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FUNCTION MeshExtrude

Posted: 18 Nov 2013, 16:29
by fgillet

There is a bug in the numbering of the base line parent elements in the function MeshExtrude for the cases where the BaseLine is preserved.

For the Mesh_out elements corresponding to the 2D baseLine, the Mesh_out parent index is "Mesh_in % NumberOfBulkElements*(in_levels+1)+(in_levels+2)*Mesh_in % NumberOfBoundaryElements+l" , i.e. the elements created for the bottom boundary.

Lines 2690 and 2695 of MeshUtils.src (Rev. 6430) should be:

Mesh_out % Elements(cnt) % BoundaryInfo % Left => &
Mesh_out % Elements(Mesh_in % NumberOfBulkElements*(in_levels+1)+(in_levels+2)*Mesh_in % NumberOfBoundaryElements+l)
Mesh_out % Elements(cnt) % BoundaryInfo % Right => &
Mesh_out % Elements(Mesh_in % NumberOfBulkElements*(in_levels+1)+(in_levels+2)*Mesh_in % NumberOfBoundaryElements+l)

best regards
