Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

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Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by Bdefleur »


I am working on a 2D plan problem which is delt by Elmer as the boundary condition of a larger 3D computation. I would be glad to get only this boundary when post processing my data with paraview.
So, do you know if it is possible to extract only one boundary from the general geometry in paraview.
I was thinking of slicing my body with respect to the boundary condition index (as done with the grouping in ElmerPost) but these indexes does not seem to be acessible in paraview.

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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by mzenker »


did you try the slice filter? There is also a filter called "extract surface" which I have never used.
You may get a better answer if you post your question on the ParaView mailing list http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview.


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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by Bdefleur »

Slice filter will only work on a flat surface which is not the usual for my geometries. The "extract surface" work well when coupled to a "clip" filter to get rid of top and side surfaces but it is still not perfect, I will see if paraview users have more ideas.

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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by cemg »


perhaps you can filter the surface by its material id, defining a "threshold" filter over the cell data (material ids) in the "selection inspector".


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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by raback »

Hi Cesar

There is, if I remember correctly, something like "Mask Variable". If this is living just on the BCs (the permutation vector is only there nonzero) then you can just save the boundaries when using VTU format.

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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by Bdefleur »

Hi Peter

I see the point of your answer but I don't see how to access to the permutation vector in paraview.

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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by raback »

Hi Basile

This is something to be added as a keyword in the Solver section of the ResultOutputSolver. Then only the boundaries where the variable is active will be saved. The permutation vector is not saved and cannot be accessed in Paraview.

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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by Bdefleur »


I was fearing this answer. In fact I also want to be abble to see the body of my material so your solution does not seem to fit (Or could I run two ResultOutput solver, one for the boundary and one for the all geometry).
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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by raback »


Do you suggestions how the VTU file could be augmented to allow the recognization of BCs?

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Re: Extracting Boundaries in Paraview

Post by Bdefleur »


My first thought were to pick directly the nodeindexes of BC I am interested in in the mesh.boundary file and to create a selection in paraview. But I don't know anything in Python to write the needed macro. So If the BC indexes could be saved in the vtu file this would be perfect.

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