Constant names in matc expressions

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Constant names in matc expressions

Post by spacedout »

Hi to all

Here is the following excerpt of my .sif file


Unit Charge = 1.602e-19


$q = 1.602e-19

Body Force 1
Name = "BodyForce 1"
Charge Density = elfield
Real MATC "1.602e-19*tx"

Solver 1
Equation = "Poisson"
Variable = "Potential"
Variable DOFs = 1
Procedure = "StatElecSolve" "StatElecSolver"
Calculate Electric Field = True
Calculate Electric Flux = False
Linear System Solver = "Direct"
Steady State Convergence Tolerance = 1e-06

Running the above is OK. However, now replace

Real MATC "1.602e-19*tx"


Real MATC "Unit Charge*tx"

and I get

ERROR:: Model Input: Unknown specifier: []

at the MATC line

If instead I replace by

Real MATC "$q*tx"

I get

Solver input file error: MATC ERROR: String not terminated.

Therefore, I am not sure if Elmer is capable of replacing numbers by constant names in a MATC expression

Have a nice weekend
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Re: Constant names in matc expressions

Post by raback »


matc is a poor mans matlab that evaluates mathematical expressions. You can evoke in in two ways
a) using the dollar sign it evaluates the epression in-line when parsing the sif file
b) using the MATC environment it evaluates expression again always when needed to evaluate a keyword

Because "$" and "MATC" effictively use the same library to evaluate stuff you don't need to reintroduce the environment. When you say "$q=..." the value of "q" is available also there when evaluting the "MATC" expressions. Hence the syntax that works is

Code: Select all

Charge Density = Variable "elfield"
  Real MATC "q*tx"
The keywords such as "Charge Density" are available only as list entries in the Model stucture. matc environment does not know anything about them.

If you look at sif files you may often see that the are many constants defined using "$" sign. This allows the user to collect the most common parameters to change in the start of the sif file.

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Re: Constant names in matc expressions

Post by spacedout »


Charge Density = elfield

was a typo in my thread. In the code, I had written

Charge Density = Variable elfield


Print *, "voltage is ", GetVarName( Solver % Variable)

will display elfield

the same thing happens, if instead of the above, I write

Charge Density = Variable "elfield"

However with

Charge Density = Variable 'elfield'

'elfield' is displayed


$q = 1.602e-19


Charge Density = Variable "elfield"
Real MATC "q*tx"

still results in

unknown specifier: [charge density]

Therefore, I will pass constant and functions of them into a solver's main variables or its exported variables
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Re: Constant names in matc expressions

Post by spacedout »

Sorry but I should written something like
Charge Density = Variable UnitCharge, Electron Field 1,.....

where UnitCharge is a global variable and Electron Field 1 is one dimensional

since elfield is 2 or 3 dim variable and that is illegal
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