Meeting place for commercial users & service providers

A forum for commercial service requests and offerings
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Meeting place for commercial users & service providers

Post by raback »

Hi All

The GPL license makes it possible to provide commercial services related to the software. Of course the code itself cannot be modified and sold. Still, there are business opportunities for small businesses.

The core Elmer development team cannot handle all the commercial service requests that we get. Our hope is to focus more on the development through various long-term R&D projects. This will probably benefit also the code the best in the long run. However, we would like to see that everybody asking for commercial support would also get some. This forum tries to help customers and consultants to find each other.

So, if you are a software user in need of consultancy, you may sent your problem description here, and hopefully get some answers in private messages. Also, if you are a service provider in need of customers, you may introduce your service offering here.

Posts: 22
Joined: 10 Mar 2018, 15:05
Antispam: Yes - High Performance Cluster - Small Scale

Post by joni »


I have small cluster:
-3 x AMD 950, RAM 1 x 32G , 2 x 16
-software mpich, elmerfem, paraview, salomé, freecad

At workshop cluster side by side possible physical research
up to 2.6 x 2.6 x 5m.

Welcome to order research & desing projects.

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