Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Numerical methods and mathematical models of Elmer
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Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by stroop »

I am trying to simulate EM wave propagation in a waveguide using the VectorHelmHoltz solver and now I have changed beta so it is complex,
therefore I have a non-zero imaginary part for Magnetic Boundary Load and for some reason it's value doesn't effect the result of the simulation,
right now it is computed by calling a function from a fortran file.
I have tried changing the value to a constant but there is still no change.
Originally I only had a calulation for the real part of the Magnetic Boundary Load and imaginary part for Electric Robin Coefficient but now I have changed beta to be complex so I am computing Magnetic Boundary Load im and the real part of Electric Robin Coefficient, everything works fine for the robin coeffcient though.

Is there something I have to change in the solver settings?


I've attached a case for a simplified version that essentially does the same thing.
I just gave a random non-zero value to the 'Magnetic Boundary Load im' but you can comment it out and notice that it won't make a difference to the output.
Also, you can see that by uncommenting the Electrical Robin Coeffcient will change the output.
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Last edited by stroop on 20 Jan 2017, 16:08, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by stroop »

anyone? I am really stuck!
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Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by mika »


I found that the keyword command "Magnetic Boundary Load im 2" unintentionally had two whitespace characters between "Load" and "im". This has now been fixed in the code. This might have an effect here.

-- Mika
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Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by stroop »

Thanks for your reply, but I've always had only one space between 'Load' and 'im'.
I tried changing it to two spaces (just to see) and the results didn't change.
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Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by stroop »

Does anyone have any other suggestions?
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Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by mzenker »


I cannot help you since I don't know the VectorHelmholtz Solver.
If you don't find the answer to your question in the Models Manual, the last resort would be to try to understand what is going on from the code. You would have to look for a file called VectorHelmholtz.src or VectorHelmholtz.f90.


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Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by stroop »

Thanks Matthias, I'll read through the files,

I've attached a case for a simplified version that essentially does the same thing incase anyone wants to try.
I just gave a random non-zero value to the 'Magnetic Boundary Load im' but you can comment it out and notice that it won't make a difference to the output.
Also, you can see that by uncommenting the Electrical Robin Coeffcient will change the output.
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Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by kataja »


I tried changing the value of

Code: Select all

 Magnetic Boundary Load im 2 
and did indeed see change in the solution vector. In the code there shouldn't be anything fishy with imaginary parts ( ... z.F90#L562)...

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Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by stroop »

I compiled Elmer from source on Linux with the most recent update and I am still not seeing a change!

I have the following output files below, and as you can see they are identical.

The first is without an imaginary part for the Magnetic Boundary load:

