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Incorrect import of solver variables into GUI

Posted: 22 Nov 2015, 18:46
by Wil
Changed variable names are not correctly imported into ElmerGUI when reopening a prior saved project. The sif file is still correct and correctly generated as long as the equation dialogue are not updated.

I have changed the "Variable" of a "Static Current Conduction" solver from "Potential" to "PotentialCurr" and saved everything (mesh, sif, project ... see .zip attachment).
But when opening the project again, the "Variabel" field is set back to "Potential". Although the variabel is set correctly in the .sif file when generating the file (see screenshot), as long as I do not open the equation dialogue (and update).
Project file for testing the import problems for changed variable names.
(206.17 KiB) Not downloaded yet
I have attached all necessary project files for testing. Can anyone reproduce this?

I use a fresh git-Elmer from 2015 Nov 06th on Ubuntu x64.


Re: Incorrect import of solver variables into GUI

Posted: 23 Nov 2015, 12:04
by mzenker

this is a long-known bug (see viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2113, viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2690#p8214, viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3889). I am afraid that it will not be fixed in the foreseeable future...
Workaraound: Load a project only with a fresh ElmerGUI, don't reload it without restarting ElmerGUI.



Re: Incorrect import of solver variables into GUI

Posted: 23 Nov 2015, 23:10
by Wil
Hallo Matthias,

Thank you for the hint and pointing into the right direction! It is a problem of loading extra edf (xml) files as monacellif describes in his post here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3889#p13678.
I have used a custom made edf file for the electrostatic force solver which seams to create the problem (see viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4100&start=0). I will work on this file to make it "standard-conform", hoping to resolve the problem.


Re: Incorrect import of solver variables into GUI

Posted: 24 Nov 2015, 12:34
by mzenker

the problem might not be the edf-file as such. Could it be that you have saved a project without your custom edf file loaded, and then reloaded it when the custom edf file was there? In that case, the solver settings get screwed up, see viewtopic.php?f=4&t=847.

