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Model separate condcutors in coil

Posted: 23 Aug 2023, 12:53
by mr_monkey

I would like to calculate the AC losses of a motor winding.
To do that, I have created a 2-D model with separate conductors in the slot (view Slot_Conductors.png). But I am struggling to enforce the same current in every turn.

I have grouped conductors in the same turn into separate bodies and assigned them the same current density body force, but I guess this is not sufficient to enforce that the currents induced in the conductors are actually equal per turn.

Is there a way to enforce the same currents in all turns? Maybe by coupling the magnetodynamic simulation with the CircuitSolver like in the attached image (Circuit_elmer.jpeg)? Would the components have to be modelled as massive coils in this case (not stranded)?
