ElmerSolver fails with warning "Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!"

Numerical methods and mathematical models of Elmer
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ElmerSolver fails with warning "Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!"

Post by kishpishar »

Hi all,

I am running coupled navier-stokes and heat solvers (with phase change activated) to study the solidification of a steel casting. I use a newly compiled version (using cmake) to get rid of the hassled iteration counter as mentioned in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=5198

However I am getting the warning "WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!" a few times and the Iterative solver stopes after the first iteration with the message: "NUMERICAL ERROR:: IterSolve: System diverged over maximum tolerance."

Here is the solver log. The case used to run previously.

ELMER SOLVER (v 8.3) STARTED AT: 2018/07/29 05:45:36
ParCommInit: Initialize #PEs: 1
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: ElmerSolver finite element software, Welcome!
MAIN: This program is free software licensed under (L)GPL
MAIN: Copyright 1st April 1995 - , CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
MAIN: Webpage http://www.csc.fi/elmer, Email elmeradm@csc.fi
MAIN: Version: 8.3 (Rev: unknown, Compiled: 2018-07-28)
MAIN: Running one task without MPI parallelization.
MAIN: Running with just one thread per task.
MAIN: HYPRE library linked in.
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN: Reading Model: case.sif
LoadInputFile: Scanning input file: case.sif
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
LoadInputFile: Loading input file: case.sif
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
Loading user function library: [viscDamp]...[viscDamp]
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
Model Input: Unlisted keyword: [liquidf] in section: [initial condition 1]
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN: Time: 1/3600 5.0000000000000000
MAIN: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: Coupled system iteration: 1
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 1403.9682 2.0000000 ) :: heat equation
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 1403.9682 2.0000000 ) :: heat equation
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.96655052 2.0000000 ) :: liquid fraction
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.11084099E-01 2.0000000 ) :: navier-stokes
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.11084099E-01 2.0000000 ) :: navier-stokes
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: Coupled system iteration: 2
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
NUMERICAL ERROR:: IterSolve: System diverged over maximum tolerance.

Kind Regards
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Re: ElmerSolver fails with warning "Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!"

Post by raback »


The Monote curve warning is wrong. I'll fix it. However, it does not affect the operation.

You have probably just normal divergence due to nonlinearities but it is impossible to locate them as the output has been supressed to level 3 (which just about includes warnings). For debugging use at least level ~10.

Posts: 54
Joined: 17 Jun 2015, 10:04
Antispam: Yes

Re: ElmerSolver fails with warning "Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!"

Post by kishpishar »

Hi Peter,

Many thanks for your inputs. Below is the full output of the solver at Level 20.

I am not able to figure out why the crash happens at the beginning of the second coupled iteration. I don't use non-linear iteration within a solver and both the linear systems (heat and navier-stokes) have converged to the given tolerance (pl. see the output) in the first coupled iteration of the first time step. At the beginning of the next coupled iteration, the heat solver fails with divergence.

