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Elmer/Ice Wiki tips http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/ 2024-07-03T11:37:31+00:00 Elmer/Ice Wiki http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/ http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/lib/tpl/arctic/images/favicon.ico text/html 2013-05-07T16:46:33+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:boundary http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:boundary&rev=1367945193&do=diff Boundary Condition Examples Some examples of typical boundary conditions. Marine boundary !! water pressure at glacier front $ function waterpressure(Z) {\ rhow = 1025.0;\ waterline = 0.0;\ G = 9.81;\ _waterpressure = 0.0;\ if (Z>waterline) {\ _waterpressure = 0.0;\ }else {\ _waterpressure = 1.0 * rhow * G * (waterline - Z);\ }\ } Boundary Condition 4 Name = "sides" .... External Pressure = Variable Coordinate 3 !we are in MPa units Real MATC "-1.0*wat… text/html 2018-05-16T07:02:04+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:editors http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:editors&rev=1526454124&do=diff Highlighting for Emacs Thanks to Carlos Martin and Basile de Fleurian we can offer additional settings for Emacs (a GNU licenses text editor) for automatic highlighting of Solver Input File Syntax (SIF). Just add the following lines to your .emacs file (should reside in your home-directory): text/html 2013-05-06T15:27:59+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:firnheating http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:firnheating&rev=1367854079&do=diff Firn heating Firn heating (latent heat through refreezing of percolating meltwater) following Wright, A. P., J. L. Wadham, M. J. Siegert, A. Luckman, J. Kohler, and A. M. Nuttall (2007), Modeling the refreezing of meltwater as superimposed ice on a high Arctic glacier: A comparison of approaches, J. Geophys. Res., 112, F04016, doi:10.1029/2007JF000818 text/html 2013-11-07T17:16:46+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:freesurface http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:freesurface&rev=1383844606&do=diff Implementation of a prognostic free surface problem In prognostic free surface problems, the kinematic boundary condition for the free surface is a partial differential equation (PDE) and hence has to be solved. The domain of the solution, though, is a text/html 2012-11-20T21:58:53+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:longlat http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:longlat&rev=1353448733&do=diff Longitude / Latitude How to defined the Longitude/Latitude as a function of stereographic projected Cartesian coordinates? This is an example that is being used for Dome F region, EAIS, with input coordinated from the projection on -71 degrees latitude (with R=6371 km): text/html 2012-11-19T08:19:09+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:matc http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:matc&rev=1353313149&do=diff MATC Examples Here some hints on how to deploy Elmer's internal scripting language MATC are shown. For a deeper introduction to MATC, see the MATC manual. General structure of a MATC function A MATC function can be used if there is the need for a more complex syntax (like if-cases) that would render an in-line MATC directive too complicated. Functions are declared outside any section in the SIF with the general syntax: text/html 2013-01-30T06:23:40+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:normalvelo http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:normalvelo&rev=1359527020&do=diff Normal Velocity at a boundary Sometimes it is important to inquire, where on a surface the flow goes into and where out of the surface. This demands an existing solution of the normal vector, which is to be found under ComputeNormal, and of course the velocity field. The inner product of these vectors is then the normal velocity. As the surface normal by convention should point outwards, positive signs of the normal velocity correspond to outflow, negative to inflow. text/html 2013-06-27T15:57:50+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:post http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:post&rev=1372348670&do=diff Post-treatments This page present some information regarding the post-treatment of results. ElmerPost ElmerPost is the build-in post-processing tools of Elmer. ElmerPost reads result in Elmer Post type file (.ep). Mesh deformation For transient simulation, ElmerPost doesn't upgrade directly the mesh using the variable text/html 2013-10-04T08:03:42+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:sidebar http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:sidebar&rev=1380873822&do=diff * Tips and Tricks * Longitude/Latitude * MATC examples * Normal Velocity * Prognostic Free Surface * Post-Treatments * Thermodynamic Properties * Boundary Conditions * Firn heating * Highlighting in Emacs and vi text/html 2018-10-27T20:03:16+00:00 Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com) tips:thermoprop http://elmerfem.org/elmerice/wiki/doku.php?id=tips:thermoprop&rev=1540670596&do=diff Thermodynamic Properties On this page one can find MATC based SIF inputs for thermodynamic properties. The following properties are given below: * Heat Capacity of ice as a function of temperature * Heat Conductivity of ice as a function of temperature