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k-w SST and v2-f turbulence models

Posted: 20 Jun 2012, 15:21
by cemg

I've searched the sources of the SST k-w and the v2-f solvers (elmerfem rev. 5676) and I have a couple of questions about it's implementation:

1: It seems that no limiter for the kinetic energy production term (to avoid an excessive production in stagnation points) has been implemented in any of this models, am I right?

2: In the boundary conditions implementation (viscous/wall law) it seems that the density value used is the one inserted in the material section of the sif file, instead of the value obtained through the compressibility model, so the actual density must be given in the sif file (using MATC,UDF, ...), as well as the compressibility model. Is that right?

I've found also a tiny bug in the SSTKomega source, in the CD coefficient computation (line 494). The code is:

Code: Select all

CD = MAX(2*rho/1.168_dp ... 
and it should be:

Code: Select all

CD = MAX(2*rho*1.168_dp ... 