ELMER SOLVER (v 8.3) STARTED AT: 2018/07/31 03:21:12
ParCommInit: Initialize #PEs: 1
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: ElmerSolver finite element software, Welcome!
MAIN: This program is free software licensed under (L)GPL
MAIN: Copyright 1st April 1995 - , CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
MAIN: Webpage http://www.csc.fi/elmer, Email elmeradm@csc.fi
MAIN: Version: 8.3 (Rev: unknown, Compiled: 2018-07-28)
MAIN: Running one task without MPI parallelization.
MAIN: Running with just one thread per task.
MAIN: HYPRE library linked in.
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN: Reading Model: case.sif
LoadInputFile: Scanning input file: case.sif
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
LoadInputFile: Loading input file: case.sif
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
Loading user function library: [viscDamp]...[viscDamp]
Model Input: Unlisted keyword: [liquidf] in section: [initial condition 1]
Loading user function library: [HeatSolve]...[HeatSolver_Init0]
Loading user function library: [liquidFraction]...[liquidFraction_Init0]
Loading user function library: [FlowSolve]...[FlowSolver_Init0]
LoadMesh: Starting
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 1
LoadMesh: Base mesh name: ./.
LoadMesh: Reading header info from file: ././mesh.header
LoadMesh: Number of nodes in mesh: 7427
LoadMesh: Number of bulk elements in mesh: 7224
LoadMesh: Number of boundary elements in mesh: 610
LoadMesh: Initial number of max element nodes: 4
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 2
LoadMesh: Reading nodes from file: ././mesh.nodes
LoadMesh: Performing coordinate mapping
LoadMesh: Dimension of model is: 2
LoadMesh: Dimension of mesh is: 2
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 3
LoadMesh: Reading bulk elements from file: ././mesh.elements
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 4
LoadMesh: Reading boundary elements from file: ././mesh.boundary
LoadMesh: Performing node mapping
LoadMesh: Remapping bodies
LoadMesh: Minimum initial body index: 1
LoadMesh: Maximum initial body index: 4
LoadMesh: Remapping boundaries
LoadMesh: Minimum initial boundary index: 1
LoadMesh: Maximum initial boundary index: 12
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 5
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 6
LoadMesh: Loading mesh done
LoadMesh: Elapsed REAL time: 0.0342 (s)
MeshStabParams: Computing stabilization parameters
MeshStabParams: Elapsed REAL time: 0.0076 (s)
CompleteModelKeywords: Completing keywords for mortar BCs
MAIN: -------------------------------------
AddVtuOutputSolverHack: Adding ResultOutputSolver to write VTU output in file: case
AddVtuOutputSolverHanck: Increasing number of solver to: 4
AddVtuOutputSolverHack: Finished appeding VTU output solver
AddSolvers: Setting up 4 solvers
AddSolvers: Setting up solver 1: heat equation
AddEquationBasics: Setting up keywords internally for legacy solver: heat equation
AddEquationBasics: Using procedure: HeatSolve HeatSolver
AddEquationBasics: Setting up solver: heat equation
Loading user function library: [HeatSolve]...[HeatSolver_Init]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _init solver
Loading user function library: [HeatSolve]...[HeatSolver_bulk]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _bulk solver
Loading user function library: [HeatSolve]...[HeatSolver]
AddEquationBasics: Time stepping method is: bdf
AddEquationBasics: Creating standard variable: temperature
AddEquationBasics: Computing size of permutation vector
AddEquationBasics: Maximum size of permutation vector is: 7427
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver matrix topology
CreateMatrix: creating initial permutation
CreateMatrix: Creating inverse of initial order os size: 7427
CreateMatrix: Creating list matrix for equation
MakeListMatrix: Creating list matrix
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: heat equation...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 7404
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 132
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
CreateMatrix: Initializing list matrix for equation
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix of size: 7427
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix with nofs: 65623
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix finished
CreateMatrix: Matrix created
AddEquationBasics: Number of rows in CRS matrix: 7427
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver variable
VariableAdd: Adding variable > temperature < of size 7427
AddSolvers: Setting up solver 2: liquid fraction
AddEquationBasics: Using procedure: liquidFraction liquidFraction
AddEquationBasics: Setting up solver: liquid fraction
Loading user function library: [liquidFraction]...[liquidFraction_Init]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _init solver
Loading user function library: [liquidFraction]...[liquidFraction_bulk]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _bulk solver
Loading user function library: [liquidFraction]...[liquidFraction]
AddEquationBasics: Time stepping method is: bdf
AddEquationBasics: Creating standard variable: liquidf
AddEquationBasics: Computing size of permutation vector
AddEquationBasics: Maximum size of permutation vector is: 7427
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver matrix topology
CreateMatrix: creating initial permutation
CreateMatrix: Creating inverse of initial order os size: 4211
CreateMatrix: Creating list matrix for equation
MakeListMatrix: Creating list matrix
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: liquid fraction...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 3282
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 83
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
CreateMatrix: Initializing list matrix for equation
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix of size: 4211
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix with nofs: 37015
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix finished
CreateMatrix: Matrix created
AddEquationBasics: Number of rows in CRS matrix: 4211
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver variable
VariableAdd: Adding variable > liquidf < of size 4211
AddSolvers: Setting up solver 3: navier-stokes
AddEquationBasics: Setting up keywords internally for legacy solver: navier-stokes
AddEquationBasics: Using procedure: FlowSolve FlowSolver
AddEquationBasics: Setting up solver: navier-stokes
Loading user function library: [FlowSolve]...[FlowSolver_Init]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _init solver
Loading user function library: [FlowSolve]...[FlowSolver_bulk]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _bulk solver
Loading user function library: [FlowSolve]...[FlowSolver]
AddEquationBasics: Time stepping method is: bdf
AddEquationBasics: Creating standard variable: flow solution[velocity:2 pressure:1]
AddEquationBasics: Computing size of permutation vector
AddEquationBasics: Maximum size of permutation vector is: 7427
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver matrix topology
CreateMatrix: creating initial permutation
CreateMatrix: Creating inverse of initial order os size: 4211
CreateMatrix: Creating list matrix for equation
MakeListMatrix: Creating list matrix
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: navier-stokes...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 3282
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 83
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
CreateMatrix: Initializing list matrix for equation
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix of size: 12633
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix with nofs: 333135
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix finished
CreateMatrix: Matrix created
AddEquationBasics: Number of rows in CRS matrix: 12633
