Material Library

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Material Library

Post by GastónGarcía »

Hi, I want to know if there's a way of creating a new material and save it in the library
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Re: Material Library

Post by raback »

Yes, just edit

Code: Select all

following similar syntax. You can even edit the menu structures of ElmerGUI. See ... Manual.pdf, Appendix C.

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Re: Material Library

Post by GastónGarcía »

Thank you Peter.
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Re: Material Library

Post by daiweifeng »

Maybe we can build a general database which uploaded and edited by users.
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Re: Material Library

Post by raback »

Yes, if somebody makes additions we'll be happy to include them in ... l?view=log
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Re: Material Library

Post by hazelsct »

You can also create your own separate XML material properties file and import it into the simulation using Model -> Material -> Add -> Material Library -> Append
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Re: Material Library

Post by petroo »

Hello Peter,
raback wrote:Yes, if somebody makes additions we'll be happy to include them in ... l?view=log
A major showstopper in this respect is the lack of (defineable) units for the material data. For us it was a constant source of nuisance and errors when digging out and implementing new materials and entering respective data sets for our custom (construction materials) library in the past. Accordingly, even a rudimentary unit support would certainly help, especially so if a quite diverse group of contributors should become involved in the collection.

Even if you Elmer developers would not implement a full-fledged unit recalculation engine (which would certainly need a major effort) it would certainly help if a unit entry accompanying the numerical values in any data base would be mandatory and be at least checked before using the numerical value in a calculation. Each data contributor would at once see what unit is required, by simply taking a glance at the neighboring entries. And if someone would nevertheless enter some unusual/non-canonical unit Elmer could raise an error or a warning before entering nonsensical calculations by combining such data with canonical ones.


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Re: Material Library

Post by dmitry »

Hi everyone!
I think what if to create the spesial topic or even forum for publishing of materials that created by users?
IMHO it's not comfortable to use egmaterials file if it contain a lot of different materials, while if these materials will be posed in topic it is very simple to find what that you need.
For exemple:
Subject: NaCl - salt

Code: Select all

  <material name="NaCl" >
   <parameter name="Density" >Variable Temperature; Real; 50 2160; 100 2148,494731; 150 2136,13735; 200 2122,943293; 250 2108,92897; 300 2094,111737; 350 2078,509856; 400 2062,14246 450 2045,029514;500 2027,191772; 550 2008,650737; 600 1989,42862; 650 1969,548289; 700 1949,033233; 750 1927,907507; 800 1906,195692; End</parameter> 
    <parameter name="Heat expansion coeff." >5.4e-7</parameter>
    <parameter name="Heat conductivity" >Variable Temperature; Real; 50 6,5; 150 3,8; 500 0,5; 800 0,5; End</parameter>
    <parameter name="Heat capacity" >Variable Temperature; Real; 50 879,9187661; 150 909,3665545; 250 935,2528791; 350 962,8149638; 450 994,6171491; 550 1032,365206; 650 1077,430858; 700 1103,093381; 750 1131,037222; 800 1161,404337; End</parameter>
    <parameter name="Sound speed" >5900.0</parameter>
    <parameter name="Relative Permittivity" >3.75</parameter>
    <parameter name="Melting Point" >800.0</parameter>
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