Elmer FEM solver
Elmer is an open source finite element software for multiphysical problems
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MagnetoDynamics.src File Reference

Data Types

module  magnetodynamicsutils
interface  magnetodynamicsutils::setdoftovalue
interface  magnetodynamicsutils::getreluctivity


subroutine whitneyavsolver_init0 (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
subroutine whitneyavsolver (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
LOGICAL function dosolve ()
subroutine gaugetree ()
subroutine gaugetreefluxbc ()
subroutine breadthfirstsearch (Alist, done, start, nCount, NodeList)
subroutine addtocycle (bcycle, index)
recursive subroutine depthfirstsearch (Alist, done, i)
subroutine localmatrix (MASS, STIFF, FORCE, LOAD, Tcoef, Acoef, Element, n, nd)
subroutine localmatrixbc (STIFF, FORCE, LOAD, Bcoef, Element, n, nd)
real(kind=dp) function localfluxbc (LOAD, Element, n, nd)
subroutine dirichletafromb ()
recursive function floodfill (Element, CycleEdges, FaceMap, UsedFaces, Bn, CycleSum)
subroutine jfixpotentialsolver (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
subroutine bulkassembly ()
subroutine whitneyavharmonicsolver_init0 (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
subroutine whitneyavharmonicsolver (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
subroutine localmatrix (MASS, STIFF, FORCE, LOAD, Tcoef, Acoef, Element, n, nd)
subroutine localmatrixbc (STIFF, FORCE, LOAD, Bcoef, Element, n, nd)
complex(kind=dp) function localfluxbc (LOAD, Element, n, nd)
recursive function floodfill (Element, CycleEdges, FaceMap, UsedFaces, Bn, CycleSum)
subroutine magnetodynamicscalcfields_init0 (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
subroutine magnetodynamics_dummy (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
subroutine magnetodynamicscalcfields_init (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
subroutine magnetodynamicscalcfields (Model, Solver, dt, Transient)
subroutine addlocalfaceterms (STIFF, FORCE)
subroutine localjumps (STIFF, Face, n, P1, n1, P2, n2)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine magnetodynamicscalcfields::addlocalfaceterms ( real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  STIFF,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  FORCE 

References defutils::activeboundaryelement(), coordinatesystems::coordinatesystemdimension(), defutils::getelementnofnodes(), defutils::getmaterial(), localjumps(), and solver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine addtocycle ( integer  bcycle,
integer  index 

Referenced by breadthfirstsearch(), and whitneyavharmonicsolver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine breadthfirstsearch ( type(listmatrix_t), dimension(:)  Alist,
logical, dimension(:)  done,
integer  start,
integer  nCount,
integer, dimension(:)  NodeList 

References addtocycle(), and solver().

Referenced by gaugetreefluxbc(), and whitneyavharmonicsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

recursive subroutine depthfirstsearch ( type(listmatrix_t), dimension(:)  Alist,
logical, dimension(:)  done,
integer  i 

References solver().

Referenced by gaugetree(), and whitneyavharmonicsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine dirichletafromb ( )

References defutils::activeboundaryelement(), floodfill(), gaugetreefluxbc(), defutils::getbc(), defutils::getboundaryelement(), magnetodynamicsutils::getboundaryfaceindex(), defutils::getedgemap(), defutils::getelementfamily(), defutils::getelementnodes(), defutils::getelementnofdofs(), defutils::getelementnofnodes(), defutils::getmatrix(), defutils::getnofboundaryelements(), defutils::getreal(), generalutils::i2s(), messages::info(), listmatrix::list_freematrix(), lists::listcheckpresent(), localfluxbc(), elementdescription::normalvector(), and solver().

Referenced by dosolve(), and whitneyavharmonicsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

recursive function whitneyavharmonicsolver::floodfill ( type(element_t), pointer  Element,
logical, dimension(:)  CycleEdges,
integer, dimension(:)  FaceMap,
logical, dimension(:)  UsedFaces,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:)  Bn,
complex(kind=dp)  CycleSum 

References floodfill().

Here is the call graph for this function:

recursive function whitneyavsolver::floodfill ( type(element_t), pointer  Element,
logical, dimension(:)  CycleEdges,
integer, dimension(:)  FaceMap,
logical, dimension(:)  UsedFaces,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  Bn,
real(kind=dp)  CycleSum 

Referenced by dirichletafromb(), floodfill(), and localfluxbc().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine gaugetree ( )

References defutils::activeboundaryelement(), depthfirstsearch(), defutils::getbc(), magnetodynamicsutils::getboundaryedgeindex(), defutils::getboundaryelement(), defutils::getelementfamily(), listmatrix::list_freematrix(), listmatrix::list_getmatrixindex(), lists::listcheckpresent(), and solver().

Referenced by dosolve(), and whitneyavharmonicsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine gaugetreefluxbc ( )

References defutils::activeboundaryelement(), breadthfirstsearch(), defutils::getbc(), magnetodynamicsutils::getboundaryedgeindex(), defutils::getboundaryelement(), defutils::getelementfamily(), listmatrix::list_freematrix(), listmatrix::list_getmatrixindex(), lists::listcheckpresent(), and solver().

Referenced by dirichletafromb(), and localfluxbc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(kind=dp) function whitneyavsolver::localfluxbc ( real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  LOAD,
type(element_t), pointer  Element,
integer  n,
integer  nd 

References elementdescription::elementinfo(), integration::gausspoints(), defutils::getelementnodes(), normal(), and elementdescription::normalvector().

Referenced by dirichletafromb(), and localfluxbc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine magnetodynamicscalcfields::localjumps ( real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  STIFF,
type(element_t), pointer  Face,
integer  n,
type(element_t), pointer  P1,
integer  n1,
type(element_t), pointer  P2,
integer  n2 

References elementdescription::elementinfo(), integration::gausspoints(), defutils::getelementnodes(), and defutils::getparentuvw().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine whitneyavsolver::localmatrix ( real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  MASS,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  STIFF,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  FORCE,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  LOAD,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  Tcoef,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  Acoef,
type(element_t), pointer  Element,
integer  n,
integer  nd 
subroutine whitneyavharmonicsolver::localmatrix ( complex(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  MASS,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  STIFF,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:)  FORCE,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  LOAD,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:)  Tcoef,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:)  Acoef,
type(element_t), pointer  Element,
integer  n,
integer  nd 

References elementdescription::elementinfo(), integration::gausspoints(), defutils::getedgebasis(), defutils::getelementnodes(), defutils::getlocalsolution::getvectorlocalsolution(), and solver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine whitneyavharmonicsolver::localmatrixbc ( complex(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  STIFF,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:)  FORCE,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  LOAD,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:)  Bcoef,
type(element_t), pointer  Element,
integer  n,
integer  nd 

References elementdescription::elementinfo(), integration::gausspoints(), defutils::getedgebasis(), defutils::getelementnodes(), and solver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine whitneyavsolver::localmatrixbc ( real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  STIFF,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  FORCE,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  LOAD,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  Bcoef,
type(element_t), pointer  Element,
integer  n,
integer  nd 

References elementdescription::elementinfo(), integration::gausspoints(), defutils::getedgebasis(), defutils::getelementnodes(), and solver().

Referenced by dosolve(), magnetodynamics2d(), magnetodynamics2dharmonic(), streamsolver(), and whitneyavharmonicsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine magnetodynamics_dummy ( type(model_t)  Model,
type(solver_t)  Solver,
real(kind=dp)  dt,
logical  Transient 