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver variable
VariableAdd: Adding variable > flow solution[velocity:2 pressure:1] < of size 12633
VariableAdd: Adding variable > velocity 1 < of size 4211
VariableAdd: Adding variable > velocity 2 < of size 4211
VariableAdd: Adding variable > pressure < of size 4211
AddSolvers: Setting up solver 4: internalvtuoutputsolver
AddEquationBasics: Using procedure: ResultOutputSolve ResultOutputSolver
AddEquationBasics: Setting up solver: internalvtuoutputsolver
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver_Init]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _init solver
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver_bulk]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _bulk solver
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver]
AddEquationBasics: Time stepping method is: bdf
AddSolvers: Setting up solvers done
AddMeshCoordinatesAndTime: Setting mesh coordinates and time
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Coordinate 1 < of size 7427
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Coordinate 2 < of size 7427
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Coordinate 3 < of size 7427
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Time < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Periodic Time < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Timestep < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Timestep size < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Timestep interval < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > nonlin iter < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > coupled iter < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Partition < of size 1
SetInitialConditions: Setting up initial conditions (if any)
InitCond pre range:temperature 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
InitCond pre range:liquidf 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
InitCond pre range:velocity 1 9.9999999999999995E-007 9.9999999999999995E-007
InitCond pre range:velocity 2 9.9999999999999995E-007 9.9999999999999995E-007
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: temperature
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: liquidf
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: flow solution[velocity:2 pressure:1]
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: velocity 1
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: velocity 2
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: pressure
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: coordinate 1
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: coordinate 2
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: coordinate 3
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: time
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: periodic time
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: timestep
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: timestep size
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: timestep interval
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: nonlin iter
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: coupled iter
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: partition
ListInitElementKeyword: Treating keyword: temperature
ListInitElementKeyword: Initiated handle for: > temperature < of type: 4
ListInitElementKeyword: Treating keyword: liquidf
ListInitElementKeyword: Initiated handle for: > liquidf < of type: 4
ListInitElementKeyword: Treating keyword: velocity 1
ListInitElementKeyword: Initiated handle for: > velocity 1 < of type: 4
ListInitElementKeyword: Treating keyword: velocity 2
ListInitElementKeyword: Initiated handle for: > velocity 2 < of type: 4
InitCond post range:temperature 373.00000000000000 1873.0000000000000
InitCond post range:liquidf 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000
InitCond post range:velocity 1 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
InitCond post range:velocity 2 1.0000000000000000E-004 1.0000000000000000E-004
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN: Time: 1/3600 5.0000000000000000
MAIN: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: Solvers before timestep
SolveEquations: Solvers in main iteration loop
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: Coupled system iteration: 1
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SetActiveElementsTable: Creating active element table for: heat equation
SetActiveElementsTable: Number of active elements found : 7224
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: heat equation
HeatSolver: -------------------------------------------
HeatSolver: Solving the energy equation for temperature
DefaultStart: Starting solver: heat equation
HeatSolve: -------------------------------------
HeatSolve: -------------------------------------
HeatSolve: Starting Assembly...
InitializeToZero: Initializing the linear system to zero
HeatSolve: Assembly:
GetNOFActive: Number of active elements: 7224
HeatSolve: Assembly done
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: temperature
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for temperature: 0
EnforceDirichletConditions: No Dirichlet conditions to enforce, exiting!
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
DefaultSolve: Solving linear system with default routines
GenerateConstraintMatrix: Nothing to do for now
DefaultSolve: Calling SolveSystem for linear solution
SolveSystem: Solving linear system
SolveSystem: Previous solution must be stored before system is solved
SolveSystem: Changing the equation to residual based mode
SolveSystem: Solving linear system without constraint matrix
SolveLinearSystem: Assuming real valued linear system
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling diagonal entries to unity
ScaleLinearSystem: Computing > DiagScaling < vector
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling matrix values
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling Rhs vector
SolveSystem: Linear System Solver: iterative
SolveSystem: Linear System Preconditioning: ilu0
IterSolver: Using iterative method: idrs
IterSolver: Matrix is real valued
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), Starting Factorization:
CRS_IncompleteLU: Allocated LU matrix of size: 65623
CRS_IncompleteLU: Performing incomplete LU
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), NOF nonzeros: 65624
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), filling (%) : 100
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), Factorization ready at (s): 0.00
1 0.6941E-02
BackScaleLinearSystem: Scaling back to original scale
ComputeChange: Using relative pressure relaxation
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 1403.8213 2.0000000 ) :: heat equation
SolveSystem: System solved
SolveSystem: Finished solving the system
HeatSolve: iter: 1 Assembly: (s) 0.34 0.34
HeatSolve: iter: 1 Solve: (s) 0.01 0.01
HeatSolve: Result Norm : 1403.8212968924122
HeatSolve: Relative Change : 2.0000000000000000
DefaultFinish: Finished solver: heat equation
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 1403.8213 2.0000000 ) :: heat equation
SetActiveElementsTable: Creating active element table for: liquid fraction
SetActiveElementsTable: Number of active elements found : 4064
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: liquid fraction
GetNOFActive: Number of active elements: 4064
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.96655052 2.0000000 ) :: liquid fraction
SetActiveElementsTable: Creating active element table for: navier-stokes
SetActiveElementsTable: Number of active elements found : 4064
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: navier-stokes
FlowSolver: Solving the Navier-Stokes equations
DefaultStart: Starting solver: navier-stokes
FlowSole: Enforcing relative pressure relaxation
FlowSolve: -------------------------------------
