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Output Total Heat Flux of a boundary

Posted: 14 Jun 2013, 03:26
by MT_Keg
Hello All,

I have been getting acquainted with Elmer (after switching from COMSOL) and love how fast and efficient it runs. I have been running several simulations on an axisymmetric pipe with heat transfer. The problem converges and the solutions seem to be conducive to what I thought and have seen before. I was wondering how I could output the heat flux from each boundary (Inlet, Outlet, Wall and the symmetric axis (which should be 0). I looked at the Flux Compute but didn't know how to extract the Boundary Heat Flux from that. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Re: Output Total Heat Flux of a boundary

Posted: 14 Jun 2013, 09:15
by mzenker

I have never used Flux Compute myself, but a quick glance into the models manual tells me that you can try to set
Calculate Flux = True
to have the flux calculated. Normally it should also appear in the output. If not, you can use ResultOutputSolver (see models manual for description).



Re: Output Total Heat Flux of a boundary

Posted: 14 Jun 2013, 10:16
by raback

To have the flux on the boundary you should 1st calculate it with the FluxSolver and then probably save the data with SaveLine - if you are studying 1D boundaries.


Re: Output Total Heat Flux of a boundary

Posted: 14 Jun 2013, 12:51
by MT_Keg
Thanks for the advise... I was using Flux Compute to calculate the flux but didn't take the extra step and do a save line. I will try this out and see what comes of it!

Thanks Again!


Re: Output Total Heat Flux of a boundary

Posted: 18 Jun 2013, 11:52
by Akos

1) Could you please send me a complete example project, utilizing the Flux Solver?
A simple cube as a geometry would be sufficient.
2) Is it possible to use the FluxSolver in the GUI version? Example? I do not see the possibility there.

By the way: I really think, that heat flux calculation should be (beside temperature) a basic output of the heat equation calculations.
For example in the heat exchanger temperature distribution example it is very nice to see the temperatures, but from the engineers point of view, the total dissipated heat is equally important.

Ákos Murin (new to Elmer)

Re: Output Total Heat Flux of a boundary

Posted: 18 Jun 2013, 11:56
by mzenker

there are 3 fluxsolver examples in the $ELMERHOME\tests directory. To use fluxsolver in the GUI, move fluxsolver.xml from bin\edf-extras to bin\edf.



Re: Output Total Heat Flux of a boundary

Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 08:12
by Akos
Dear Matthias,

Thanks a lot.
I'll check that out.