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ElmerGUI not correctly importing GMSH mesh

Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 18:00
by BDesco
I created a msh file in GMSH and tried to import it. I got things like:
- "File type determined by suffix: 14" (which is ok).
- several "Physical groups of dimension 2 not supported in 0-dimensional mesh: ignoring group ... "(??)
- several "untreated command; [numbers]" (??)
- 3 times "Gmsh element 0 does not have an Elmer counterpart!"
- "Successfully read the mesh from the Gmsh input file." (eh ... not really).

No physical boundaries are imported.
No object is shown in the ElmerGUI pane where 3D representation is normally shown.

I tried ElmerGrid executable. And converted from 14 (msh) to 2 (elmersolver format).
Imported in ElmerGUI. Worked perfectly.

Can anyone explain what is going on?
Or is this standard ElmerGui behavior (i.c: bogus software - see my other posts).

Re: ElmerGUI not correctly importing GMSH mesh

Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 18:05
by raback
Hi BDesco,

There was an unfortunate history in the development. The ElmerGrid plugin in ElmerGUI needed some alternations but these were not merged back to the native ElmerGrid as was the original idea. So these two got separated. They should be merged so that there would be just one single library but this just hasn't been done. Hopefully some day. Meanwhile I recommend using ElmerGrid an command-line to do the parsing.


Re: ElmerGUI not correctly importing GMSH mesh

Posted: 11 Aug 2020, 12:33
by mzenker

as this problem occurs not so unfrequently and generates questions by ElmerGUI users on the forum, wouldn't it be an option to just replace the ElmerGrid plugin by a system call to the native ElmerGrid (with default option autoclean) in ElmerGUI?


Re: ElmerGUI not correctly importing GMSH mesh

Posted: 11 Aug 2020, 13:34
by raback

Yes, that's how I would do it now. However, I think that still gievn the current operation it would be not a bigger task to harmonize the library stuff.


Re: ElmerGUI not correctly importing GMSH mesh

Posted: 11 Aug 2020, 14:17
by mzenker
Ah ok, I thought the system call to native ElmerGrid might be a shortcut/workaround. :)