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~~NOTOC~~ ===== IntegrateVertically Solver ===== ==== General Informations ==== * **Solver Fortran File:** ''IntegrateVertically.f90'' * **Solver Name:** ''IntegrateVertically'' * **Required Output Variable(s):** given by the variable name * **Required Input Variable(s):** Name of the variable to be integrated in ''Integrated Variable Name'', ''Depth'' or ''Height'' * **Optional Output Variable(s):** None * **Optional Input Variable(s):** None ==== General Description ==== This solver compute the depth integrated value of a variable (sum_zb^zs D dz) or the mean value (1/H sum_zb^zs D dz). The resulting integrated value or mean can be computed on the upper surface or on the lower one. If the mean value is computed (''Compute Mean = Logical True''), the depth (if ''On Surface = Logical False'') or the height (if ''On Surface = Logical True'') has to be calculated. If the integrated variable is calculated on the upper surface (''On Surface = Logical True''), a Dirichlet BC has to be given at the bottom surface, and vice versa. ==== SIF contents ==== Solver 2 Equation = "IntegrateVertically" Procedure = File "ElmerIceSolvers" "IntegrateVertically" Variable = String "Mean Var" Variable DOFs = 1 Exported Variable 1 = String "VarToBeIntegrated" Exported Variable 1 DOFs = 1 ! We want it computed on the bed On Surface = Logical False ! We want the mean value ! We then need the Depth Compute Mean = Logical True Integrated Variable Name = String "VarToBeIntegrated" Linear System Solver = "Direct" Linear System Direct Method = umfpack End !!! free surface Boundary Condition 2 Target Boundaries = 6 Mean Var = Real 0.0 Depth = Real 0.0 End ==== Examples ==== An example using the ''IntegrateVertically'' Solver can be found in ''[ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/Tests/IntegrateVertically''.