Code: Select all

ELMER SOLVER (v 8.2) STARTED AT: 2017/01/24 14:06:09
ParCommInit:  Initialize #PEs:            1
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: ElmerSolver finite element software, Welcome!
MAIN: This program is free software licensed under (L)GPL
MAIN: Copyright 1st April 1995 - , CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
MAIN: Webpage, Email
MAIN: Version: 8.2 (Rev: unknown, Compiled: 2016-10-07)
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN: Reading Model: caseMBLim.sif
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzSolver_Init0]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzCalcFields_Init0]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[MagnetoDynamics_Dummy_Init0]
LoadMesh: Base mesh name: ./bentWG
LoadMesh: Elapsed time (CPU,REAL):     0.0320    0.4486 (s)
MAIN: -------------------------------------
AddVtuOutputSolverHack: Adding ResultOutputSolver to write VTU output in file: case
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzSolver_Init]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzSolver_bulk]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzSolver]
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: vector helmholtz equation...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 6582
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 513
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzCalcFields_Init]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzCalcFields_bulk]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzCalcFields]
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: vector helmholtz post process...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 1260
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 104
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[MagnetoDynamics_Dummy_Init]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[MagnetoDynamics_Dummy_bulk]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[MagnetoDynamics_Dummy]
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver_Init]
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver_bulk]
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver]
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN:  Steady state iteration:            1
MAIN: -------------------------------------
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: vector helmholtz equation
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
       1 0.5121E+00
       2 0.8315E+00
       3 0.4822E+00
       4 0.5692E+00
       5 0.3646E+00
       6 0.3536E+00
       7 0.3167E+00
       8 0.2772E+00
       9 0.5407E+00
      10 0.2808E+00
      11 0.2012E+00
      12 0.1930E+00
      13 0.1960E+00
      14 0.1900E+00
      15 0.1873E+00
      16 0.1749E+00
      17 0.1657E+00
      18 0.1828E+00
      19 0.1597E+00
      20 0.1596E+00
      21 0.1579E+00
      22 0.1578E+00
      23 0.1602E+00
      24 0.1470E+00
      25 0.1667E+00
      26 0.1488E+00
      27 0.1372E+00
      28 0.1223E+00
      29 0.1181E+00
      30 0.1428E+00
      31 0.1725E+00
      32 0.1195E+00
      33 0.8816E-01
      34 0.9720E-01
      35 0.8255E-01
      36 0.6598E-01
      37 0.8945E-01
      38 0.6310E-01
      39 0.8019E-01
      40 0.6155E-01
      41 0.8195E-01
      42 0.5956E-01
      43 0.7160E-01
      44 0.3429E-01
      45 0.2996E-01
      46 0.2441E-01
      47 0.1694E-01
      48 0.1558E-01
      49 0.1538E-01
      50 0.1288E-01
      51 0.1203E-01
      52 0.1630E-01
      53 0.9796E-02
      54 0.1199E-01
      55 0.1048E-01
      56 0.7825E-02
      57 0.9458E-02
      58 0.2044E-01
      59 0.7593E-02
      60 0.7372E-02
      61 0.9573E-02
      62 0.7611E-02
      63 0.8068E-02
      64 0.8886E-02
      65 0.9383E-02
      66 0.9664E-02
      67 0.1378E-01
      68 0.1132E-01
      69 0.1170E-01
      70 0.7976E-02
      71 0.1268E-01
      72 0.1024E-01
      73 0.1339E-01
      74 0.6035E-02
      75 0.5018E-02
      76 0.3691E-02
      77 0.4646E-02
      78 0.2840E-02
      79 0.8301E-03
      80 0.1188E-02
      81 0.1510E-02
      82 0.1836E-02
      83 0.1102E-02
      84 0.7977E-03
      85 0.5503E-03
      86 0.6396E-03
      87 0.4286E-03
      88 0.3571E-03
      89 0.3924E-03
      90 0.3814E-03
      91 0.3451E-03
      92 0.2445E-03
      93 0.3230E-03
      94 0.2373E-03
      95 0.1699E-03
      96 0.1620E-03
      97 0.2079E-03
      98 0.1822E-03
      99 0.1408E-03
     100 0.1080E-03
     101 0.8973E-04
     102 0.7419E-04
     103 0.6485E-04
     104 0.3536E-04
     105 0.4100E-04
     106 0.7035E-04
     107 0.3061E-04
     108 0.4568E-04
     109 0.9061E-04
     110 0.6223E-05
     111 0.1067E-04
     112 0.1004E-04
     113 0.8018E-05
     114 0.3597E-05
     115 0.5682E-05
     116 0.5054E-05
     117 0.1981E-05
     118 0.2001E-05
     119 0.1265E-05
     120 0.1441E-05
     121 0.1855E-05
     122 0.9432E-06
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.78389397E-02  2.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz equation
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=2) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.78389397E-02  0.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz equation
