Integrating Elmer into FreeCAD FEM workbench

General discussion about Elmer
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Re: Integrating Elmer into FreeCAD FEM workbench

Post by Wil »

tmd63 wrote:I had a look at Salome. I am on a windows 7 system. I noticed there are only linux/unix installs listed. So maybe it is not so easy to get Salome to work for me.
I personally work on linux but i know from colleagues that there is also a windows version of Salome.
Please see under "Packages for Windows" on ... nt-version.
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Re: Integrating Elmer into FreeCAD FEM workbench

Post by m42kus »


I am currently working on integrating Elmer into FreeCAD as part of my GSoC (Google Summer of Code) project. For more info see my project proposal: ... sp=sharing

I already almost finished phase 1 of the project. If you are interrested please follow my progress on the FreeCAD forum in my activity log: ... 88#p174988. There will be something to play around with later this week. Comments and ideas are always welcome :D
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Re: Integrating Elmer into FreeCAD FEM workbench

Post by annier »

Hi m42kus,
- Great effort.
- I will comment/appreciate more on your works once I review it completely.

Yours Sincerely,
Anil Kunwar
Anil Kunwar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
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Re: Integrating Elmer into FreeCAD FEM workbench

Post by Wil »

Markus did post an interesting and encouraging update about the progress on his GSoC -work in the freecad forum.
Please see : ... 04#p183694
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Re: Integrating Elmer into FreeCAD FEM workbench

Post by annier »

Hi Wil,
The works of Markus regarding the GSoC -work in the freecad forum are noteworthy from the perspective of GUI interfacing of Elmer Run with FreeCad.
Yours Sincerely,
Anil Kunwar
Anil Kunwar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
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Re: Integrating Elmer into FreeCAD FEM workbench

Post by Wil »

Let me post here some preliminary results produced with the work of Markus, since the GSoC is almost over. See also and
By using Elmer it is now also possible to simulate fluid flow combined with heat in FreeCAD.
The model, including the geometry, the mesh and the constraint-set-up is completely done in FreeCAD.
It is the 3D equivalent of the non-gui Tutorial 4 "Compressible flow passing a step" in the "FlowStepCompressible" directory.
BR Wil
Screenshot from 2017-08-29 06-25-12.png
2D sketch which is than padded
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Screenshot from 2017-08-29 06-25-22.png
Mesh done with gmsh from within FreeCAD
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Screenshot from 2017-08-29 06-25-37.png
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