FlowSolve: -------------------------------------
FlowSolve: Starting Assembly...
InitializeToZero: Initializing the linear system to zero
FlowSolve: Assembly:
GetNOFActive: Number of active elements: 4064
: .Assembly done
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for flow solution: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: p-element preparations: velocity 1
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: p-element preparations: velocity 2
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: velocity 1
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for velocity 1: 616
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: p-element condition setup: velocity 1
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: velocity 2
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for velocity 2: 616
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: p-element condition setup: velocity 2
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: pressure
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for pressure: 0
EnforceDirichletConditions: Applying Dirichlet conditions using scaled diagonal
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling diagonal entries to unity
ScaleLinearSystem: Computing > DiagScaling < vector
EnforceDirichletConditions: Dirichlet boundary conditions enforced
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
FlowSolve: Dirichlet conditions done
DefaultSolve: Solving linear system with default routines
GenerateConstraintMatrix: Nothing to do for now
DefaultSolve: Calling SolveSystem for linear solution
SolveSystem: Solving linear system
SolveSystem: Previous solution must be stored before system is solved
SolveSystem: Solving linear system without constraint matrix
SolveLinearSystem: Assuming real valued linear system
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling diagonal entries to unity
ScaleLinearSystem: Computing > DiagScaling < vector
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling matrix values
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling Rhs vector
SolveSystem: Linear System Solver: iterative
SolveSystem: Linear System Preconditioning: ilu0
IterSolver: Using iterative method: gcr
IterSolver: Matrix is real valued
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), Starting Factorization:
CRS_IncompleteLU: Allocated LU matrix of size: 333135
CRS_IncompleteLU: Performing incomplete LU
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), NOF nonzeros: 333136
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), filling (%) : 100
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), Factorization ready at (s): 0.03
gcr: 1 0.1046E+00 0.9945E+00
gcr: 2 0.6261E-01 0.8382E-01
gcr: 3 0.4457E-01 0.4396E-01
gcr: 4 0.3732E-01 0.2438E-01
gcr: 5 0.3335E-01 0.1674E-01
gcr: 6 0.3020E-01 0.1416E-01
gcr: 7 0.2806E-01 0.1115E-01
gcr: 8 0.2587E-01 0.1088E-01
gcr: 9 0.2458E-01 0.8058E-02
gcr: 10 0.2341E-01 0.7489E-02
gcr: 11 0.2216E-01 0.7549E-02
gcr: 12 0.2147E-01 0.5474E-02
gcr: 13 0.2066E-01 0.5866E-02
gcr: 14 0.1992E-01 0.5459E-02
gcr: 15 0.1941E-01 0.4492E-02
gcr: 16 0.1881E-01 0.4790E-02
gcr: 17 0.1821E-01 0.4720E-02
gcr: 18 0.1774E-01 0.4081E-02
gcr: 19 0.1717E-01 0.4477E-02
gcr: 20 0.1650E-01 0.4735E-02
gcr: 21 0.1585E-01 0.4600E-02
gcr: 22 0.1497E-01 0.5212E-02
gcr: 23 0.1424E-01 0.4601E-02
gcr: 24 0.1384E-01 0.3379E-02
gcr: 25 0.1334E-01 0.3690E-02
gcr: 26 0.1286E-01 0.3529E-02
gcr: 27 0.1247E-01 0.3166E-02
gcr: 28 0.1210E-01 0.2983E-02
gcr: 29 0.1183E-01 0.2557E-02
gcr: 30 0.1155E-01 0.2559E-02
gcr: 31 0.1126E-01 0.2559E-02
gcr: 32 0.1104E-01 0.2223E-02
gcr: 33 0.1086E-01 0.2003E-02
gcr: 34 0.1067E-01 0.2008E-02
gcr: 35 0.1054E-01 0.1679E-02
gcr: 36 0.1039E-01 0.1761E-02
gcr: 37 0.1025E-01 0.1702E-02
gcr: 38 0.1016E-01 0.1382E-02
gcr: 39 0.1006E-01 0.1391E-02
gcr: 40 0.9961E-02 0.1411E-02
gcr: 41 0.9895E-02 0.1138E-02
gcr: 42 0.9817E-02 0.1242E-02
gcr: 43 0.9728E-02 0.1317E-02
gcr: 44 0.9661E-02 0.1140E-02
gcr: 45 0.9573E-02 0.1307E-02
gcr: 46 0.9493E-02 0.1228E-02
gcr: 47 0.9431E-02 0.1084E-02
gcr: 48 0.9361E-02 0.1149E-02
gcr: 49 0.9296E-02 0.1104E-02
gcr: 50 0.9229E-02 0.1115E-02
gcr: 51 0.9159E-02 0.1134E-02
gcr: 52 0.9069E-02 0.1281E-02
gcr: 53 0.8909E-02 0.1694E-02
gcr: 54 0.8674E-02 0.2030E-02
gcr: 55 0.8207E-02 0.2809E-02
gcr: 56 0.7302E-02 0.3746E-02
gcr: 57 0.6365E-02 0.3579E-02
gcr: 58 0.5447E-02 0.3293E-02
gcr: 59 0.4731E-02 0.2700E-02
gcr: 60 0.4160E-02 0.2255E-02
gcr: 61 0.3618E-02 0.2053E-02
gcr: 62 0.3085E-02 0.1889E-02
gcr: 63 0.2543E-02 0.1748E-02
gcr: 64 0.2069E-02 0.1478E-02
gcr: 65 0.1682E-02 0.1204E-02
gcr: 66 0.1285E-02 0.1085E-02
gcr: 67 0.9216E-03 0.8960E-03
gcr: 68 0.6875E-03 0.6137E-03
gcr: 69 0.5337E-03 0.4335E-03
gcr: 70 0.3789E-03 0.3758E-03
gcr: 71 0.2600E-03 0.2756E-03
gcr: 72 0.1849E-03 0.1827E-03
gcr: 73 0.1430E-03 0.1172E-03
gcr: 74 0.1144E-03 0.8589E-04
gcr: 75 0.8629E-04 0.7508E-04
gcr: 76 0.6796E-04 0.5317E-04
gcr: 77 0.5393E-04 0.4135E-04
gcr: 78 0.3927E-04 0.3696E-04
gcr: 79 0.2795E-04 0.2759E-04
gcr: 80 0.2056E-04 0.1895E-04
gcr: 81 0.1437E-04 0.1470E-04
gcr: 82 0.1055E-04 0.9754E-05
gcr: 83 0.8119E-05 0.6737E-05
BackScaleLinearSystem: Scaling back to original scale
ComputeChange: Using relative pressure relaxation
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.10970774E-01 2.0000000 ) :: navier-stokes
SolveSystem: System solved
SolveSystem: Finished solving the system
FlowSolve: iter: 1 Assembly: (s) 1.39 1.39
FlowSolve: iter: 1 Solve: (s) 0.67 0.67
FlowSolve: Result Norm : 1.0970774462598684E-002
FlowSolve: Relative Change : 2.0000000000000000
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.10970774E-01 2.0000000 ) :: navier-stokes
ListPopNameSpace: No namespace entry to delete
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: Coupled system iteration: 2
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: heat equation
HeatSolver: -------------------------------------------
HeatSolver: Solving the energy equation for temperature
DefaultStart: Starting solver: heat equation
HeatSolve: -------------------------------------
HeatSolve: -------------------------------------
HeatSolve: Starting Assembly...
InitializeToZero: Initializing the linear system to zero
HeatSolve: Assembly:
GetNOFActive: Number of active elements: 7224
HeatSolve: Assembly done
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: temperature
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for temperature: 0
EnforceDirichletConditions: No Dirichlet conditions to enforce, exiting!
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
DefaultSolve: Solving linear system with default routines
GenerateConstraintMatrix: Nothing to do for now
DefaultSolve: Calling SolveSystem for linear solution
SolveSystem: Solving linear system
SolveSystem: Previous solution must be stored before system is solved
SolveSystem: Changing the equation to residual based mode
SolveSystem: Solving linear system without constraint matrix
SolveLinearSystem: Assuming real valued linear system
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling diagonal entries to unity
ScaleLinearSystem: Computing > DiagScaling < vector
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling matrix values
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling Rhs vector
SolveSystem: Linear System Solver: iterative
SolveSystem: Linear System Preconditioning: ilu0
IterSolver: Using iterative method: idrs
IterSolver: Matrix is real valued
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), Starting Factorization:
CRS_IncompleteLU: Performing incomplete LU
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), NOF nonzeros: 65624
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), filling (%) : 100
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(0) (Real), Factorization ready at (s): 0.00
IterSolve: Returned return code: 3
NUMERICAL ERROR:: IterSolve: System diverged over maximum tolerance.

