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Mesh fineness

Posted: 23 Jun 2012, 02:33
by teepeeaye

I am trying to do a calculation on a geometry (.brep) which I open using ElmerGUI. I would like to increase the density of elements (refine) the mesh calculated by Elmer with the "default" settings. How can I do that? I have tried manipulating "Max H", "Fineness" and String "-relh 1.0" without any of these having an effect on the element fineness.

Thanks for reading and for helping.

Re: Mesh fineness

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 09:31
by mzenker

you might find some information in the Elmergrid manual.
Besides that, using a different mesher (gmsh, netgen, GiD, ...) might be a better solution.



Re: Mesh fineness

Posted: 28 Jun 2012, 23:25
by teepeeaye
Hi and thank you for the answer. I will try alternate meshers.