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~~NOTOC~~ ===== Solving the Mass Conservation of Snow/Firn ===== ==== General Description ==== This page explains how to use the general AdvectionReactionSolver from the Elmer distribution to get the density evolution in case of a compressible material (snow/firn) under a given velocity field computed from the [[solvers:porous|Porous Solver]]. The AdvectionReactionSolver solves the general equation {{\partial A}/{\partial t}} + div (A u) + gamma A=sigma where u is the velocity vector. In the particular case of the mass conservation equation, one has therefore gamma = 0 and sigma = 0. Solving for the true density (kg/m^3) or the relative density is equivalent (but limit values and Dirichlet boundary conditions have to be set accordingly). Note 1: equation (4.1) in the Elmer Model Manual for the AdvectionReaction sover is not correct. The previous equation is the one implemented. Note 2: Have a look to this [[http://elmerfem.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3066&p=9570#p9570|post]] on the Elmer Forum regarding the initialisation of both the DG primary and exported variables of the AdvectionReaction solver (see the example at the end of this page). ==== SIF contents ==== The Solver section looks as Solver 8 Equation = "AdvReact" Exec Solver = "After Timestep" Procedure = File "AdvectionReaction" "AdvectionReactionSolver" ! this is the DG variable, which is not part of the output Variable = -nooutput "DGdens" ! this tells that the solver is run on DG mesh Discontinuous Galerkin = Logical True ! the solver can account for upper and lower limits of the variable ! imposed by formulation of an variational inequality (VI) ! next line switches the VI to be accounted for Limit Solution = Logical True Linear System Solver = Iterative Linear System Iterative Method = BiCGStab Linear System Max Iterations = 1000 Linear System Preconditioning = ILU1 Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-06 ! Variational inequality makes it a non-linear problem Nonlinear System Max Iterations = 40 Nonlinear System Min Iterations = 2 Nonlinear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-04 ! This is the variable that is used to interpolate ! the DG solution to the regular FEM mesh in order ! to get a correct output Exported Variable 1 = Relative Density Exported Variable 1 DOFS = 1 End The source in case of the mass conservation equation is 0 Body Force 1 ... DGDens Source = Real 0.0 End Initial and boundary conditions are then being set for the DG variable and not the exported one! Initial Condition 1 ... DGDens = Real 0.4 End ! only Dirichlet BC can be set ! the solver automatically uses this ! condition only on inflow boundaries ! outflow boundaries are ignored Boundary Condition 2 Name = "surf" Target Boundaries = 2 Body ID = 2 ... ! relative density on the upper surface DGDens = Real 0.4 End The Material section contains a zero reaction rate as well as the upper/lower limit for the DG variable Material 1 .. ! Relative density must stay < 1 DGDens Upper Limit = Real 1.0 ! a minimum relative density is recommended for the Porous solver DGDens Lower Limit = Real 0.3 !Reaction rate is equal to zero DGDens Gamma = Real 0.0 End ===== Examples ===== A 1D example build from an analytical solution can be found in ''[ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/Tests/Density''. In that case, the velocity and density are inversely proportional (u(z) = K/D(z)). A 3D example coupling the [[solvers:porous|Porous Solver]] and the calculation of the density field can be found in ''[ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/Tests/DGsolver''.