Dynamic solver solution techniques?

Numerical methods and mathematical models of Elmer
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Dynamic solver solution techniques?

Post by Fem_Guy »

Dear All,

I wish to know what is the normal procedure or technique in FEM world for solving dynamic problems which is K-lamda*M=F , as you might guess those are stiffness, mass and external force matrices , repectively, non of the matrices are time dependant. So how those Linear equation is solved in scientific world and which method uses the Elmer?

Your comments will be appreciated,

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Re: Dynamic solver solution techniques?

Post by carstenp »


The basic FEM approach is:

1. Discretise the domain of interest with a number of simple geometric elements (tetraeder, bricks, prisms)
2. Approximate the field quantities (pressure, temperature, velocity ...) with a set of basis functions with compact support
3. Find some form of weak formulation by applying a set of test function => Basically your set of differential equations is only fulfilled on average and not pointwise
4. Assemble your discrete operators
5.1. If your system is linear, use a standard algorithm to solve it (see Elmer Solver manual for details).
5.2. If your system is nonlinear a fix point interation is performed => linearise the system, compute a new solution, linearise at the new solution, ...

I am not sure if this answers your question.

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Re: Dynamic solver solution techniques?

Post by Fem_Guy »

Thanks casrtenp,

The thing you depicted is basically summarization of the FEM procedure we follow on for generic problem solving. Actually each item you specified is worth a tomes of books in itself. But I mainly concentrate on method we do for the solution of eigenproblems. To be more specific if I've K*X + C*X'+ M*X'' = F equation in hand how to transform it into eigen value problem and how to find the solution of it ?

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