Regrds, kumar
Site Admin
Posts: 4871
Joined: 22 Aug 2009, 11:57
Antispam: Yes
Location: Espoo, Finland

Re: ElmerSolver fails with warning "Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!"

Post by raback »

Hi kumar,

Could the heat equation possibly get nonphysical the 2nd iteration. For example, you have no Dirichlet BCs but non-zero heat flux coming into domain?

You could try to play with the preconditioner and linear solver but there is something fishy as you fail instantly at the 2nd round.

Posts: 54
Joined: 17 Jun 2015, 10:04
Antispam: Yes

Re: ElmerSolver fails with warning "Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!"

Post by kishpishar »

Hi Peter,

Actually all the heat fluxes are going out of the domain, so the heat equation is probably not getting non-physical. If the linear solver starts and developing divergence on the way, it is normal divergence, which I can understand. In this case, something is not right as you said, as the failure happens even before starting the iterations rounds of the linear solver.

I think what is happening is the following:

(1) At the beginning of the iteration cycle, ElmerSolver calls the particular iteration method from IterativeMethods.F90 - let us say SGS for convenience

(2) SUBROUTINE itermethod_sgs is called

(3) After assigning HUTI parameters (ndim, Rounds, MinTol ..), it calls SGS and gets into SUBROUTINE SGS

(4) There it checks Residual (rnorm/bnorm) before it even starts iterations (Do k=1,Rounds ..) through the statements:

CALL matvecsubr( x, r, ipar )

r(1:n) = b(1:n) - r(1:n)
bnorm = normfun(n, b, 1)
rnorm = normfun(n, r, 1)

Residual = rnorm / bnorm
Converged = (Residual < MinTolerance)
Diverged = (Residual > MaxTolerance) .OR. (Residual /= Residual)

(5) At this stage, either bnorm is zero or NaN or something like that, detects Divergence and stops with HUTI_INFo 3.

Now it'll be interesting to see bnorm/rnorm at the second iteration and see if my hypothesis makes sense and why it happens.

Regds, Kumar
Site Admin
Posts: 4871
Joined: 22 Aug 2009, 11:57
Antispam: Yes
Location: Espoo, Finland

Re: ElmerSolver fails with warning "Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!"

Post by raback »

Hi Kumar,

Good theory. Except that I think that before going to solver Ax=b the routines check for case |b|<eps since in that case x will have the trivial solution zero.

What if you try with direct solver?

Posts: 54
Joined: 17 Jun 2015, 10:04
Antispam: Yes

Re: ElmerSolver fails with warning "Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!"

