Elmer FEM solver
Elmer is an open source finite element software for multiphysical problems
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modules/SaveData.src File Reference


opertoparopermap (LocalOper)
type(variable_t) function, pointer variablegetn (i)
subroutine savematerials (Model, Solver, dt, TransientSimulation)
subroutine saveboundaryvalues (Model, Solver, dt, TransientSimulation)
subroutine savedependence (Model, Solver, dt, TransientSimulation)
subroutine savescalars (Model, Solver, dt, TransientSimulation)
subroutine addtosavelist (Name, VALUE, ValueIsInteger, ParallelOperator)
real(kind=dp) function vectorstatistics (Var, OperName)
real(kind=dp) function vectormeandeviation (Var, OperName)
real(kind=dp) function bulkintegrals (Var, OperName, GotCoeff, CoeffName)
subroutine boundaryintegrals (Var, OperName, GotCoeff, CoeffName, fluxes, areas, fluxescomputed)
subroutine boundarystatistics (Var, OperName, GotCoeff, CoeffName, fluxes, fluxescomputed)
subroutine polylineintegrals (Var, OperName, GotCoeff, CoeffName, fluxes, areas, fluxescomputed)
subroutine lineintersectioncoords (Plane, Line, Inside, x0, y0, z0, frac)
subroutine saveline (Model, Solver, dt, TransientSimulation)
subroutine globaltolocalcoords (Element, Plane, n, Line, Eps, Inside, Weights, maxind)
subroutine boundaryflux (Model, Node, VarName, CoeffName, f1, f2, fn, weight, MaxN)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

character(len=max_name_len) function savescalars::opertoparopermap ( character(len=max_name_len)  LocalOper)

References messages::info(), lists::listgetstring(), and messages::warn().

Referenced by savescalars().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine saveboundaryvalues ( type(model_t)  Model,
type(solver_t), target  Solver,
real(kind=dp)  dt,
logical  TransientSimulation 

Routine for saving boundary values as fields.

References coordinatesystems::coordinatesystemdimension(), messages::fatal(), defutils::getbc(), defutils::getelementnofnodes(), defutils::getsolverparams(), messages::info(), lists::listcheckpresent(), lists::listgetreal(), lists::listgetstring(), solver(), lists::variableadd(), lists::variableget(), and messages::warn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine savedependence ( type(model_t)  Model,
type(solver_t)  Solver,
real(kind=dp)  dt,
logical  TransientSimulation 

This subroutine saves 1D dependence of a given property.

References generalutils::filenamequalified(), defutils::getlogical(), defutils::getstring(), messages::info(), lists::listcheckpresent(), lists::listgetcreal(), lists::listgetfun(), lists::listgetinteger(), lists::listgetstring(), generalutils::nextfreefilename(), solver(), and messages::warn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine savematerials ( type(model_t)  Model,
type(solver_t), target  Solver,
real(kind=dp)  dt,
logical  TransientSimulation 

Routine for saving material parameters as fields.

References coordinatesystems::coordinatesystemdimension(), messages::fatal(), defutils::getbodyforce(), defutils::getelementnofnodes(), defutils::getmaterial(), defutils::getsolverparams(), messages::info(), lists::listcheckpresent(), lists::listgetinteger(), lists::listgetreal(), lists::listgetstring(), solver(), lists::variableadd(), lists::variableget(), and messages::warn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(variable_t) function, pointer saveline::variablegetn ( integer  i)

References defutils::getstring(), and lists::variableget().

Referenced by saveline().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: