Access to a field of an Elmer .vtu file from Paraview

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Access to a field of an Elmer .vtu file from Paraview

Post by xborras7 »

Hej gents!

I use Paraview to visualize Elmer's ouput. I normally load a file and use the calculator (Filters/Data Analysis/Calculator) to perform operation between the different scalars/vectors. It works smoothly.

Now I wanted to perfrom operations using scalars/vectors from different Time Steps.

One way to do it is:
- Load them separately in paraview so they are independent (different input files).
- Select both of them and apply the Pyhton Calculator (Filters/Alphabetical/Pyhton Calculator).
- Write the calculation you want to perform:

With .vtk files it works this way
inputs[0].CellData("temperature")-inputs[1].CellData("temperature") (select Array Association Cell Data)
inputs[0].PointData("temperature")-inputs[1].PointData("temperature") (select Array Association Point Data)

With .vtu files I am not able to access to the data from the input files.

Have someone faced this problem? Thanks in advance,

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Re: Access to a field of an Elmer .vtu file from Paraview

Post by xborras7 »


I saw this is not as straight forward as I expected ;)

I attached the .vtu files from a Simulation Type Scanning where I step up the Body Temperature (20 time steps). I just attached timestep 1(no thermal exp) and timestep 20 (highest thermal expansion).

My goal here was to see the Impact on Displacement of the Thermal Expansion. The very first solution is already deformed due to "Loads/Displacements BC" so what you see when you plot "displacement" is not just the displacement due to Thermal Expansion. It is a combination of both.

I finally used the Filters/Rule overlaying Iteration 1 and Iteration20 to measure the "growth" on some specific point ;)

As I commented in my previous post I have not been able to plot: Displacement(timestep20)- Displacement(timestep 1).

I hope the explanation and the actual .vtu-files help,

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Re: Access to a field of an Elmer .vtu file from Paraview

Post by mzenker »


I cannot dig into the case right now due to lack of time. But since this seems to be a ParaView problem you could find more help on the ParaView mailing list.


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