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Elmer/Ice Wiki mesh http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/ 2024-07-03T11:23:00+00:00 Elmer/Ice Wiki http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/ http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/lib/tpl/arctic/images/favicon.ico text/html 2012-11-20T06:02:13+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:elmerdem http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:elmerdem&rev=1353391333&do=diff ElmerDEM General Informations * Name of the source code file: ElmerDEM.c Purpose Creates a (horizontally stair-stepped) mesh from a given Digital Elevation Model (DEM) that can contain a bedrock, surface as well as a thickness DEM (where one is redundant if all three are provided). The purpose of this c program is similar to text/html 2014-11-25T22:42:53+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:extrudemesh http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:extrudemesh&rev=1416955373&do=diff Extrude Mesh General Informations * Name of the source code file: ExtrudeMesh.c * This page is about extrusion external to Elmer. For internal extrusion, see the Structured Mesh page Purpose Extrusion and optionally interpolation using a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) of a 2-dimensional footprint mesh into a 3-dimensional. The numbering of boundaries is according to the footprint with an offset introduced by all new boundaries on the bedrock (lowest numbers) and the free surface. If inte… text/html 2013-11-08T12:15:14+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:gmsh http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:gmsh&rev=1383912914&do=diff GMSH GMSH is a a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator developed by Christophe Geuzaine and Jean-François Remacle. For a given contour, GMSH can be used to generate an unstructured mesh of the footprint, based on triangular elements. This footprint can then be extruded using text/html 2018-03-06T16:08:39+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:meshadaptation http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:meshadaptation&rev=1520352519&do=diff Mesh Adaptation (2D) This page describes how to use the tools dedicated to mesh adaptation using the Mmg remeshing library (<http://www.mmgtools.org/>). Currently the solvers are compatible with version 5.2.6 (<https://github.com/MmgTools/mmg/releases>) Since elmerice rev. f6873f2(6/03/2018) compatibility is with MMG 5.3.10 ( text/html 2014-03-26T10:37:21+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:mshdem http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:mshdem&rev=1395830241&do=diff Tool MshGlacierDEM * Source Fortran File: MshGlacierDEM.f90 NEW: since version 6626, works for parallel meshes (Warning, the mesh_input.dat has to be modified, also for serial mesh) This tool deforms vertically a 1m thick 3D mesh to conform with the bedrock and surface elevations given as DEMs. Informations (name and grid definition) of the bedrock and surface DEMs are given is the file text/html 2013-11-26T10:07:09+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:mshglacier2d http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:mshglacier2d&rev=1385460429&do=diff Tool MshGlacier * Source Fortran File: MshGlacier.f90 This tool deforms vertically and horizontally a 1m x 1m square mesh to conform with the bedrock and surface elevations given as data points. One has first to create a square 1m x 1m Elmer mesh ( text/html 2013-11-26T10:08:43+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:mshsynthetic http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:mshsynthetic&rev=1385460523&do=diff Tool MshGlacierSynthetic * Source Fortran File: MshGlacierSynthetic.f90 This tool deforms vertically a 1m thick 2D or 3D mesh to conform with the bedrock and surface elevations given as two analytical expression in fbed.f90 and fsurf.f90, respectively. These fortran functions are of the form: text/html 2017-07-18T13:36:33+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:sidebar http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:sidebar&rev=1500384993&do=diff * Mesh Generation * MshGlacier (2D) * Extrude Mesh * MshGlacierDEM (3D) * MshGlacierSynthetic * GMSH * Structured Mesh * Mesh Adptation (2D) text/html 2019-08-30T07:41:38+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:structuredmesh http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:structuredmesh&rev=1567150898&do=diff Structured Mesh Specificities This page describes how to use special tools dedicated to Structured Meshes and the internal mesh extrusion to create such a structured mesh within a simulation. Examples using some of these features can be found in the text/html 2012-11-27T05:19:21+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) mesh:yams http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=mesh:yams&rev=1353993561&do=diff YAMS The fully automatic adaptive isotropic surface remeshing tool YAMS developed by Pascal Frey (<http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/frey/software.html>) is used to build unstructured mesh in the horizontal plane with element size controlled by some metrics (Hessian of the observed horizontal velocity, distance to the grounding line,