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Weird results when bending a beam

Posted: 03 May 2021, 23:27
by tryphena
I think I got weird results when bending a beam.

I have set the body force as force 3: -1000.
I fixed one end of the beam. And apply load to the other end: force 1: -2000.
I guess force 1,2,3 signifies force along x, y, z direction, right?

I anticipate the beam will bend not only along z-direction, but also along x-direction. But the final result only bends along z-direction. Could anyone please take a look at the vtu file? Thank you! ... _Gdwa?dl=0

Re: Weird results when bending a beam

Posted: 03 May 2021, 23:32
by raback

If you use a linear elasticity model I guess the displacement will only be to the direction of the force. You should use the geometrically nonlinear ElasticSolve.


Re: Weird results when bending a beam

Posted: 04 May 2021, 12:29
by kevinarden
There is movement in the X it is just much smaller than the Z. The body force is per volume of the body, and the boundary force is per area of the boundary. Therefore the Z force is many more magnitudes than the X force defined.

Re: Weird results when bending a beam

Posted: 04 May 2021, 14:05
by tryphena
Hi Peter and Kevinarden,
I have been able to see the X movement in linear solver when I remove the body force along Z direction.

I also try the nonlinear solver, it works well. Thank you.

Thank you.