Post by kishpishar »

Hi Peter,

With direct solver, I am getting NaN error at the same point where the IterSolve was found to diverge. Here is the output:

ELMER SOLVER (v 8.3) STARTED AT: 2018/08/06 15:30:24
ParCommInit: Initialize #PEs: 1
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: ElmerSolver finite element software, Welcome!
MAIN: This program is free software licensed under (L)GPL
MAIN: Copyright 1st April 1995 - , CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
MAIN: Webpage http://www.csc.fi/elmer, Email elmeradm@csc.fi
MAIN: Version: 8.3 (Rev: unknown, Compiled: 2018-07-28)
MAIN: Running one task without MPI parallelization.
MAIN: Running with just one thread per task.
MAIN: HYPRE library linked in.
MAIN: =============================================================
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN: Reading Model: case.sif
LoadInputFile: Scanning input file: case.sif
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
LoadInputFile: Loading input file: case.sif
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
WARNING:: SectionContents: Monotone curves only applicable to cubic splines!
Loading user function library: [viscDamp]...[viscDamp]
Model Input: Unlisted keyword: [liquidf] in section: [initial condition 1]
Loading user function library: [HeatSolve]...[HeatSolver_Init0]
Loading user function library: [liquidFraction]...[liquidFraction_Init0]
Loading user function library: [FlowSolve]...[FlowSolver_Init0]
LoadMesh: Starting
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 1
LoadMesh: Base mesh name: ./.
LoadMesh: Reading header info from file: ././mesh.header
LoadMesh: Number of nodes in mesh: 7427
LoadMesh: Number of bulk elements in mesh: 7224
LoadMesh: Number of boundary elements in mesh: 610
LoadMesh: Initial number of max element nodes: 4
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 2
LoadMesh: Reading nodes from file: ././mesh.nodes
LoadMesh: Performing coordinate mapping
LoadMesh: Dimension of model is: 2
LoadMesh: Dimension of mesh is: 2
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 3
LoadMesh: Reading bulk elements from file: ././mesh.elements
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 4
LoadMesh: Reading boundary elements from file: ././mesh.boundary
LoadMesh: Performing node mapping
LoadMesh: Remapping bodies
LoadMesh: Minimum initial body index: 1
LoadMesh: Maximum initial body index: 4
LoadMesh: Remapping boundaries
LoadMesh: Minimum initial boundary index: 1
LoadMesh: Maximum initial boundary index: 12
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 5
ElmerAsciiMesh: Performing step: 6
LoadMesh: Loading mesh done
LoadMesh: Elapsed REAL time: 0.0341 (s)
MeshStabParams: Computing stabilization parameters
MeshStabParams: Elapsed REAL time: 0.0077 (s)
CompleteModelKeywords: Completing keywords for mortar BCs
MAIN: -------------------------------------
AddVtuOutputSolverHack: Adding ResultOutputSolver to write VTU output in file: case
AddVtuOutputSolverHanck: Increasing number of solver to: 4
AddVtuOutputSolverHack: Finished appeding VTU output solver
AddSolvers: Setting up 4 solvers
AddSolvers: Setting up solver 1: heat equation
AddEquationBasics: Setting up keywords internally for legacy solver: heat equation
AddEquationBasics: Using procedure: HeatSolve HeatSolver
AddEquationBasics: Setting up solver: heat equation
Loading user function library: [HeatSolve]...[HeatSolver_Init]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _init solver
Loading user function library: [HeatSolve]...[HeatSolver_bulk]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _bulk solver
Loading user function library: [HeatSolve]...[HeatSolver]
AddEquationBasics: Time stepping method is: bdf
AddEquationBasics: Creating standard variable: temperature
AddEquationBasics: Computing size of permutation vector
AddEquationBasics: Maximum size of permutation vector is: 7427
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver matrix topology
CreateMatrix: creating initial permutation
CreateMatrix: Creating inverse of initial order os size: 7427
CreateMatrix: Creating list matrix for equation
MakeListMatrix: Creating list matrix
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: heat equation...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 7404
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 132
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
CreateMatrix: Initializing list matrix for equation
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix of size: 7427
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix with nofs: 65623
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix finished
CreateMatrix: Matrix created
AddEquationBasics: Number of rows in CRS matrix: 7427
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver variable
VariableAdd: Adding variable > temperature < of size 7427
AddSolvers: Setting up solver 2: liquid fraction
AddEquationBasics: Using procedure: liquidFraction liquidFraction
AddEquationBasics: Setting up solver: liquid fraction
Loading user function library: [liquidFraction]...[liquidFraction_Init]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _init solver
Loading user function library: [liquidFraction]...[liquidFraction_bulk]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _bulk solver
Loading user function library: [liquidFraction]...[liquidFraction]
AddEquationBasics: Time stepping method is: bdf
AddEquationBasics: Creating standard variable: liquidf
AddEquationBasics: Computing size of permutation vector
AddEquationBasics: Maximum size of permutation vector is: 7427
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver matrix topology
CreateMatrix: creating initial permutation
CreateMatrix: Creating inverse of initial order os size: 4211
CreateMatrix: Creating list matrix for equation
MakeListMatrix: Creating list matrix
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: liquid fraction...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 3282
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 83
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
CreateMatrix: Initializing list matrix for equation
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix of size: 4211
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix with nofs: 37015
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix finished
CreateMatrix: Matrix created
AddEquationBasics: Number of rows in CRS matrix: 4211
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver variable
VariableAdd: Adding variable > liquidf < of size 4211
AddSolvers: Setting up solver 3: navier-stokes
AddEquationBasics: Setting up keywords internally for legacy solver: navier-stokes
AddEquationBasics: Using procedure: FlowSolve FlowSolver
AddEquationBasics: Setting up solver: navier-stokes
