Looking for someone to introduce Elmer to my company

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Re: Looking for someone to introduce Elmer to my company

Post by alp »

Good to have mentioned CalculiX and the supporting software for the posterity and for myself too, thank you.

Unfortunately I lack the mechanical engineering skills to put together a solution from separate modules, and our mechanical engineers lack the computer-fluency, so to say. Code Aster seems more promising at this time - I have received optimistic replies. But if anyone thinks they can solve the above mentioned problems with any combination of open source software, I would be glad if they present their ideas.
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Re: Looking for someone to introduce Elmer to my company

Post by mzenker »

small addition: you mght have evalutated that already: if the comany has a commercial CAD system and just wants to use FEA for mechanics, it might be an alternative to look if there exists an integrated FEA module for the CAD system. Solidworks, for example, has such a module.
Of course this would not be an OpenSource tool and would cost money (probably less than the ANSYS, though), but would have the advantage that the mechanical engineers can do the FE analysis inside the system they already know, and they have the commercial support from the CAD software provider.
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Re: Looking for someone to introduce Elmer to my company

Post by kevinarden »

Something else you may want to investigate. It is an installable operating system or bootable as a "livecd" it comes pre-packaged with Elmer, Salome, Code Aster, Calculix, paraview, and just about every open source scientific package available, like SCiLab which is similar to matlab. The OS is Ubuntu 18.

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Re: Looking for someone to introduce Elmer to my company

Post by Gerard »

Maybe Z88, freeware focussing on mechanics, is an option for you: https://en.z88.de/z88aurora/
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