Invitation to Collaborate on Building a preCICE Adapter for Elmer

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Invitation to Collaborate on Building a preCICE Adapter for Elmer

Post by Tapegoji »

Dear Elmer Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to invite collaboration on an exciting project to build a preCICE adapter for the Elmer.

Project Overview:
preCICE is a coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations. It allows for the exchange of data between different solvers, making it possible to simulate complex multi-physics scenarios efficiently. Integrating preCICE with Elmer will enable Elmer to communicate with other solvers, facilitating advanced multi-physics simulations.

Current Progress: I have already updated and ported the Elmer adapter from preCICE v2 to v3 and added test cases for Elmer to OpenFOAM coupling. The foundational work is in place, but there is much more to be done.

Collaboration Tools: We will use a combination of GitHub for version control and issue tracking, and regular virtual meetings to discuss progress and challenges.
How You Can Contribute:

- Development: Help with coding and integration tasks, especially if you have experience with Fortran and have done some Elmer development
- Testing: Assist in creating and running test cases to ensure the adapter works correctly across different scenarios.
- Documentation: Help create clear, comprehensive documentation to make the adapter easy to use and extend.
- Feedback: Provide feedback on current progress and suggest improvements based on your experience and expertise.
If you are interested in contributing to this project, please reply to this thread or contact me directly. Let's work together to make Elmer even more powerful and versatile!

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to collaborating with many of you on this exciting project.
Below you can find my work on the adapter.
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