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Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 14:43
by hamed
Dear Elmer group
I’m working on a very simple axisymmetric model of tube with Navier-Stokes Solver.
I apply pressure=5000 pa in the inlet and pressure=0 pa in the outlet.
While the case seems really simple, it does not converge. Can you please help me solve this problem?
Thanks, Hamed

Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 15:24
by mzenker
Hi Hamed,

I cannot help personally since I have never used the NS solver. But I think you should post your case here (mesh and sif files) in order to enable others with NS knowledge to have a look at it.


Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 15:58
by hamed
Hi Matthias
Here is the test case.
Thanks for your help, Hamed

Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 15:06
by dmitry
Hi Hamed!
Thetr was no second velosity component given for inlet.
See code below

Code: Select all

Mesh DB "." "TubeMesh"




Coordinate System = Axi Symmetric
Simulation Type = Steady State
Steady State Max Iterations = 50
Steady State Min Iterations = 2
Output Intervals = 1
Post File = "Stenosis.ep"


Body 1
Equation = 1
Material = 1


Material 1
Density = 1000.0
Viscosity = 0.004

Solver 1
Equation = Navier-Stokes
Stabilize = True
Linear System Solver = Iterative
Linear System Iterative Method = BiCGStabl
Linear System Preconditioning = ILU1
Linear System Max Iterations = 500
Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-8
Nonlinear System Max Iterations = 10
Nonlinear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-5
Nonlinear System Newton After Tolerance = 1.0e-5
Nonlinear System Newton After Iterations = 20
Nonlinear System Relaxation Factor = 0.7
Steady State Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-4


Equation 1
Active Solvers(1) = 1  

! inlet
Boundary Condition 1
Target Boundaries = 1

Velocity 1 = 0
Velocity 2 = 1
Pressure = 5000.0

! outlet
Boundary Condition 2
Target Boundaries = 3  
Velocity 1 = 0.0

Pressure = 0.0

! symmetriy
Boundary Condition 3
Target Boundaries = 4  
Velocity 1 = 0.0

! Wall 
Boundary Condition 4
Target Boundaries = 2  
Velocity 1 = 0.0
Velocity 2 = 0.0  

Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 23:30
by hamed
Hi dmitry
Thanks for your comment. But the inlet velocity is not 1 or anything else prescribed. It's actually a part of solution.
I hope Peter read this post and help me.
Thanks, Hamed

Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 16:47
by annier
Hi Hamed,
I cannot open the attached .rar file in my Ubuntu 14.04 desktop. can you attach it in .gz version (so that it would be convenient for your targeted commenters)?
I am thankful to Dmitry for making the SIF file available on behalf of Hamed. Cheers.

Yours Sincerely,
Anil Kunwar

Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 13:35
by hamed
Hi Anil
Thanks for your kind attention.
I attached the .tgz file.
Best regards, Hamed

Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 16:32
by annier
Hi Hamed,
Your convergence issue is defined as:

