Viewing the results for flow tutorials

Post processing utility for Elmer
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Viewing the results for flow tutorials

Post by asandip »


I am looking to view the results for the following tutorials -

1. Vortex shedding
2. Laminar Incompressible Step Flow

I have the .ep files with the results but I am not sure which reader to select in ParaView so I can view the results. Thank you for any information you can provide.

- Anjali
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Re: Viewing the results for flow tutorials

Post by kevinarden »

You need to change the file name in the sif to something that ends with .vtu, .ep is the elmer post processing file.
paraview will open the vtu file.

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Re: Viewing the results for flow tutorials

Post by asandip »

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Re: Viewing the results for flow tutorials

Post by asandip »

Had one follow up question, for the vortex shedding tutorial, I am looking to extract drag and lift forces so I could use it to calculate the drag and lift coefficients. I am not sure what I should have under "Save Scalars" to be able to extract the drag and the lift forces.

Thank you for any suggestions!
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Re: Viewing the results for flow tutorials

Post by kevinarden »

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