navier stokes no-slip element normals

Numerical methods and mathematical models of Elmer
mark smith
Posts: 215
Joined: 26 Aug 2009, 18:20
Location: Peterborough, England

Re: navier stokes no-slip element normals

Post by mark smith »

Hi Elmer team & users,
In a coupled heat and fluid flow problem does the direction of the surface mesh normals matter? in particular and inlet surface, outlet surface and heat flux load surface?
For no-slip surfaces Peter has already told me that the normal direction is unimportant, but what about other BC's?
Thanks in advance,
Posts: 1999
Joined: 07 Dec 2009, 11:49
Location: Germany

Re: navier stokes no-slip element normals

Post by mzenker »

Hi Mark,

I don't know the answer. But I dare to ask if you have looked for it in the Models Manual...? :)

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