Viewfactor computation in axi symmetric modell

Numerical methods and mathematical models of Elmer
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Viewfactor computation in axi symmetric modell

Post by carstenp »

Hi everyone,

I have a small problem computing viewfactors in an axi symmetric modell. When I use 2D cartesian coordinates everything works as expected. When I change the coordinate system to axi symmetric, all the view factors a zero.

Is there a reason for this behavior?


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Re: Viewfactor computation in axi symmetric modell

Post by raback »


When you choose axisymmetric coordinates then (x,y) is assumed to be (r,z). The symmetry axis is at x=0 and you should not have negative values in the system. Other than that they should work quite the same way.

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Re: Viewfactor computation in axi symmetric modell

Post by carstenp »

Hi Peter,

thanks for the quick reply.

I found the problem. There was a boundary edge at x = 0 which was set as diffuse radiation boundary. Removing the edge solved the problem.

Just for clarification, the symmetry axis is always assumed to be at x = 0? So If I have a rectangle with x = [xMin,xMax] x > 0, the axi symmetric model be a cylinder shell with rMin = xMin and rMax = xMax?

Is there a way to manually specify the rotation axis?

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