Elmer FEM solver
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sparitercomm Module Reference

Data Types

type  buff_t
type  ibuff_t
type  vbuff_t

Public Member Functions

subroutine sparfacenumbering (Mesh, Allmesh)
subroutine sparglobalnumbering (Mesh, OldMesh, NewNodeCnt, OldIntCnts, OldIntArray, Reorder)
subroutine exchangeifvalues (NbsIfMatrix, RecvdIfMatrix, NeedMass, NeedDamp, NeedPrec)
subroutine exchangesourcevec (SourceMatrix, SplittedMatrix, ParallelInfo, SourceVec, op)
subroutine buildrevvecindices (SplittedMatrix)
subroutine recv_locif_old (SplittedMatrix, ndim, v)
subroutine send_locif_size (SplittedMatrix, n, neigh)
subroutine send_locif (SplittedMatrix, n, neigh)
subroutine recv_locif_size (n, neigh, sizes)
subroutine recv_locif (SplittedMatrix, n, neigh, sizes, requests, buffer)
subroutine recv_locif_wait (SplittedMatrix, ndim, v, n, neigh, sizes, requests, buffer)
subroutine sparactivesum (tsum, oper)
integer function searchiaitem (N, IArray, Item, SortOrder, sIndx)
integer function searchiaitemlinear (N, IArray, Item)
subroutine checkbuffer (n)
type(parenv_t) function, pointer parcomminit ()
subroutine parenvinit (SPMatrix, ParallelInfo, SourceMatrix)
subroutine spariteractive (L)
subroutine findactivepes (ParallelInfo, SourceMatrix, JustNeighbours)
subroutine addtocommonlist (list, ENTRY)
integer function meshneighbours (Mesh, IsNeighbour)
subroutine sparedgenumbering (Mesh, Allmesh)
subroutine spariterbarrier
subroutine spariteractivebarrier
subroutine spariterallreduceand (L)
subroutine exchangeinterfaces (NbsIfMatrix, RecvdIfMatrix)
subroutine exchangerhsif (SourceMatrix, SplittedMatrix, ParallelInfo, SourceRHS, TargetRHS)
subroutine exchangeresult (SourceMatrix, SplittedMatrix, ParallelInfo, XVec)
subroutine send_locif_old (SplittedMatrix)
real(kind=dp) function spardotprod (ndim, x, xind, y, yind)
real(kind=dp) function sparnorm (ndim, x, xind)
complex(kind=dp) function sparcdotprod (ndim, x, xind, y, yind)
real(kind=dp) function sparcnorm (ndim, x, xind)
subroutine parenvfinalize ()
integer function searchnode (ParallelInfo, QueriedNode, First, Last, Order)

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine sparitercomm::addtocommonlist ( integer, dimension(:), pointer  list,
integer  ENTRY 

Try to agree about global numbering of nodes among active processes.

Referenced by sparedgenumbering(), sparfacenumbering(), and sparglobalnumbering().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::buildrevvecindices ( type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix)

Build index tables for faster vector element combination (in parallel matrix-vector operation).

References checkbuffer(), and searchiaitem().

Referenced by sparitersolve::splitmatrix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::checkbuffer ( integer  n)

References messages::fatal().

Referenced by buildrevvecindices(), particleutils::changeparticlepartition(), particleutils::createghostparticles(), exchangeifvalues(), exchangeinterfaces(), exchangeresult(), exchangerhsif(), exchangesourcevec(), findactivepes(), send_locif(), send_locif_old(), sendpoints(), sparedgenumbering(), sparfacenumbering(), and sparglobalnumbering().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::exchangeifvalues ( type (basicmatrix_t), dimension(:)  NbsIfMatrix,
type (basicmatrix_t), dimension(:)  RecvdIfMatrix,
logical  NeedMass,
logical  NeedDamp,
logical  NeedPrec 

Send all of the interface matrix blocks (in NbsIfMatrices) to neighbour processors. This is done only once so there is no need to optimize communication...

References checkbuffer().

Referenced by sparitersolve::gluefinalize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::exchangeinterfaces ( type (basicmatrix_t), dimension(:)  NbsIfMatrix,
type (basicmatrix_t), dimension(:)  RecvdIfMatrix 

Send all of the interface matrix blocks (in NbsIfMatrices) to neighbour processors. This is done only once so there is no need to optimize communication...

References checkbuffer().

Referenced by sparitersolve::splitmatrix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::exchangeresult ( type(matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type(splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  XVec 

Send parts of the result vector to neighbours.

References checkbuffer(), searchnode(), and spariteractivebarrier().

Referenced by sparitersolve::solve(), sparitersolve::sparitersolver(), and sparitersolve::sparupdateresult().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::exchangerhsif ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  SourceRHS,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  TargetRHS 

Exchange right-hand-side elements on the interface with neighbours.

References checkbuffer(), and searchnode().

Referenced by sparitersolve::solve(), and sparitersolve::sparupdaterhs().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::exchangesourcevec ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  SourceVec,
integer, optional  op 

References checkbuffer(), and searchnode().

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelsumvector().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::findactivepes ( type(parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
type(matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
logical, optional  JustNeighbours 

Find active PEs using ParallelInfo % NeighbourList.

References addtonlist(), buf, checkbuffer(), and searchnode().

