Elmer courses on spring & possible user meeting

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Elmer courses on spring & possible user meeting

Post by raback »

Hi Elmer users and wannabees,

I just reserved time slots for Elmer courses for this spring. There will be a one-day basic course on 29.3. and a 2+1 day more advanced course on 3.-5.6. The 2+1 means that the first two days would be more traditional type of course while the optional 3rd day would deal more with the participants' problems. It would make sense only if you are willing to dwell little bit into the programming side as well.

Or what do you think? What would you like to see in the course? Those of you you have participated in the course, any hints for improvements?

Would the time be ripe for a user meeting including contributions from the users? We had that two times some years ago and while they were quite nice accations, one year seemed to be too short distance in between. Also the multiphysics aspect brings a challenge to the user meeting: many of the applications of Elmer don't have anything in common and thus there does not seem to be that much synergies in a generic meeting. In a more unified area, like that of computational glaciology where Elmer has a strong position, the user meetings may have a more natural purpose.

Would you be willing to participate in a user meeting? Or to even hold a presentation there?

You may answer also by private messages.

Best regards,
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