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~~NOTOC~~ ===== Enthalpy Solver ===== ==== General Informations ==== * **Solver Fortran File:** ''EnthalpySolver.f90'' * **Solver Name:** ''EnthalpySolver'' * **Required Output Variable(s):** ''Enthalpy_h'', ''Phase Change Enthalpy'', ''Temperature'' and ''Water Content'' * **Required Input Variable(s):** a velocity field * **Optional Output Variable(s):** None * **Optional Input Variable(s):** None ==== General Description ==== Solves the enthalpy equation: rho {{\partial H}/{\partial t}} + rho u .grad H = div(k grad H) + tr (sigma epsilon) + Q_lat where * H is the enthalpy variable * rho is the ice density * u is the ice velocity vector * k is the enthalpy diffusivity * tr (sigma epsilon) the strain heating * Q_lat a complementary source term accounting for melt water refreezing Enthalpy is defined as a function of the water content omega and the temperature T, such that: If H < H_f, then H(T, omega) = int_T0^T C_p (T) dT If H > H_f, then H(T, omega) = int_T0^Tm C_p (T) dT + omega L where * H_f is the enthalpy of fusion, defined from the fusion temperature according to the pressure dependent Clausius-Clapeyron relationship. * C_p is the temperature dependant heat capacity, defined as C_p = AT+B * L is the latent heat of fusion For the boundary conditions, a flux (''Enthalpy Heat Flux'') has the same meaning than for the temperature solver (W/m2). For a Dirichlet boundary condition on the enthalpy variable, the same definition as in the solver has to be used, i.e. H(T, omega) = int_T0^T C_p (T) dT. See example below. ==== SIF contents ==== In this example, ice velocity are in m/s and pressure en MPa. Solver 2 Equation = String "Enthalpy Equation" Procedure = File "ElmerIceSolvers" "EnthalpySolver" Variable = String "Enthalpy_h" Linear System Solver = "Iterative" Linear System Iterative Method = "BiCGStab" Linear System Max Iterations = 500 Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0E-07 Linear System Abort Not Converged = True Linear System Preconditioning = "ILU0" Linear System Residual Output = 1 Steady State Convergence Tolerance = 1.0E-04 Nonlinear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0E-03 Nonlinear System Max Iterations = 10 Nonlinear System Relaxation Factor = Real 1.0 Apply Dirichlet = Logical True Stabilize = True Exported Variable 1 = String "Phase Change Enthalpy" ! (J kg-1) Exported Variable 1 DOFs = 1 Exported Variable 2 = String "Water Content" ! (%) Exported Variable 2 DOFs = 1 Exported Variable 3 = String "temperature" ! (°C) Exported Variable 3 DOFs = 1 End Constants T_ref_enthalpy = real 200.0 !(J kg-1) L_heat = real 334000.0 !(J kg-1) ! Cp(T) = A*T + B Enthalpy Heat Capacity A = real 7.253 !(J kg-1 K-2) Enthalpy Heat Capacity B = real 146.3 !(J kg-1 K-1) P_triple = real 0.061173 !Triple point pressure for water (MPa) P_surf = real 0.1013 ! Surface atmospheric pressure(MPa) beta_clapeyron = real 0.0974 ! clausus clapeyron relationship (K MPa-1) End Body Force 1 Heat Source = real 0.0 End Material 1 Enthalpy Density = real 917.0 !(kg m-3) Enthalpy Heat Diffusivity = Real $2.1/2050.0 ! = k / Cp (kg m-1 s-1) Enthalpy Water Diffusivity = real 1.045e-4 ! (kg m-1 s-1) End ! bed rock interface Boundary Condition 1 Target Boundaries = 1 Velocity 1 = Real 0.0 Velocity 2 = Real 0.0 Velocity 3 = Real 0.0 Enthalpy Heat Flux BC = logical True Enthalpy Heat Flux = real 0.02 !(W m-2) End ! Upper Surface Boundary Condition 2 Target Boundaries = 2 Enthalpy_h = variable coordinate 3 real MATC "25000.0/150.0*(tx-3250)+140000.0" ! (J kg-1) End End ==== Examples ==== An example solving for the enthalpy within the Tete Rousse glacier assuming an elevation dependent enthalpy at the upper surface can be found in ''[ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/Tests/Enthalpy''. ==== References ==== Gilbert, A., O. Gagliardini, C. Vincent, and P. Wagnon, 2014. A 3-D thermal regime model suitable for cold accumulation zones of polythermal mountain glaciers, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JF003199.