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GlobalToLocal: did not converge

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 13:52
by joeatodd
Hi all,

A quick search of the forums reveals that the warning "GlobalToLocal: did not converge" has come up in a few instances.

I'm experiencing this error myself, and I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand the root cause of this? The backtrace for this error is roughly:

My Own Code

I noticed that in all instances where I receive this warning, the point is not in the element (abs(u or v or w) > 1.0).

The warning I receive is:

Code: Select all

WARNING:: GlobalToLocal: did not converge.
 rst          51  -2.5689015630632639E-002   7.1338795591145754E-002 -0.60078690760805387
 err  0.36669405763371443        2.2204460492503131E-016   1.4901161193847656E-008
 delta   2.6649089284891247E-002  -4.3319147425055502E-003   1.2560196532857872        1.6481456324882206\
E-002  -2.6791258365703704E-003  0.77680076903984019
 uvw   1.0812661110880613        1.0200576408340911        2.2701010359650704
 code         706
 x:  -207744.56931900000       -207644.31831929882       -207658.49789453449       -207727.78591142685   \
    -207643.62721310995       -207658.67278682409       -207726.73783741484
 y:  -2136583.5125600002       -2136474.0012339037       -2136568.0677596745       -2136487.4075773261   \
    -2136472.5842686645       -2136564.1595771746       -2136486.4508564649
 z:   74.919913086365781        74.282236495785170        68.006541063631758        76.971222757279506   \
     109.46510727955601        80.307106620287556        104.32772037336500
I had a suspicion it was related to degenerate elements, so I attempted to test for this by cycling all elements in my mesh and checking the return of ElementInfo() (as I understand it, this should return .FALSE. for a degenerate element). However, this didn't return any false values and so I'm a little stuck.



Re: GlobalToLocal: did not converge

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 23:54
by raback
Hi Joe

Well, the code tries to iteratively find the local coordinates of a point in element. One way how this could fail is that you try to find point in 3D in a 2D element and this fails if you're not exactly in the same plane. Also the element could be be degenerated i.e. any two nodes would be at same position.


Re: GlobalToLocal: did not converge

Posted: 08 Apr 2015, 12:23
by joeatodd
Hey Peter,

Thanks for the info. In my case, it's failing in 3D elements, and as far as I can tell, they don't appear to be degenerate.

I don't know enough about the transformation between global and local coordinate systems, but is it possible that a given element could be sufficiently distorted from its master element that some nearby points may not be defineable in a local coordinate system?

For example, if one were using a cube for a master element, would a point sufficiently far above an element of this shape: ... -prism.png

be undefined (i.e. beyond the height at which the two lateral planes intersect)?



Re: GlobalToLocal: did not converge

Posted: 08 Apr 2015, 23:22
by raback
Hi Joe,

Yes, I could see that the element would be so distorted that the problem would be difficult to solve. Do you know if the point is really inside the element or not?


Re: GlobalToLocal: did not converge

Posted: 09 Apr 2015, 11:41
by joeatodd
Hey Peter,

In all the cases where this error occurs, it seems like the point is not within the element, so I suppose within the context of interpolation, it's probably not an important error.



Re: GlobalToLocal: did not converge

Posted: 09 Apr 2015, 13:12
by raback
Hi Joe,

Perhaps the rough detection rules could be made to detect these cases so that Global2Local would not need to be called. In fact I would think this is usually done. For example, if (node x) < any(element x), then there can be no hit.
