatareader|here]] and more information can be found in the [[http://www.csc.fi/english/pages/elmer/documentation|Elmer documentation]]. * Data given as a 3-columns ASCII files (x,y,value) can be read and interpolated on the model mesh using the [[solvers:scattered|Scattered2DDataInterpolator]]. Natural neighbours interpolation or cubic spline approximation are possible for the interpolation of these data. * Data given as a structured 3-columns ASCII files (x,y,value) over a grid defined by its lower-left corner (x0,y0), its size length (lx,ly) and the number of grid cells in each direction (Nx,Ny) can be read using the [[solvers:Grid2DInterpolator|Grid2DInterpolator]]. The interpolation is bilinear on the grid and efficient due to the structured nature of the grid. * Data given as a 3-columns ASCII file (x,y,value) can be read and interpolated with Pointwise (no documentation yet).