Loading user function library: [FlowSolve]...[FlowSolver_Init]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _init solver
Loading user function library: [FlowSolve]...[FlowSolver_bulk]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _bulk solver
Loading user function library: [FlowSolve]...[FlowSolver]
AddEquationBasics: Time stepping method is: bdf
AddEquationBasics: Creating standard variable: flow solution[velocity:2 pressure:1]
AddEquationBasics: Computing size of permutation vector
AddEquationBasics: Maximum size of permutation vector is: 7427
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver matrix topology
CreateMatrix: creating initial permutation
CreateMatrix: Creating inverse of initial order os size: 4211
CreateMatrix: Creating list matrix for equation
MakeListMatrix: Creating list matrix
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: navier-stokes...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 3282
OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done.
OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 83
OptimizeBandwidth: ---------------------------------------------------------
CreateMatrix: Initializing list matrix for equation
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix of size: 12633
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix with nofs: 333135
CRS_CreateMatrix: Creating CRS Matrix finished
CreateMatrix: Matrix created
AddEquationBasics: Number of rows in CRS matrix: 12633
AddEquationBasics: Creating solver variable
VariableAdd: Adding variable > flow solution[velocity:2 pressure:1] < of size 12633
VariableAdd: Adding variable > velocity 1 < of size 4211
VariableAdd: Adding variable > velocity 2 < of size 4211
VariableAdd: Adding variable > pressure < of size 4211
AddSolvers: Setting up solver 4: internalvtuoutputsolver
AddEquationBasics: Using procedure: ResultOutputSolve ResultOutputSolver
AddEquationBasics: Setting up solver: internalvtuoutputsolver
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver_Init]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _init solver
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver_bulk]
AddEquationBasics: Checking for _bulk solver
Loading user function library: [ResultOutputSolve]...[ResultOutputSolver]
AddEquationBasics: Time stepping method is: bdf
AddSolvers: Setting up solvers done
AddMeshCoordinatesAndTime: Setting mesh coordinates and time
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Coordinate 1 < of size 7427
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Coordinate 2 < of size 7427
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Coordinate 3 < of size 7427
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Time < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Periodic Time < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Timestep < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Timestep size < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Timestep interval < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > nonlin iter < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > coupled iter < of size 1
VariableAdd: Adding variable > Partition < of size 1
SetInitialConditions: Setting up initial conditions (if any)
InitCond pre range:temperature 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
InitCond pre range:liquidf 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
InitCond pre range:velocity 1 9.9999999999999995E-007 9.9999999999999995E-007
InitCond pre range:velocity 2 9.9999999999999995E-007 9.9999999999999995E-007
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: temperature
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: liquidf
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: flow solution[velocity:2 pressure:1]
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: velocity 1
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: velocity 2
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: pressure
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: coordinate 1
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: coordinate 2
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: coordinate 3
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: time
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: periodic time
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: timestep
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: timestep size
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: timestep interval
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: nonlin iter
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: coupled iter
InitCond: Trying to initialize variable: partition
ListInitElementKeyword: Treating keyword: temperature
ListInitElementKeyword: Initiated handle for: > temperature < of type: 4
ListInitElementKeyword: Treating keyword: liquidf
ListInitElementKeyword: Initiated handle for: > liquidf < of type: 4
ListInitElementKeyword: Treating keyword: velocity 1
ListInitElementKeyword: Initiated handle for: > velocity 1 < of type: 4
ListInitElementKeyword: Treating keyword: velocity 2
ListInitElementKeyword: Initiated handle for: > velocity 2 < of type: 4
InitCond post range:temperature 373.00000000000000 1873.0000000000000
InitCond post range:liquidf 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000
InitCond post range:velocity 1 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
InitCond post range:velocity 2 1.0000000000000000E-004 1.0000000000000000E-004
MAIN: -------------------------------------
MAIN: Time: 1/3600 5.0000000000000000
MAIN: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: Solvers before timestep
SolveEquations: Solvers in main iteration loop
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: Coupled system iteration: 1
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SetActiveElementsTable: Creating active element table for: heat equation
SetActiveElementsTable: Number of active elements found : 7224
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: heat equation
HeatSolver: -------------------------------------------
HeatSolver: Solving the energy equation for temperature
DefaultStart: Starting solver: heat equation
HeatSolve: -------------------------------------
HeatSolve: -------------------------------------
HeatSolve: Starting Assembly...
InitializeToZero: Initializing the linear system to zero
HeatSolve: Assembly:
GetNOFActive: Number of active elements: 7224
HeatSolve: Assembly done
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: temperature
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for temperature: 0
EnforceDirichletConditions: No Dirichlet conditions to enforce, exiting!
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
DefaultSolve: Solving linear system with default routines
GenerateConstraintMatrix: Nothing to do for now
DefaultSolve: Calling SolveSystem for linear solution
