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courses:firstmeeting [Elmer/Ice Wiki]

This is an old revision of the document!

Seventh Elmer/Ice Users Meeting - Remotely October 2020

The seventh Elmer/Ice Users meeting took place remotely the 5th of October 2020, from 9am to 12am CET. About 24 persons attended remotely the users meeting. The agenda and the slides presented during the meeting are given below.

Following these presentations, we have had a discussion on the following points:

  • Elmer/Ice documentation: A working group (Fabien, Thomas, Samuel, Olivier) will analyse the different documentation possibilities and also what is done by other codes like NEMO. Still not clear if Markdown is the most adapted form (equations). Does tool exist to convert a wiki doc into markdonw one?

Sixth Elmer/Ice Users Meeting - Remotely May 2020

The sixth Elmer/Ice Users meeting took place remotely the 13th of May 2020, from 9am to 12am CET. About 34 persons attended remotely the users meeting. The agenda and the slides presented during the meeting are given below.

Following these presentations, we have had a discussion on the following points:

  • next courses: it has been decided to work on a remote beginner courses for next autumn as well as to organize more regularly half-day remote users meetings that will mix scientific and technical presentations. The next one could also take place next autumn.
  • Elmer/Ice documentation: Fabien has started working with markdown for the new documentation of the inverse solvers. It questions moving the existing documentation currently on the wiki to markdown too. We agreed that the markdown documentation should be saved on the Elmer git. We should work on an automatic way of generating new pdf documentation at each update of the documentation.
  • pushing new material: you are encouraged to push your newly developed solvers or user functions! Don't wait too long as merging becomes more and more problematic when number of conflicts is increasing.
  • The material shown by Adrien has been added to the Elmer/Ice distribution (Surface Boundary Condition for steady state thermal regime).

Fifth Elmer/Ice Users Meeting - EGU 2019

The fifth Elmer/Ice Users meeting took place during EGU 2019, Tuesday 9 April 2019, from 12:45 to 15:00, Room 2.61. About 15 persons attended the users meeting. The agenda and the slides presented during the meeting are given below.

Fourth Elmer/Ice Users Meeting - EGU 2017

The fourth Elmer/Ice Users meeting took place during EGU 2017, Wednesday 25 April 2017, from 12:15 to 15:00, Room 0.51. The agenda and the slides presented during the meeting are given below.

Third Elmer/Ice Users Meeting - EGU 2015

The third Elmer/Ice Users meeting took place during EGU 2015, Tuesday 14th May, 12:15-15:00, Room R3.


Second Elmer/Ice Users Meeting - EGU 2014

The second Elmer/Ice Users meeting took during EGU 2014, Tuesday 29th May, 12:15-15:00, Room Y3.


First Elmer/Ice Users Meeting - EGU 2013

The first Elmer/Ice Users meeting was organised during the EGU 2013, Tuesday 9th April 12:15-15:00, Room Y3.


courses/firstmeeting.1602079499.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/07 14:04 by gagliar
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