2nd order prism elements from Gmsh

Numerical methods and mathematical models of Elmer
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mark smith
Posts: 215
Joined: 26 Aug 2009, 18:20
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2nd order prism elements from Gmsh

Post by mark smith »

Hi Elmer team,
Elmergrid at present isn't coded so as to be able to import a mesh from Gmsh with second order prisms (Gmsh type 13, 18-node second order prism (6 nodes associated with the vertices, 9 with the edges and 3 with the quadrangular faces))? and presumably Elmersolver & Elmersolver_mpi are likewise deficient.
Elmer only seems to accept linear 6 node wedges (706) and quadratic 15 node wedges (715) is there any chance of modifying the code to accept an 18 node variety as produced by Gmsh please?
The node ordering in Gmsh can be found in section 9.2 of the Gmsh manual. The Elmer manual doesn't show the node numbering of wedges (prisms).
Best regards and thanks in advance.
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Re: 2nd order prism elements from Gmsh

Post by raback »


Element 718 is not currently implemented as can be seen in:

https://github.com/ElmerCSC/elmerfem/bl ... ements.def

There you only find element 715. Adding the mid-node quadratic prism would therefore include more work than just enhancing ElmerGrid.

mark smith
Posts: 215
Joined: 26 Aug 2009, 18:20
Location: Peterborough, England

Re: 2nd order prism elements from Gmsh

Post by mark smith »

Hi Peter,
Thanks for the quick reply, I went onto the Gmsh -- Public mailing list for Gmsh users and got the answer of how to suppress the unwanted nodes so as to only get the 15 node element,this is done by setting in Gmsh's Current options and Workspace with the following:

Mesh.SecondOrderIncomplete = 1;

This should also solve the problem in the gmsh discussion here at viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4577&p=16858&hilit= ... nts#p16850

Best Regards
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