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===== Calving3D ===== This page describes the solver Calving3D which computes crevasse depth and predicts calving events in the [[problems:calving|3D calving model]]. In addition to the main solver, Calving3D makes use of two auxiliary solvers which must be present in the SIF: Calving Isosurface, ProjectCalving. {{ problems:calving:calving_algo.png?400 }} {{ problems:calving:3d_calving_algo.png?400 }} === Solver Options === Solver 19 Equation = "3D Calving" Exec Solver = "After Timestep" Procedure = "ElmerIceSolvers" "Find_Calving3D" Solver Timing = Logical True Variable = String "Calving" Variable DOFs = 3 Exported Variable 1 = -dofs 1 "CIndex" Exported Variable 1 DOFs = 1 Calving Search Distance = Real 3000.0 Calving Mesh Min LC = Real 30.0 Calving Mesh Max LC = Real 100.0 Calving Mesh LC Min Dist = Real 500.0 Calving Mesh LC Max Dist = Real 1500.0 Calving Append Name = String "$namerun"" !" Calving Move Mesh Dir = String "./results/" Project Calving Equation Name = String "CalvingProjection" Isosurface Equation Name = String "Calving Isosurface" Crevasse Penetration Threshold = Real 0.2 !this is the upper limit of average intact ice Minimum Calving Event Size = Real 1.0 !minimum front displacement length Pause Solvers Minimum Iceberg Volume = Real 1.0E6 Linear System Solver = Iterative Linear System Iterative Method = BiCGStab Linear System Max Iterations = 2000 Linear System Preconditioning = ILU1 Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-9 Linear System Abort Not Converged = False End Solver 11 Equation = "CalvingProjection" Procedure = File "ElmerIceSolvers" "ProjectCalving" Exec Solver = "Never" !auxiliary solver called by Calving3D Solver Timing = Logical True Basal Crevasse Model = Logical True Surface Crevasse Model = Logical True Calving Stress Variable Name = String "Stress" Plane Permutation(3) = Integer 1 3 2 Volume Permutation(3) = Integer 1 3 2 End Solver 24 Exec Solver = "Never" !auxiliary solver called by Calving3D Equation = "Calving Isosurface" Procedure = File "Isosurface" "IsosurfaceSolver" Isosurface Variable = String "ave_cindex" Isosurface Value = Real 0.0 End