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.78389397E-02  2.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz equation
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: vector helmholtz post process
VectorHelmholtzSolver:  Energy Functional value:  -11285.069791548804        453999.44068293506
       1 0.1155E-01
       2 0.1911E-02
       3 0.4387E-03
       4 0.1000E-03
       5 0.2170E-04
       6 0.4792E-05
       7 0.1140E-05
       8 0.2325E-06
       9 0.5199E-07
      10 0.1148E-07
      11 0.2586E-08
      12 0.5885E-09
      13 0.1314E-09
      14 0.2980E-10
      14 0.2980E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.62151757E-02  2.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1650E+00
       2 0.3229E-01
       3 0.6821E-02
       4 0.1405E-02
       5 0.3059E-03
       6 0.7176E-04
       7 0.1623E-04
       8 0.3776E-05
       9 0.8513E-06
      10 0.1728E-06
      11 0.3515E-07
      12 0.7921E-08
      13 0.1795E-08
      14 0.4119E-09
      15 0.9488E-10
      15 0.9488E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=2) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.31081734E-03  1.8094896     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1144E-01
       2 0.2088E-02
       3 0.4829E-03
       4 0.1094E-03
       5 0.2375E-04
       6 0.5167E-05
       7 0.1211E-05
       8 0.2607E-06
       9 0.5994E-07
      10 0.1330E-07
      11 0.2937E-08
      12 0.6949E-09
      13 0.1579E-09
      14 0.3629E-10
      14 0.3629E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=3) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.63469382E-02  1.8132600     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1093E-01
       2 0.1722E-02
       3 0.3550E-03
       4 0.7822E-04
       5 0.1910E-04
       6 0.3934E-05
       7 0.8276E-06
       8 0.1780E-06
       9 0.3657E-07
      10 0.7978E-08
      11 0.1811E-08
      12 0.3951E-09
      13 0.8232E-10
      13 0.8232E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=4) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.64641370E-02 0.18296486E-01 ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1657E+00
       2 0.2797E-01
       3 0.5833E-02
       4 0.1277E-02
       5 0.2776E-03
       6 0.6369E-04
       7 0.1389E-04
       8 0.3070E-05
       9 0.6883E-06
      10 0.1510E-06
      11 0.3490E-07
      12 0.7883E-08
      13 0.1729E-08
      14 0.3843E-09
      15 0.9006E-10
      15 0.9006E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=5) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.33039028E-03  1.8054962     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1172E-01
       2 0.2113E-02
       3 0.4752E-03
       4 0.1048E-03
       5 0.2254E-04
       6 0.4665E-05
       7 0.1059E-05
       8 0.2339E-06
       9 0.5239E-07
      10 0.1086E-07
      11 0.2448E-08
      12 0.5529E-09
      13 0.1158E-09
      14 0.2374E-10
      14 0.2374E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=6) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.62357263E-02  1.7987302     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1544E+00
       2 0.3305E-01
       3 0.7039E-02
       4 0.1560E-02
       5 0.3350E-03
       6 0.7122E-04
       7 0.1600E-04
       8 0.3474E-05
       9 0.7310E-06
      10 0.1576E-06
      11 0.3564E-07
      12 0.8090E-08
      13 0.1878E-08
      14 0.3990E-09
      15 0.7938E-10
      15 0.7938E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=7) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.59753947E-01  1.6220180     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1536E-01
       2 0.2566E-02
       3 0.5638E-03
       4 0.1311E-03
       5 0.3049E-04
       6 0.6833E-05
       7 0.1595E-05
       8 0.3299E-06
       9 0.7352E-07
      10 0.1642E-07
      11 0.3727E-08
      12 0.8552E-09
      13 0.1863E-09
      14 0.4316E-10
      14 0.4316E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=8) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.76182438      1.7090773     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1551E+00
       2 0.3315E-01
       3 0.7064E-02
       4 0.1486E-02
       5 0.3098E-03
       6 0.6720E-04
       7 0.1453E-04
       8 0.3465E-05
       9 0.7632E-06
      10 0.1757E-06
      11 0.4073E-07
      12 0.9639E-08
      13 0.2256E-08
      14 0.5215E-09
      15 0.1225E-09
      16 0.2712E-10
      16 0.2712E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=9) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.60188538E-01  1.7071163     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1481E+00
       2 0.3203E-01
       3 0.6905E-02
       4 0.1531E-02
       5 0.3094E-03
       6 0.6640E-04
       7 0.1422E-04
       8 0.3287E-05
       9 0.7215E-06
      10 0.1599E-06
      11 0.3494E-07
      12 0.7982E-08
      13 0.1867E-08
      14 0.4402E-09
      15 0.1015E-09
      16 0.2092E-10
      16 0.2092E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=10) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.64853495E-01 0.74614232E-01 ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1482E-01
       2 0.2622E-02
       3 0.5604E-03
       4 0.1181E-03
       5 0.2791E-04
