Search found 26 matches

by cemg
01 Mar 2013, 17:57
Forum: Software development
Topic: Find the nodes that belong to a BC
Replies: 3
Views: 5755

Re: Find the nodes that belong to a BC

Hi Jean, Just a suggestion: if your mesh file is in the Elmer format (mesh.header, mesh.nodes, mesh.boundary, mesh.elements) just take a look at the mesh.boundary files and to the reference in the ElmerSolver Manual appendix A. If you are familiar with any programming language, you will find easy to...
by cemg
01 Mar 2013, 17:47
Forum: ElmerSolver
Topic: k-epsilon coupled with heat transfer
Replies: 4
Views: 5410

Re: k-epsilon coupled with heat transfer

Hi Lars, just some comments on the turbulent problem: - The K and epsilon values must be specified only in the inflow boundary and in the initial condition. The wall law (and its laminar counterpart) sets internally proper values for their boundary conditions on walls. - If the simulation is steady,...
by cemg
25 Feb 2013, 15:04
Forum: General
Topic: how to call the velocity for using in body force condition
Replies: 2
Views: 2783

Re: how to call the velocity for using in body force condition

Hi Sebastien, an example (Reynolds number, 2D, compressible flow, air, ideal gas, Sutherland law for viscosity-temperature relation): Body Force 1 Re_number = Variable Temperature, Pressure, Velocity 1, Velocity 2 Real MATC "(101325+tx(1))/287/tx(0)*sqrt(tx(2)²+tx(3)²)/(1.716e-05*(tx(0)/273.15)...
by cemg
19 Feb 2013, 13:38
Forum: ElmerSolver
Topic: natural convection
Replies: 3
Views: 4925

Re: natural convection

Hi Supituki,

Elmer Models manual, p.17: ... Manual.pdf


by cemg
14 Feb 2013, 14:28
Forum: ElmerSolver
Topic: K-Epsilon Model
Replies: 1
Views: 2752

Re: K-Epsilon Model

Hi Iweb, the KE Clip is a limiter. The turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation must be positive, so, to ensure it, the following condition is applied to all the nodal values of the variables (KESolver.src, lines 428 to 451): !---------------------------------------------------------------------...
by cemg
04 Feb 2013, 13:19
Forum: ElmerSolver
Topic: K-Epsilon convergence issues
Replies: 1
Views: 3331

Re: K-Epsilon convergence issues

Hi, some ideas after a first look to your sif file: - You must set the inlet values of the turbulent variables (Kinetic Energy and Kinetic Dissipation), not only its initial values. - The boundary condition for the wall is wrong. You must use a wall law for the K-Epsilon turbulence model, as long as...
by cemg
13 Dec 2012, 19:57
Forum: ElmerSolver
Topic: Strange Result using Diffuse Radiation Boundary Condition
Replies: 15
Views: 9649

Re: Strange Result using Diffuse Radiation Boundary Condition

Hi all, it seems to me that the colder parts are those elements with, at least, a nonzero viewfactor to some element on the other cylinder, so part of the radiation flux goes to the other cylinder (even a zero net flux if the temperatures are equal) and the rest goes (ideally) to the surroundings. T...
by cemg
15 Nov 2012, 15:30
Forum: Installation & compilation
Topic: Recommended BLAS implementation(s)
Replies: 1
Views: 3261

Re: Recommended BLAS implementation(s)


if you use Linux you can take a look at ATLAS:

Debian and Ubuntu (and all major distros, I suppose) have ATLAS packages. A custom compilation will perform even better (and will let you choose between serial and threaded libs).


by cemg
07 Nov 2012, 18:22
Forum: ElmerSolver
Topic: Treatment of open radiation boundaries
Replies: 4
Views: 3866

Re: Treatment of open radiation boundaries

Hi carsten, when the radiation exchange takes place into an open enclosure you can use the keywords: Radiation Boundary Open = Logical True Radiation External Temperature = Real xxxx The first one avoids the normalization of the view factors (as long as an angle fraction is lost for some or all of t...
by cemg
07 Nov 2012, 11:33
Forum: ElmerSolver
Topic: GebhardtFactors binary
Replies: 2
Views: 2617

Re: GebhardtFactors binary

Hi Peter, thank you very much. That was what I supposed. If someone cares, the segmentation fault disappears changing the line 132 of the GebhardtFactors.src file. Where it says: Model => LoadModel( ModelName,.FALSE. ) it must say: Model => LoadModel( ModelName,.FALSE.,1,0 ) Besides, this stand-alon...