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===== Rheology ===== There are various ice rheology implemented in Elmer/Ice. ==== Glen's flow law ==== This is a SIF entry for Glen's flow law (after: Cuffey and Paterson, 2010. ''The Physics of Glaciers.'' Pergamon Press, Oxford etc., 4th edt.) using the built-in Elmer viscosity law (recommended, as it is evaluated at Gauss-points): ! Define some constant at the top of the SIF file (using LUA) ! Define the parameter in MPa - a - m #yearinsec = 365.25*24*60*60 #rhoi = 900.0/(1.0e6*yearinsec^2) #rhow = 1000.0/(1.0e6*yearinsec^2) #gravity = -9.81*yearinsec^2 ! Prefactor from Cuffey and Paterson (2010) in MPa^{-3} a^{-1} #A1 = 2.89165e-13*yearinsec*1.0e18 #A2 = 2.42736e-02*yearinsec*1.0e18 #Q1 = 60.0e3 #Q2 = 115.0e3 Material 1 Density = Real #rhoi ! Glen's flow law (using Glen) !---------------- ! viscosity stuff !---------------- Viscosity Model = String "glen" Viscosity = 1.0 ! Dummy but avoid warning output Glen Exponent = Real 3.0 Limit Temperature = Real -10.0 Rate Factor 1 = Real #A1 Rate Factor 2 = Real #A2 Activation Energy 1 = Real #Q1 Activation Energy 2 = Real #Q2 Glen Enhancement Factor = Real 1.0 Critical Shear Rate = Real 1.0e-10 Constant Temperature = Real -1.0 End With the values of the activation energies above, the gas constant has to be given in SI units, i.e., 8.314 J/(mol K). If you do not provide the following section Constants Gas Constant = Real 8.314 !Joule/mol x K End the suggested SI default value is used automatically. This Material section gives the law with a fixed rate factor: Material 1 ! Glen's flow law (using Glen) !----------------- ! viscosity stuff !---------------- Viscosity Model = String "Glen" Viscosity = Real 1.0 ! To avoid warning output Glen Exponent = Real 3.0 Critical Shear Rate = Real 1.0e-10 ! gives a fixed value in MPa^-3a^-1 Set Arrhenius Factor = Logical True Arrhenius Factor = Real $1.0E-16 * 1.0E18 Glen Enhancement Factor = Real 1.0 End This is a SIF entry for Glen's flow law (after: Paterson, W. S. B. 1994. ''The Physics of Glaciers.'' Pergamon Press, Oxford etc., 3rd edt.) using the old power law (MATC function) (Not recommended, use build-in implementation of Glen's flow law - first solution on this page): !! Glen's flow law (using power law) !----------------- $ function glen(Th) {\ EF = 1.0;\ AF = getArrheniusFactor(Th);\ _glen = (2.0*EF*AF)^(-1.0/3.0);\ } !! Arrhenius factor needed by glen !! (in SI units) !--------------------------------- $ function getArrheniusFactor(Th){ \ if (Th<-10) {_getArrheniusFactor=3.985E-13 * exp( -60.0E03/(8.314 * (273.15 + Th)));}\ else {\ if (Th>0) _getArrheniusFactor=1.916E03 * exp( -139.0E03/(8.314 * (273.15)));\ else _getArrheniusFactor=1.916E03 * exp( -139.0E03/(8.314 * (273.15 + Th)));}\ } Its call within the Material section looks as follows: !! call in SI units Viscosity = Variable Temperature Real MATC "glen(tx)" Critical Shear Rate = 1.0E-09 !! call in scaled units (m-MPa-years) Viscosity = Variable Temperature Real MATC "glen(tx)*31556926.0^(-1.0/3.0)*1.0E-06" Critical Shear Rate = $1.0E-09 * 31556926.0 !! this holds for both unit systems Viscosity Model = String "power law" Viscosity Exponent = $1.0/3.0 Strictly speaking the homologous temperature should be used as input to the Glen function above, but if homologous temperature is not readily available then using temperature (in Celsius) is a good approximation (which deteriorates for thicker glaciers/ice sheets). Be very careful in choosing the correct value of the critical shear rate. A too high value leads to a way too soft ice at low shear rates, a too low value can have consequences on the numerical stability (singularity of shear thinning fluid at zero shear). An example using Glen's flow law can be found in ''[ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/examples/Test_Glen_2D''.. ==== Anisotropic Ice ==== The flow of **anisotropic** ice can be modelled using the General Orthotropic Flow Law (GOLF) from Gillet-Chaulet et al. (2005) implemented in the [[solvers:aiflow|AIFlow Solver]] or the Continuum-mechanical Anisotropic Flow model based on an anisotropic Flow Enhancement factor (CAFFE, Seddik et al., 2008) implemented in the [[userfunctions:caffe|User Function CAFFE]]. The evolution of the fabric as a function of stress and velocity gradient for both anisotropic models can be computed using the [[solvers:fabric|Fabric Solver]]. ==== Firn and Snow Rheology ==== The rheology of **porous ice**, namely firn and snow, is represented using the porous law proposed by Gagliardini and Meyssonnier (1997). This law is implemented in Elmer/Ice in the [[solvers:porous|Porous Solver]]. Density evolution can be computed from the mass conservation equation. ==== Damage ==== Damage is accounted for through the enhancement factor. Damage evolution is modelled following the approach in Krug et al. (2014). More information can be found [[userfunctions:damage|here]].