       6 0.5947E-05
       7 0.1354E-05
       8 0.3051E-06
       9 0.6862E-07
      10 0.1450E-07
      11 0.3437E-08
      12 0.8009E-09
      13 0.1815E-09
      14 0.4064E-10
      14 0.4064E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=11) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.77697883      1.6918460     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1622E+00
       2 0.3293E-01
       3 0.6824E-02
       4 0.1399E-02
       5 0.2736E-03
       6 0.5959E-04
       7 0.1393E-04
       8 0.3268E-05
       9 0.7515E-06
      10 0.1716E-06
      11 0.3901E-07
      12 0.8781E-08
      13 0.2077E-08
      14 0.4730E-09
      15 0.1125E-09
      16 0.2600E-10
      16 0.2600E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=12) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.60991540E-01  1.7088606     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.8998E-02
       2 0.1374E-02
       3 0.2839E-03
       4 0.5486E-04
       5 0.1262E-04
       6 0.2881E-05
       7 0.6766E-06
       8 0.1354E-06
       9 0.3035E-07
      10 0.7059E-08
      11 0.1621E-08
      12 0.4022E-09
      13 0.9629E-10
      13 0.9629E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=13) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.10783067E-02  1.9305101     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1769E+00
       2 0.3186E-01
       3 0.6825E-02
       4 0.1386E-02
       5 0.2733E-03
       6 0.6201E-04
       7 0.1376E-04
       8 0.3139E-05
       9 0.7147E-06
      10 0.1567E-06
      11 0.3338E-07
      12 0.7400E-08
      13 0.1582E-08
      14 0.3650E-09
      15 0.8952E-10
      15 0.8952E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=14) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.33999362E-04  1.8777338     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.7985E-02
       2 0.1239E-02
       3 0.2553E-03
       4 0.4861E-04
       5 0.1115E-04
       6 0.2578E-05
       7 0.6237E-06
       8 0.1269E-06
       9 0.2708E-07
      10 0.5718E-08
      11 0.1193E-08
      12 0.2538E-09
      13 0.5423E-10
      13 0.5423E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=15) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.12146455E-02  1.8910840     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.2767E-01
       2 0.4199E-02
       3 0.8548E-03
       4 0.1914E-03
       5 0.4642E-04
       6 0.1032E-04
       7 0.2453E-05
       8 0.5558E-06
       9 0.1069E-06
      10 0.2172E-07
      11 0.4676E-08
      12 0.9603E-09
      13 0.2088E-09
      14 0.4371E-10
      14 0.4371E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=16) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.58620873E-03 0.69793185     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1479E+00
       2 0.3054E-01
       3 0.6206E-02
       4 0.1385E-02
       5 0.3215E-03
       6 0.6443E-04
       7 0.1449E-04
       8 0.3348E-05
       9 0.7217E-06
      10 0.1443E-06
      11 0.3038E-07
      12 0.6262E-08
      13 0.1265E-08
      14 0.2742E-09
      15 0.5873E-10
      15 0.5873E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=17) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.15627958E-03  1.1580766     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.2988E-01
       2 0.4847E-02
       3 0.1010E-02
       4 0.2222E-03
       5 0.5234E-04
       6 0.1178E-04
       7 0.2768E-05
       8 0.6338E-06
       9 0.1194E-06
      10 0.2524E-07
      11 0.5732E-08
      12 0.1127E-08
      13 0.2339E-09
      14 0.5003E-10
      14 0.5003E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=18) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.52884420E-03  1.0875834     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
VectorHelmholtz:  (Electro) Integral of Divergence of Poynting Vector:   -4.7491628934379780E-023  -3.5921347837642241E-007
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.52884420E-03  2.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: internalvtuoutputsolver
ResultOutputSolver: -------------------------------------
ResultOutputSolve: Saving with prefix: case
ResultOutputSolver: Creating list for saving - if not present
CreateListForSaving: Field Variables for Saving
ResultOutputSolver: Saving in unstructured VTK XML (.vtu) format
VtuOutputSolver: Saving results in VTK XML format with prefix: case
VtuOutputSolver: Saving number of partitions: 1
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: electric field re e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: electric field im e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: magnetic field strength re e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: magnetic field strength im e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: poynting vector re e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: poynting vector im e
ResultOutputSolver: -------------------------------------
ElmerSolver: *** Elmer Solver: ALL DONE ***
ElmerSolver: The end
SOLVER TOTAL TIME(CPU,REAL):         2.70        6.09
ELMER SOLVER FINISHED AT: 2017/01/24 14:06:15
Here is when there is a nonzero value for Magnetic Boundary load, (I just set it to 5000)

