Search found 22 matches

by zhang liangfu
13 Oct 2015, 13:39
Forum: Elmer/Ice
Topic: the temperature of the bottom of the bed of the ice
Replies: 1
Views: 6775

the temperature of the bottom of the bed of the ice

Hi every one, I was doing some research in the temperature of the antarctic ice sheet,I add the temperature as the website said . Every thing goes well ,but when I want to obtain the temeprature,the problem occurs.the temperature of t...
by zhang liangfu
10 Sep 2015, 10:17
Forum: Elmer/Ice
Topic: some units problems when I join the sliding section
Replies: 1
Views: 6579

some units problems when I join the sliding section

velocity.JPG hello everyone, Recently I was doing some research in the antarctica ice berg ,I am trying using the elmer/ice model to simulating the dynamics and thermodynamics . when I do this ,I encounter many problem,can any one give me some help? my problem as folows : first ,the sliding section...
by zhang liangfu
18 Aug 2015, 05:47
Forum: Elmer/Ice
Topic: help to simulate the antarctic ice sheet
Replies: 1
Views: 6008

help to simulate the antarctic ice sheet

Hi , I am a student and I am still a beginner in using Elmer/Ice. so I'm sorry if this question is too noobish. I encountered several problems in the simulation of the ice sheet,I summaries as follows: (1)I used the Elmer/ice model to simulate the Antarctic ice sheet ,the entire ice sheet I want to ...
by zhang liangfu
12 May 2015, 15:47
Forum: Elmer/Ice
Topic: how to convert the 2D material to the 3D material
Replies: 0
Views: 4691

how to convert the 2D material to the 3D material

Hello everyone, I am a new user of the elmer ice . Not long before , I just installed the elmer ice with the help of many people. Now,I can test the teterousse and the testglacier program smoothly. I find the teterousse's material is 3D while the testglacier's material is 2D. Then, I want to test th...
by zhang liangfu
05 May 2015, 05:52
Forum: Elmer/Ice
Topic: problems when adding a sliding part
Replies: 2
Views: 6065

Re: problems when adding a sliding part

Hello gagliar, Thank you for your immediate reply, I have send the DEMs to your Email(as here the limit attached file size is 2M) . What I want to do is to add the sliding and heat transfer in the Tete Rousse process .I just do not know how to write the sif file correctly. looking forward to your re...
by zhang liangfu
04 May 2015, 15:49
Forum: Elmer/Ice
Topic: problems when adding a sliding part
Replies: 2
Views: 6065

problems when adding a sliding part

Hi all May I make bold to interrupt you , I have been redoing as the courses says(,the IMO - Reykjavik - 27-29 October 2014. I can do the separate two materials . I see the sliding process you do is I want to add,but when I combine the two materials ,so...
by zhang liangfu
18 Dec 2014, 22:00
Forum: Installation & compilation
Topic: Installing Elmer in Ubuntu 14.04 using Cmake
Replies: 59
Views: 73022

Re: Installing Elmer in Ubuntu 14.04 using Cmake

Hi Anil Kunwar, Thankyou for your replies, I followed your advice I choose the elmerice,but I encounter a new problem ,the problem as the attachment I found it is doferent from the paper describe .I don't know where I go wrong.and the error log is OpenMP C flag = [-fopenmp] Performing Test OpenMP_FL...
by zhang liangfu
18 Dec 2014, 19:08
Forum: Installation & compilation
Topic: Installing Elmer in Ubuntu 14.04 using Cmake
Replies: 59
Views: 73022

Re: Installing Elmer in Ubuntu 14.04 using Cmake

Hi juhani, I do it as this paper says, i encounter the same 10 errors,How I do next to solve these errors or i can ignore these errors. I am interested in the Elmer/ice , i am trying my best to install the elmer and then to install the elmer/ice. looking forwading to you yours zhang liangfu
by zhang liangfu
11 Dec 2014, 10:01
Forum: Installation & compilation
Topic: an error when Elmer installtion on ubuntu 14.04
Replies: 6
Views: 5943

Re: an error when Elmer installtion on ubuntu 14.04

Hi Mr anil, Thankyou for your reply, I do it as your sugesstions , The error will encounter in the following "make" step zlf@zlf-ThinkPad-T420:~/elmerfem/fem$ ./configure --prefix="$HOME/elmer-inst" --with-tcltk="-ltcl8.4 -ltk8.4" checking build system type... x86_64-un...
by zhang liangfu
09 Dec 2014, 20:38
Forum: Installation & compilation
Topic: an error when Elmer installtion on ubuntu 14.04
Replies: 6
Views: 5943

an error when Elmer installtion on ubuntu 14.04

Hi Everyone, I am sorry to trouble you that I was always wrong when I install the elmer my steps as follws. I am unfamiliar to the computer knowledge. my OS is ubuntu14.04 sudo apt-get install subversion sudo apt-get install libapache2-svn svn checkout el...