Elmer FEM solver
Elmer is an open source finite element software for multiphysical problems
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defutils Module Reference

Data Types

interface  default1stordertime
interface  default2ndordertime
interface  defaultupdatebulk
interface  defaultupdatedamp
interface  defaultupdateequations
interface  defaultupdateforce
interface  defaultupdatemass
interface  defaultupdatetimeforce
interface  getlocaleigenmode
interface  getlocalsolution

Public Member Functions

type(solver_t) function, pointer getsolver ()
type(matrix_t) function, pointer getmatrix (USolver)
type(mesh_t) function, pointer getmesh (USolver)
type(element_t) function, pointer getcurrentelement (Element)
integer function getelementindex (Element)
integer function getnofactive (USolver)
real(kind=dp) function gettime ()
integer function gettimestep ()
integer function gettimestepinterval ()
real(kind=dp) function gettimestepsize ()
real(kind=dp) function getangularfrequency (ValueList, Found)
integer function getcouplediter ()
integer function getnonliniter ()
integer function getnofboundaryelements (UMesh)
subroutine getscalarlocalsolution (x, name, UElement, USolver, tStep)
subroutine getvectorlocalsolution (x, name, UElement, USolver, tStep)
integer function getnofeigenmodes (name, USolver)
subroutine getscalarlocaleigenmode (x, name, UElement, USolver, NoEigen, ComplexPart)
subroutine getvectorlocaleigenmode (x, name, UElement, USolver, NoEigen, ComplexPart)
subroutine defaultvariableadd (Name, DOFs, Perm, Values, Output, Secondary, Global, InitValue, USolver)
getstring (List, Name, Found)
integer function getinteger (List, Name, Found)
logical function getlogical (List, Name, Found)
recursive function getconstreal (List, Name, Found, x, y, z)
recursive function getcreal (List, Name, Found)
recursive function getreal (List, Name, Found, UElement)
recursive function getparentmatprop (Name, UElement, Found, UParent)
recursive subroutine getconstrealarray (List, x, Name, Found, UElement)
recursive subroutine getrealarray (List, x, Name, Found, UElement)
subroutine setelementproperty (Name, Values, UElement)
real(kind=dp) function,
dimension(:), pointer 
getelementproperty (Name, UElement)
type(element_t) function, pointer getactiveelement (t, USolver)
type(element_t) function, pointer getboundaryelement (t, USolver)
logical function activeboundaryelement (UElement, USolver)
integer function getelementcode (Element)
integer function getelementfamily (Element)
logical function possiblefluxelement (Element, Mesh)
integer function getelementnofnodes (Element)
integer function getelementnofdofs (UElement, USolver)
integer function getelementdofs (Indexes, UElement, USolver, NotDG)
integer function getelementnofbdofs (Element, USolver)
subroutine getelementnodes (ElementNodes, UElement, USolver)
integer function getbody (Element)
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getbodyparams (Element)
integer function getbodyforceid (Element, Found)
integer function getmaterialid (Element, Found)
integer function getequationid (Element, Found)
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getsimulation ()
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getconstants ()
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getsolverparams (Solver)
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getmaterial (Element, Found)
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getbodyforce (Element, Found)
logical function eigenorharmonicanalysis (Usolver)
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getequation (Element, Found)
integer function getbcid (UElement)
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getbc (UElement)
integer function geticid (Element, Found)
type(valuelist_t) function, pointer getic (Element, Found)
subroutine default1stordertimer (M, A, F, UElement, USolver)
subroutine default1stordertimec (MC, AC, FC, UElement, USolver)
subroutine default1stordertimeglobal (USolver)
subroutine default2ndordertimeglobal (USolver)
subroutine default2ndordertimer (M, B, A, F, UElement, USolver)
subroutine default2ndordertimec (MC, BC, AC, FC, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultinitialize (USolver)
real(kind=dp) function defaultsolve (USolver, BackRotNT)
subroutine defaultupdateequationsr (G, F, UElement, USolver, BulkUpdate)
subroutine defaultupdateequationsc (GC, FC, UElement, USolver, BulkUpdate)
subroutine defaultupdateforcer (F, UElement, USolver, BulkUpdate)
subroutine defaultupdateforcec (FC, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultupdatetimeforcer (F, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultupdatetimeforcec (FC, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultupdatemassr (M, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultupdatemassc (MC, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultupdatedampr (B, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultupdatedampc (BC, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultupdatebulkr (B, F, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultupdatebulkc (BC, FC, UElement, USolver)
subroutine defaultdirichletbcs (USolver, Ux, UOffset, OffDiagonalMatrix)
subroutine solvelinsys (A, x, n)
subroutine localbcintegral (BC, Element, nd, Parent, np, Name, Integral)
subroutine localbcbdofs (BC, Element, nd, Name, STIFF, Force)
subroutine defaultfinishbulkassembly (Solver, BulkUpdate)
subroutine defaultfinishboundaryassembly (Solver, BulkUpdate)
subroutine defaultfinishassembly (Solver)
gausspointsboundary (Element, boundary, np)
subroutine mapgausspoints (Element, n, gaussP, Nodes)
subroutine getboundaryindexes (Mesh, Element, Parent, Indexes, indSize)
subroutine getboundaryindexesgl (Mesh, Element, BElement, lIndexes, gIndexes, indSize)
integer function, dimension(:,:),
getedgemap (ElementFamily)
subroutine getparentuvw (Element, n, Parent, np, U, V, W, Basis)
subroutine getedgebasis (Element, WBasis, RotWBasis, Basis, dBasisdx)
subroutine galerkinprojector (Model, Mesh, A, B, NumericEps)

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine defutils::defaultupdateequationsc ( complex(kind=dp), dimension(:,:)  GC,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:)  FC,
type(element_t), optional, target  UElement,
type(solver_t), optional, target  USolver,
logical, optional  BulkUpdate 

References g(), getelementdofs(), solver(), and solverutils::updateglobalequations().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine defutils::mapgausspoints ( type(element_t)  Element,
integer  n,
type(gaussintegrationpoints_t)  gaussP,
type(nodes_t)  Nodes 

References elementdescription::elementinfo().

Referenced by gausspointsboundary().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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