Code: Select all

ELMER SOLVER (v 8.2) STARTED AT: 2017/01/24 14:01:02
ParCommInit:  Initialize #PEs:            1
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: ElmerSolver finite element software, Welcome!
MAIN: This program is free software licensed under (L)GPL
MAIN: Copyright 1st April 1995 - , CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
MAIN: Webpage, Email
MAIN: Version: 8.2 (Rev: unknown, Compiled: 2016-10-07)
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN: Reading Model: caseMBLim.sif
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzSolver_Init0]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzCalcFields_Init0]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[MagnetoDynamics_Dummy_Init0]
LoadMesh: Base mesh name: ./bentWG
LoadMesh: Elapsed time (CPU,REAL):     0.0280    0.2311 (s)
MAIN: -------------------------------------
AddVtuOutputSolverHack: Adding ResultOutputSolver to write VTU output in file: case
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzSolver_Init]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzSolver_bulk]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzSolver]
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: vector helmholtz equation...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 6582
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 513
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzCalcFields_Init]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzCalcFields_bulk]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[VectorHelmholtzCalcFields]
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: vector helmholtz post process...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 1260
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 104
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[MagnetoDynamics_Dummy_Init]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[MagnetoDynamics_Dummy_bulk]
Loading user function library: [VectorHelmholtz]...[MagnetoDynamics_Dummy]
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver_Init]
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver_bulk]
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver]
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN:  Steady state iteration:            1
MAIN: -------------------------------------
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: vector helmholtz equation
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
       1 0.5121E+00
       2 0.8315E+00
       3 0.4822E+00
       4 0.5692E+00
       5 0.3646E+00
       6 0.3536E+00
       7 0.3167E+00
       8 0.2772E+00
       9 0.5407E+00
      10 0.2808E+00
      11 0.2012E+00
      12 0.1930E+00
      13 0.1960E+00
      14 0.1900E+00
      15 0.1873E+00
      16 0.1749E+00
      17 0.1657E+00
      18 0.1828E+00
      19 0.1597E+00
      20 0.1596E+00
      21 0.1579E+00
      22 0.1578E+00
      23 0.1602E+00
      24 0.1470E+00
      25 0.1667E+00
      26 0.1488E+00
      27 0.1372E+00
      28 0.1223E+00
      29 0.1181E+00
      30 0.1428E+00
      31 0.1725E+00
      32 0.1195E+00
      33 0.8816E-01
      34 0.9720E-01
      35 0.8255E-01
      36 0.6598E-01
      37 0.8945E-01
      38 0.6310E-01
      39 0.8019E-01
      40 0.6155E-01
      41 0.8195E-01
      42 0.5956E-01
      43 0.7160E-01
      44 0.3429E-01
      45 0.2996E-01
      46 0.2441E-01
      47 0.1694E-01
      48 0.1558E-01
      49 0.1538E-01
      50 0.1288E-01
      51 0.1203E-01
      52 0.1630E-01
      53 0.9796E-02
      54 0.1199E-01
      55 0.1048E-01
      56 0.7825E-02
      57 0.9458E-02
      58 0.2044E-01
      59 0.7593E-02
      60 0.7372E-02
      61 0.9573E-02
      62 0.7611E-02
      63 0.8068E-02
      64 0.8886E-02
      65 0.9383E-02
      66 0.9664E-02
      67 0.1378E-01
      68 0.1132E-01
      69 0.1170E-01
      70 0.7976E-02
      71 0.1268E-01
      72 0.1024E-01
      73 0.1339E-01
      74 0.6035E-02
      75 0.5018E-02
      76 0.3691E-02
      77 0.4646E-02
      78 0.2840E-02
      79 0.8301E-03
      80 0.1188E-02
