All tests fail on Mac OSX 10.5

Discussion about building and installing Elmer
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010, 22:16

All tests fail on Mac OSX 10.5

Post by system_admin »


I maintain an Xserve cluster used for Astro-Physics research and I have been trying to compile Elmer on Mac OSX 10.5 Server from the latest SVN checkout r4682.

I get the following error when attempting to compile a the "gmultg" test:

Code: Select all

[local@portal tests]$ ./runtests gmultg
$ELMER_HOME undefined, setting it to ../src
test 1 :                    gmultg look at [gmultg/test.log] for details
Tests completed, passed: 0 out of total 1 tests
Cumulative CPU time used in test: 0 s
[local@portal tests]$ cat gmultg/test.log
ELMER SOLVER (v 6.1) STARTED AT: 2010/10/02 15:20:29
MAIN: ==========================================
MAIN:  E L M E R  S O L V E R  S T A R T I N G
MAIN:  Library version: 6.1 (Rev: 4682)
MAIN: ==========================================
MAIN: -----------------------
MAIN: Reading Model ...
make: *** [run] Bus error
[local@portal tests]$
Here is the result from another test.

Code: Select all

[local@portal tests]$ ./runtests piezo
$ELMER_HOME undefined, setting it to ../src
test 1 :                     piezo look at [piezo/test.log] for details
Tests completed, passed: 0 out of total 1 tests
Cumulative CPU time used in test: 0 s
[local@portal tests]$ cat piezo/test.log
ElmerGrid 1 2 beam

Starting program Elmergrid
Elmergrid reading in-line arguments
Output will be saved to file beam.

Elmergrid loading data:
Loading the geometry from file 'beam.grd'.
Loading ElmerGrid file version: 210903
Defining the coordinate system (2-DIM).
Loading 2 subcell limits in X-direction
Loading 3 subcell limits in Y-direction
Loading material structure
End of field
Loading boundary conditions
Found 6 boundaries
Loading minimum number of elements
Reached the end of command file
Found 1 divisions for grid
Loading ElmerGrid commands from file 'beam.grd'.
Reached the end of command file
Read commands from a file

Elmergrid creating and manipulating meshes:
2 cells were created.
Numbered 369 knots in 320 4-node elements.
Numbering order was <y><x> and max levelwidth 11.
4 element sides between materials -4 and 1 were located to type 1.
4 element sides between materials -4 and 2 were located to type 2.
40 element sides between materials -1 and 2 were located to type 3.
40 element sides between materials -3 and 1 were located to type 4.
4 element sides between materials -2 and 1 were located to type 5.
4 element sides between materials -2 and 2 were located to type 6.

Elmergrid saving data:
Saving mesh in ElmerSolver format to directory beam.
Reusing an existing directory
Saving 369 coordinates to mesh.nodes.
Saving 320 element topologies to mesh.elements.
Saving boundary elements to mesh.boundary.
Saving header info to mesh.header.

Thank you for using Elmergrid!
Send bug reports and feature wishes to
ELMER SOLVER (v 6.1) STARTED AT: 2010/10/02 15:21:15
MAIN: ==========================================
MAIN:  E L M E R  S O L V E R  S T A R T I N G
MAIN:  Library version: 6.1 (Rev: 4682)
MAIN: ==========================================
MAIN: -----------------------
MAIN: Reading Model ...
Loading user function library: [StatElecSolve]...[StatElecSolver_Init0]
make: *** [run] Segmentation fault

Can you please advise on how I can resolve the bus and segmentation fault errors? Note that I can not use the OSX binary provided by 'trueflaw' because users will not be able to access the GUI remotely. I can provide additional tests/source files if necessary.
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