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mesh:gmsh [Elmer/Ice Wiki]


GMSH is a a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator developed by Christophe Geuzaine and Jean-François Remacle. For a given contour, GMSH can be used to generate an unstructured mesh of the footprint, based on triangular elements. This footprint can then be extruded using ExtrudeMesh. An example of mesh generation is proposed for the Tête Rousse application of Elmer/Ice course. Mesh refinement can be improved using the YAMS tool.

To convert to Elmer-grid format, use for example Elmergrid 14 2 mesh.msh -autoclean -order 1.0 0.1 0.01.

mesh/gmsh.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/08 12:15 by mschafer
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