      81 0.1510E-02
      82 0.1836E-02
      83 0.1102E-02
      84 0.7977E-03
      85 0.5503E-03
      86 0.6396E-03
      87 0.4286E-03
      88 0.3571E-03
      89 0.3924E-03
      90 0.3814E-03
      91 0.3451E-03
      92 0.2445E-03
      93 0.3230E-03
      94 0.2373E-03
      95 0.1699E-03
      96 0.1620E-03
      97 0.2079E-03
      98 0.1822E-03
      99 0.1408E-03
     100 0.1080E-03
     101 0.8973E-04
     102 0.7419E-04
     103 0.6485E-04
     104 0.3536E-04
     105 0.4100E-04
     106 0.7035E-04
     107 0.3061E-04
     108 0.4568E-04
     109 0.9061E-04
     110 0.6223E-05
     111 0.1067E-04
     112 0.1004E-04
     113 0.8018E-05
     114 0.3597E-05
     115 0.5682E-05
     116 0.5054E-05
     117 0.1981E-05
     118 0.2001E-05
     119 0.1265E-05
     120 0.1441E-05
     121 0.1855E-05
     122 0.9432E-06
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.78389397E-02  2.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz equation
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=2) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.78389397E-02  0.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz equation
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.78389397E-02  2.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz equation
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: vector helmholtz post process
VectorHelmholtzSolver:  Energy Functional value:  -11285.069791548804        453999.44068293506
       1 0.1155E-01
       2 0.1911E-02
       3 0.4387E-03
       4 0.1000E-03
       5 0.2170E-04
       6 0.4792E-05
       7 0.1140E-05
       8 0.2325E-06
       9 0.5199E-07
      10 0.1148E-07
      11 0.2586E-08
      12 0.5885E-09
      13 0.1314E-09
      14 0.2980E-10
      14 0.2980E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.62151757E-02  2.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1650E+00
       2 0.3229E-01
       3 0.6821E-02
       4 0.1405E-02
       5 0.3059E-03
       6 0.7176E-04
       7 0.1623E-04
       8 0.3776E-05
       9 0.8513E-06
      10 0.1728E-06
      11 0.3515E-07
      12 0.7921E-08
      13 0.1795E-08
      14 0.4119E-09
      15 0.9488E-10
      15 0.9488E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=2) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.31081734E-03  1.8094896     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1144E-01
       2 0.2088E-02
       3 0.4829E-03
       4 0.1094E-03
       5 0.2375E-04
       6 0.5167E-05
       7 0.1211E-05
       8 0.2607E-06
       9 0.5994E-07
      10 0.1330E-07
      11 0.2937E-08
      12 0.6949E-09
      13 0.1579E-09
      14 0.3629E-10
      14 0.3629E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=3) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.63469382E-02  1.8132600     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1093E-01
       2 0.1722E-02
       3 0.3550E-03
       4 0.7822E-04
       5 0.1910E-04
       6 0.3934E-05
       7 0.8276E-06
       8 0.1780E-06
       9 0.3657E-07
      10 0.7978E-08
      11 0.1811E-08
      12 0.3951E-09
      13 0.8232E-10
      13 0.8232E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=4) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.64641370E-02 0.18296486E-01 ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1657E+00
       2 0.2797E-01
       3 0.5833E-02
       4 0.1277E-02
       5 0.2776E-03
       6 0.6369E-04
       7 0.1389E-04
       8 0.3070E-05
       9 0.6883E-06
      10 0.1510E-06
      11 0.3490E-07
      12 0.7883E-08
      13 0.1729E-08
      14 0.3843E-09
      15 0.9006E-10
      15 0.9006E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=5) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.33039028E-03  1.8054962     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1172E-01
       2 0.2113E-02
       3 0.4752E-03
       4 0.1048E-03
       5 0.2254E-04
       6 0.4665E-05
       7 0.1059E-05
       8 0.2339E-06
       9 0.5239E-07
      10 0.1086E-07
      11 0.2448E-08
      12 0.5529E-09
      13 0.1158E-09
