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Missing convergence view in ElmerGUI

Posted: 21 Oct 2019, 00:36
by thomasatelmer
Hi everybody,

using the package 8.4-0ppa0-201910201433~e0cf990~ubuntu18.04.1 from launchpad (= elmerfem-csc-eg) I installed Elmer along with ElmerGUI. I am missing a menu entry for switching the convergence view on and off. Unfortunately, the window is always not showing; I could live with it coming each time the solver is started.
I attached a screenshot of what the menu in ElmerGUI comes out to be using said package:
menus.png (24.84 KiB) Viewed 6535 times
I would really like to use the convergence view - similar to an old saying: "a picture says more than a thousand lines of log" :lol:

Thank you,

Re: Missing convergence view in ElmerGUI

Posted: 27 Oct 2019, 22:58
by thomasatelmer
Hi and good evening,

here is some small update to this issue on my side. I figured out in the source that the convergence view uses QWT library and therefore installed QWT runtime package on my machine from Launchpad. Before that activity I uninstalled said Elmer package and reinstalled it afterwards. Unfortunately, the result was not anything different from before :?

Any help or hints greatly appreciated...


Re: Missing convergence view in ElmerGUI

Posted: 01 Nov 2019, 23:43
by kevinarden
I have the same condition on Linux 19.2 and also can not find a solution.

I tried to compile my own ElmerGUI (12th unsuccessful try, can never get through the process). To get past the dependencies (inluded *.h) files I had to install Qt and then use Qt to install qwt 6. For Qt the version is on 15, the ElmerGUI directions say Qt version 4.8, which is no longer available. The oldest I could get back to was 5.9 and it had the same results as version 15. After all of the include libraries were resolved the compile did not finish because of reported code errors in the ElmerGUI code. I assume they are not errors but a compatibility issue with a much later version of Qt, since the compiler suggested slightly different syntax for the code in question.

It may be possible that an incompatibility with newer libraries of qwt on the latest versions of UBUNTU is causing this error.

Re: Missing convergence view in ElmerGUI

Posted: 02 Nov 2019, 00:12
by thomasatelmer
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your try on this, it seems to be a quite entangled issue. In my simple-minded user's view 8-) , I still hope it is not too much work for someone to update the code for the convergence monitor to using the current version qt/qwt commands... as it is "just" an auxiliary module...

I appreciate the support;

Re: Missing convergence view in ElmerGUI

Posted: 02 Nov 2019, 01:20
by kevinarden
One option is that they produce an Virtual Machine with everything Elmer already installed and working. ... lMachines/

Re: Missing convergence view in ElmerGUI

Posted: 05 Nov 2019, 01:58
by kevinarden
Since the Elmer VM is Linux Mint 18.3 I did some testing using virtualbox.

Using Mint 18.3 which is based on UBUNTU 16.04
sudo apt-get install elmerfem-csc
installs Elmer and ElmerGUI and the convergence window is present

0n Mint 19.3 based on UBUNTU 18.04
sudo apt-get install elmerfem-csc
installs ElmerSolver but not ElmerGUI

sudo apt-get install elmerfem-csc-eg
installs Elmer and ElmerGUI but there is no convergence window.

Re: Missing convergence view in ElmerGUI

Posted: 05 Nov 2019, 12:20
by kevinarden
Continued test using UBUNTU

Using UBUNTU 16.04
sudo apt-get install elmerfem-csc
installs Elmer and ElmerGUI and the convergence window is present

Using UBUNTU 18.04
sudo apt-get install elmerfem-csc-eg
installs Elmer and ElmerGUI but there is no convergence window.

Using UBUNTU 19.1
No Elmer packages

Used Peppermint 10 which is a light OS, xfce, based on UBUNTU 16.04, works and it is a very fast VM for the OS could hardly tell it was a VM. UBUNTU 19 was very slow.