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Capacitance simulations with a hand/finger

Posted: 20 Apr 2023, 23:10
by thiennz
I am looking to simulate some electrodes and how introducing a human hand affects the capacitance of those electrodes. I've been using Elmer's electrostatic solver to do so currently but I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for my simulations. I am mainly wondering if this is the right solver to be using and if Elmer is capable of simulating such a system.

My main goal for this simulation is to find the difference in self-capacitance for each electrode with and without a hand introduced to the system nearby. I am wondering if there is any way to differentiate using a finger vs a metal cylinder in simulation as my eventual goal would be to physically test with a standardized metal cylinder and compare with the simulation to verify my findings.

I've also looked into the Human Body Model ( and I was also curious if there was a way to define and incorporate an object with a set capacitance of 100pF.

Re: Capacitance simulations with a hand/finger

Posted: 30 Apr 2023, 12:32
by kevinarden
These test case show there is an affect on the results for statelectricsolver and statcurrentsolver when a third body is introduced.
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