      14 0.2374E-10
      14 0.2374E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=6) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.62357263E-02  1.7987302     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1544E+00
       2 0.3305E-01
       3 0.7039E-02
       4 0.1560E-02
       5 0.3350E-03
       6 0.7122E-04
       7 0.1600E-04
       8 0.3474E-05
       9 0.7310E-06
      10 0.1576E-06
      11 0.3564E-07
      12 0.8090E-08
      13 0.1878E-08
      14 0.3990E-09
      15 0.7938E-10
      15 0.7938E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=7) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.59753947E-01  1.6220180     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1536E-01
       2 0.2566E-02
       3 0.5638E-03
       4 0.1311E-03
       5 0.3049E-04
       6 0.6833E-05
       7 0.1595E-05
       8 0.3299E-06
       9 0.7352E-07
      10 0.1642E-07
      11 0.3727E-08
      12 0.8552E-09
      13 0.1863E-09
      14 0.4316E-10
      14 0.4316E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=8) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.76182438      1.7090773     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1551E+00
       2 0.3315E-01
       3 0.7064E-02
       4 0.1486E-02
       5 0.3098E-03
       6 0.6720E-04
       7 0.1453E-04
       8 0.3465E-05
       9 0.7632E-06
      10 0.1757E-06
      11 0.4073E-07
      12 0.9639E-08
      13 0.2256E-08
      14 0.5215E-09
      15 0.1225E-09
      16 0.2712E-10
      16 0.2712E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=9) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.60188538E-01  1.7071163     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1481E+00
       2 0.3203E-01
       3 0.6905E-02
       4 0.1531E-02
       5 0.3094E-03
       6 0.6640E-04
       7 0.1422E-04
       8 0.3287E-05
       9 0.7215E-06
      10 0.1599E-06
      11 0.3494E-07
      12 0.7982E-08
      13 0.1867E-08
      14 0.4402E-09
      15 0.1015E-09
      16 0.2092E-10
      16 0.2092E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=10) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.64853495E-01 0.74614232E-01 ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1482E-01
       2 0.2622E-02
       3 0.5604E-03
       4 0.1181E-03
       5 0.2791E-04
       6 0.5947E-05
       7 0.1354E-05
       8 0.3051E-06
       9 0.6862E-07
      10 0.1450E-07
      11 0.3437E-08
      12 0.8009E-09
      13 0.1815E-09
      14 0.4064E-10
      14 0.4064E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=11) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.77697883      1.6918460     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1622E+00
       2 0.3293E-01
       3 0.6824E-02
       4 0.1399E-02
       5 0.2736E-03
       6 0.5959E-04
       7 0.1393E-04
       8 0.3268E-05
       9 0.7515E-06
      10 0.1716E-06
      11 0.3901E-07
      12 0.8781E-08
      13 0.2077E-08
      14 0.4730E-09
      15 0.1125E-09
      16 0.2600E-10
      16 0.2600E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=12) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.60991540E-01  1.7088606     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.8998E-02
       2 0.1374E-02
       3 0.2839E-03
       4 0.5486E-04
       5 0.1262E-04
       6 0.2881E-05
       7 0.6766E-06
       8 0.1354E-06
       9 0.3035E-07
      10 0.7059E-08
      11 0.1621E-08
      12 0.4022E-09
      13 0.9629E-10
      13 0.9629E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=13) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.10783067E-02  1.9305101     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1769E+00
       2 0.3186E-01
       3 0.6825E-02
       4 0.1386E-02
       5 0.2733E-03
       6 0.6201E-04
       7 0.1376E-04
       8 0.3139E-05
       9 0.7147E-06
      10 0.1567E-06
      11 0.3338E-07
      12 0.7400E-08
      13 0.1582E-08
      14 0.3650E-09
      15 0.8952E-10
      15 0.8952E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=14) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.33999362E-04  1.8777338     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.7985E-02