Code: Select all

  IterSolver: Using iterative method: bicgstab
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(1) (Real), Starting Factorization:
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(1) (Real), NOF nonzeros:     81226
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(1) (Real), filling (%) :       137
CRS_IncompleteLU: ILU(1) (Real), Factorization ready at (s):     0.00
     1 0.1124E+05
       2 0.7514E+04
       3 0.5889E+04
       4 0.1708E+05
       5 0.3866E+04
       6 0.2429E+04
       7 0.2580E+04
       8 0.2275E+04
       9 0.3035E+04
      10 0.1031E+06
      11 0.2049E+04
      12 0.1822E+04
      13 0.2328E+04
      14 0.1327E+04
      15 0.1211E+04
      16 0.1222E+04
      17 0.1139E+04
      18 0.1130E+04
      19 0.1147E+04
      20 0.1106E+04
      21 0.1089E+04
      22 0.1182E+04
      23 0.1358E+04
      24 0.1402E+04
      25 0.1570E+04
      26 0.1381E+04
      27 0.1409E+04
      28 0.6168E+03
      29 0.5025E+03
      30 0.2913E+03
      31 0.3302E+03
      32 0.1333E+03
      33 0.1059E+03
      34 0.1962E+03
      35 0.8856E+02
      36 0.8878E+02
      37 0.9958E+02
      38 0.9659E+02
      39 0.3875E+02
      40 0.3510E+03
      41 0.3105E+03
      42 0.3118E+03
      43 0.3135E+03
      44 0.2634E+03
      45 0.7139E+02
      46 0.6194E+02
      47 0.6374E+02
      48 0.1161E+03
      49 0.5760E+01
      50 0.5687E+01
      51 0.1241E+01
      52 0.1185E+01
      53 0.1287E+01
      54 0.9660E-01
      55 0.1075E+00
      56 0.5053E-01
      57 0.3380E-01
      58 0.2505E-01
      59 0.2436E-01
      60 0.2422E-01
      61 0.1878E-01
      62 0.1883E-01
      63 0.1655E+00
      64 0.4446E-01
      65 0.1493E-02
      66 0.1373E-02
      67 0.1298E-02
      68 0.1621E-02
      69 0.1719E-02
      70 0.4436E-03
      71 0.5970E-03
      72 0.8140E-03
      73 0.1712E-03
      74 0.1372E-04
      75 0.2752E-04
      76 0.2608E-04
      77 0.2598E-04
      78 0.3635E-03
      79 0.3873E-04
      80 0.3631E-04
      81 0.9381E-04
      82 0.7828E-04
      83 0.1010E-03
      84 0.9913E-04
      85 0.9599E-04
      86 0.1026E-03
      87 0.3557E-04
      88 0.3782E-04
      89 0.4027E-04
      90 0.3586E-03
      91 0.8586E-05
      92 0.8552E-05
      93 0.7416E-05
      94 0.6277E-05
      95 0.1689E-05
      96 0.1410E-05
      97 0.1916E-05
      98 0.1727E-05
      99 0.1453E-05
     100 0.1964E-05
     101 0.1968E-05
     102 0.1677E-05
     103 0.3624E-06
     104 0.3147E-06
     105 0.3398E-06
     106 0.3393E-06
     107 0.3394E-06
     108 0.3979E-06
     109 0.3284E-06
     110 0.3265E-06
     111 0.2866E-06
     112 0.2866E-06
     113 0.2835E-06
     114 0.2844E-06
     115 0.2838E-06
     116 0.2838E-06
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     119 0.2838E-06
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     268 0.2838E-06
     269 0.2838E-06
     270 0.2953E-38
ERROR:: IterSolve: Failed convergence tolerances.
i.) Your linear system convergence tolerance setting is 1.0e-8.
ii.)The solver failed to converge in the 270th iteration, when the tolerance jumped from 1.0e-6 (within tolerance) to 1.0e-38 (far smaller tolerance width than the set 1.0e-8).

I express herein my rough guesses:
1. Try changing Linear System Preconditioning tools from ILU1 to others.
2. What is the fineness of your axisymmetric meshes?

For more information, you can view the following posts:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3920&p=13729&hilit= ... 5be#p13729
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3372&p=13061&hilit= ... 5be#p13061

Yours Sincerely
Anil Kunwar

Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 16:45
by annier
Hi Hamed,
1. I changed the keyword "Pressure" in BCs to the keyword "External Pressure" in your solver input file and the solver converged.

Code: Select all

Boundary Condition 1 
External Pressure = -1.01e5

Code: Select all

Boundary Condition 2 
External Pressure = -1.0e5
pressure distribution for external pressure
pressure distribution for external pressure
External_Pressure_P_Result.jpg (40.6 KiB) Viewed 7384 times
veclocity distribution for external pressure
veclocity distribution for external pressure
External_Pressure_v_result.jpg (36.51 KiB) Viewed 7384 times
Yours Sincerely
Anil Kunwar

Re: Navier-Stokes Solver

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 17:04
by annier
Hi Hamed,
2. I applied Pressure (force) boundary conditions in BCs as:

Code: Select all

! inlet
Boundary Condition 1
Target Boundaries = 1
Pressure 1 = 30.0
Pressure 2 = 40.0

Code: Select all

! outlet
Boundary Condition 2
Target Boundaries = 3  
Pressure 1 = 0
Pressure 2 = 0
And, then it converged.

The results are as following:
Pressure Result
Pressure Result
pressure.jpg (37.96 KiB) Viewed 7384 times
velocity result
velocity result
velocity.jpg (36.62 KiB) Viewed 7384 times

Please Note that:
Elmer_Models_Manual wrote:Boundary Condition bc id
External Pressure Real
An external pressure boundary condition directed normal to the surface.
Pressure i Real
A pressure force in the given direction i= 1,2,3 (It has a unit of Newtons/m^2. In Elmer, Force at boundary condition has the unit of N/m^2)
Yours Sincerely
Anil Kunwar