SolveSystem: Solving linear system
SolveSystem: Previous solution must be stored before system is solved
SolveSystem: Changing the equation to residual based mode
SolveSystem: Solving linear system without constraint matrix
SolveLinearSystem: Assuming real valued linear system
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling diagonal entries to unity
ScaleLinearSystem: Computing > DiagScaling < vector
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling matrix values
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling Rhs vector
SolveSystem: Linear System Solver: direct
DirectSolver: Using direct method: umfpack
BackScaleLinearSystem: Scaling back to original scale
ComputeChange: Using relative pressure relaxation
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 1403.8053 2.0000000 ) :: heat equation
SolveSystem: System solved
SolveSystem: Finished solving the system
HeatSolve: iter: 1 Assembly: (s) 0.34 0.34
HeatSolve: iter: 1 Solve: (s) 0.18 0.18
HeatSolve: Result Norm : 1403.8052769872058
HeatSolve: Relative Change : 2.0000000000000000
DefaultFinish: Finished solver: heat equation
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 1403.8053 2.0000000 ) :: heat equation
SetActiveElementsTable: Creating active element table for: liquid fraction
SetActiveElementsTable: Number of active elements found : 4064
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: liquid fraction
GetNOFActive: Number of active elements: 4064
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.96655052 2.0000000 ) :: liquid fraction
SetActiveElementsTable: Creating active element table for: navier-stokes
SetActiveElementsTable: Number of active elements found : 4064
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: navier-stokes
FlowSolver: Solving the Navier-Stokes equations
DefaultStart: Starting solver: navier-stokes
FlowSole: Enforcing relative pressure relaxation
FlowSolve: -------------------------------------
FlowSolve: -------------------------------------
FlowSolve: Starting Assembly...
InitializeToZero: Initializing the linear system to zero
FlowSolve: Assembly:
GetNOFActive: Number of active elements: 4064
: .Assembly done
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for flow solution: 0
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: p-element preparations: velocity 1
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: p-element preparations: velocity 2
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: velocity 1
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for velocity 1: 616
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: p-element condition setup: velocity 1
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: velocity 2
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for velocity 2: 616
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: p-element condition setup: velocity 2
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: pressure
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for pressure: 0
EnforceDirichletConditions: Applying Dirichlet conditions using scaled diagonal
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling diagonal entries to unity
ScaleLinearSystem: Computing > DiagScaling < vector
EnforceDirichletConditions: Dirichlet boundary conditions enforced
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
FlowSolve: Dirichlet conditions done
DefaultSolve: Solving linear system with default routines
GenerateConstraintMatrix: Nothing to do for now
DefaultSolve: Calling SolveSystem for linear solution
SolveSystem: Solving linear system
SolveSystem: Previous solution must be stored before system is solved
SolveSystem: Solving linear system without constraint matrix
SolveLinearSystem: Assuming real valued linear system
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling diagonal entries to unity
ScaleLinearSystem: Computing > DiagScaling < vector
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling matrix values
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling Rhs vector
SolveSystem: Linear System Solver: direct
DirectSolver: Using direct method: umfpack
BackScaleLinearSystem: Scaling back to original scale
ComputeChange: Using relative pressure relaxation
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: NS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.11129611E-01 2.0000000 ) :: navier-stokes
SolveSystem: System solved
SolveSystem: Finished solving the system
FlowSolve: iter: 1 Assembly: (s) 1.36 1.36
FlowSolve: iter: 1 Solve: (s) 0.89 0.89
FlowSolve: Result Norm : 1.1129611409558912E-002
FlowSolve: Relative Change : 2.0000000000000000
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
ComputeChange: SS (ITER=1) (NRM,RELC): ( 0.11129611E-01 2.0000000 ) :: navier-stokes
ListPopNameSpace: No namespace entry to delete
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SolveEquations: Coupled system iteration: 2
SolveEquations: -------------------------------------
SingleSolver: Attempting to call solver
SingleSolver: Solver Equation string is: heat equation
HeatSolver: -------------------------------------------
HeatSolver: Solving the energy equation for temperature
DefaultStart: Starting solver: heat equation
HeatSolve: -------------------------------------
HeatSolve: -------------------------------------
HeatSolve: Starting Assembly...
InitializeToZero: Initializing the linear system to zero
HeatSolve: Assembly:
GetNOFActive: Number of active elements: 7224
HeatSolve: Assembly done
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions
SetNodalLoads: Checking for nodal loads for variable: temperature
SetNodalLoads: Finished checking for nodal loads
SetDirichletBoundaries: Number of dofs set for temperature: 0
EnforceDirichletConditions: No Dirichlet conditions to enforce, exiting!
DefUtils::DefaultDirichletBCs: Dirichlet boundary conditions set
DefaultSolve: Solving linear system with default routines
GenerateConstraintMatrix: Nothing to do for now
DefaultSolve: Calling SolveSystem for linear solution
SolveSystem: Solving linear system
SolveSystem: Previous solution must be stored before system is solved
SolveSystem: Changing the equation to residual based mode
SolveSystem: Solving linear system without constraint matrix
SolveLinearSystem: Assuming real valued linear system
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling diagonal entries to unity
ScaleLinearSystem: Computing > DiagScaling < vector
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling matrix values
ScaleLinearSystem: Scaling Rhs vector
SolveSystem: Linear System Solver: direct
DirectSolver: Using direct method: umfpack
BackScaleLinearSystem: Scaling back to original scale
ComputeChange: Using relative pressure relaxation
ComputeNorm: Computing norm of solution
NUMERICAL ERROR:: ComputeChange: Norm of solution appears to be NaN
Post Reply