       2 0.1239E-02
       3 0.2553E-03
       4 0.4861E-04
       5 0.1115E-04
       6 0.2578E-05
       7 0.6237E-06
       8 0.1269E-06
       9 0.2708E-07
      10 0.5718E-08
      11 0.1193E-08
      12 0.2538E-09
      13 0.5423E-10
      13 0.5423E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=15) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.12146455E-02  1.8910840     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.2767E-01
       2 0.4199E-02
       3 0.8548E-03
       4 0.1914E-03
       5 0.4642E-04
       6 0.1032E-04
       7 0.2453E-05
       8 0.5558E-06
       9 0.1069E-06
      10 0.2172E-07
      11 0.4676E-08
      12 0.9603E-09
      13 0.2088E-09
      14 0.4371E-10
      14 0.4371E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=16) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.58620873E-03 0.69793185     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.1479E+00
       2 0.3054E-01
       3 0.6206E-02
       4 0.1385E-02
       5 0.3215E-03
       6 0.6443E-04
       7 0.1449E-04
       8 0.3348E-05
       9 0.7217E-06
      10 0.1443E-06
      11 0.3038E-07
      12 0.6262E-08
      13 0.1265E-08
      14 0.2742E-09
      15 0.5873E-10
      15 0.5873E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=17) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.15627958E-03  1.1580766     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
       1 0.2988E-01
       2 0.4847E-02
       3 0.1010E-02
       4 0.2222E-03
       5 0.5234E-04
       6 0.1178E-04
       7 0.2768E-05
       8 0.6338E-06
       9 0.1194E-06
      10 0.2524E-07
      11 0.5732E-08
      12 0.1127E-08
      13 0.2339E-09
      14 0.5003E-10
      14 0.5003E-10
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=18) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.52884420E-03  1.0875834     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
VectorHelmholtz:  (Electro) Integral of Divergence of Poynting Vector:   -4.7491628934379780E-023  -3.5921347837642241E-007
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.52884420E-03  2.0000000     ) :: vector helmholtz post process
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: internalvtuoutputsolver
ResultOutputSolver: -------------------------------------
ResultOutputSolve: Saving with prefix: case
ResultOutputSolver: Creating list for saving - if not present
CreateListForSaving: Field Variables for Saving
ResultOutputSolver: Saving in unstructured VTK XML (.vtu) format
VtuOutputSolver: Saving results in VTK XML format with prefix: case
VtuOutputSolver: Saving number of partitions: 1
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: electric field re e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: electric field im e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: magnetic field strength re e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: magnetic field strength im e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: poynting vector re e
WriteVtuFile: Writing variable: poynting vector im e
ResultOutputSolver: -------------------------------------
ElmerSolver: *** Elmer Solver: ALL DONE ***
ElmerSolver: The end
SOLVER TOTAL TIME(CPU,REAL):         2.68        5.72
ELMER SOLVER FINISHED AT: 2017/01/24 14:01:08
even the results when viewing with paraview look identical.
Posts: 74
Joined: 09 May 2014, 16:06
Antispam: Yes

Re: Imaginary Magnetic Boundary Load BC - VectorHelmHoltz solver

Post by kataja »

Are you sure you have the latest version? Looking at the elmersolver output it seems that you have quite an old version:

Code: Select all

MAIN: Version: 8.2 (Rev: unknown, Compiled: 2016-10-07)
I'm getting with imaginary part (5000)

Code: Select all

VectorHelmholtzSolver:  Energy Functional value:  -44577892.518277600       -1010714737.5401154
and without:

Code: Select all

VectorHelmholtzSolver:  Energy Functional value:  -11284.848845143619        453999.43673718337
Post Reply