Referenced by parenvinit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

integer function sparitercomm::meshneighbours ( type(mesh_t)  Mesh,
logical, dimension(:)  IsNeighbour 

Referenced by particleutils::changeparticlepartition(), particleutils::createghostparticles(), sparedgenumbering(), and sparfacenumbering().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type (parenv_t) function, pointer sparitercomm::parcomminit ( )

Initialize parallel execution environment.

References messages::fatal(), and messages::info().

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelinit(), sparitersolve::parinitmatrix(), and resulttoresult().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::parenvfinalize ( )

Finalize MPI environment.

References messages::fatal().

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelfinalize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::parenvinit ( type(sparitersolverglobald_t)  SPMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
type(matrix_t)  SourceMatrix 

Initialize parallel execution environment.

References findactivepes().

Referenced by sparitersolve::parinitmatrix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::recv_locif ( type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
integer  n,
integer, dimension(:)  neigh,
integer, dimension(:)  sizes,
integer, dimension(:)  requests,
type(buff_t), dimension(:)  buffer 

Receive interface block contributions to vector from neighbours.

Referenced by sparitersolve::sparmatrixvector().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::recv_locif_old ( type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
integer  ndim,
real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  v 

Receive interface block contributions to vector from neighbours.

Referenced by sparitersolve::sparcmatrixvector().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::recv_locif_size ( integer  n,
integer, dimension(:)  neigh,
integer, dimension(:)  sizes 

Receive interface block contributions to vector from neighbours.

Referenced by sparitersolve::sparmatrixvector().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::recv_locif_wait ( type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
integer  ndim,
real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  v,
integer  n,
integer, dimension(:)  neigh,
integer, dimension(:)  sizes,
integer, dimension(:)  requests,
type(buff_t), dimension(:)  buffer 

Receive interface block contributions to vector from neighbours.

Referenced by sparitersolve::sparmatrixvector().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

integer function sparitercomm::searchiaitem ( integer  N,
integer, dimension(:)  IArray,
integer  Item,
integer, dimension(:), optional  SortOrder,
integer, optional  sIndx 

Search an element Item from an ordered integer array(N) and return Index to that array element. Return value -1 means Item was not found.

References searchiaitemlinear().

Referenced by buildrevvecindices(), sparitersolve::clearinsidec(), sparitersolve::combinecrsmatindices(), sparitersolve::continuousnumbering(), fetisolve::fetisendreceiveinit(), sparitersolve::gluefinalize(), sparedgenumbering(), sparfacenumbering(), sparitersolve::sparinitsolve(), and sparitersolve::sparitersolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

integer function sparitercomm::searchiaitemlinear ( integer  N,
integer, dimension(*)  IArray,
integer  Item 

Search an element Item from an ordered integer array(N) and return Index to that array element. Return value -1 means Item was not found.

Referenced by searchiaitem().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

integer function sparitercomm::searchnode ( type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
integer  QueriedNode,
integer, optional  First,
integer, optional  Last,
integer, dimension(:), optional  Order 

Search an element QueriedNode from an ordered set Nodes and return Index to Nodes structure. Return value -1 means QueriedNode was not found.

Referenced by sparitersolve::clearinsidec(), particleutils::createghostparticles(), exchangeresult(), exchangerhsif(), exchangesourcevec(), findactivepes(), sparitersolve::gluefinalize(), sparglobalnumbering(), and vankacreate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::send_locif ( type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
integer  n,
integer, dimension(:)  neigh 

Send our part of the interface matrix blocks to neighbours.

References checkbuffer().

Referenced by sparitersolve::sparmatrixvector().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::send_locif_old ( type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix)

Send our part of the interface matrix blocks to neighbours.

References checkbuffer().

Referenced by sparitersolve::sparcmatrixvector().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::send_locif_size ( type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
integer  n,
integer, dimension(:)  neigh 

Send our part of the interface matrix blocks to neighbours.

Referenced by sparitersolve::sparmatrixvector().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::sparactivesum ( real(kind=dp)  tsum,
integer  oper 

Referenced by interpolatemeshtomesh(), parallelutils::parallelreduction(), sparcnorm(), spardotprod(), and sparnorm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

complex(kind=dp) function sparitercomm::sparcdotprod ( integer  ndim,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(*)  x,
integer  xind,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(*)  y,
integer  yind 

Compute global dot product of vectors x and y.

References messages::fatal().

Referenced by sparitersolve::solve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(kind=dp) function sparitercomm::sparcnorm ( integer  ndim,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(*)  x,
integer  xind 

Compute global 2-norm of vector x.

References sparactivesum().

Referenced by sparitersolve::solve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(kind=dp) function sparitercomm::spardotprod ( integer  ndim,
real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  x,
integer  xind,
real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  y,
integer  yind 

References sparactivesum().

Referenced by blocksolve::blockkryloviter(), blocksolve::blockmatrixprec(), fcg(), fetisolve::feti(), parallelutils::paralleldot(), and sparitersolve::solve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::sparedgenumbering ( type(mesh_t)  Mesh,
logical, optional  Allmesh 

References addtocommonlist(), buf, checkbuffer(), meshneighbours(), searchiaitem(), sort(), and generalutils::sorti().

Referenced by meshutils::loadmesh(), and particleutils::setparticlepreliminaries().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::sparfacenumbering ( type(mesh_t)  Mesh,
logical, optional  Allmesh 

References addtocommonlist(), buf, checkbuffer(), meshneighbours(), searchiaitem(), sort(), and generalutils::sorti().

Referenced by meshutils::loadmesh(), and particleutils::setparticlepreliminaries().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::sparglobalnumbering ( type(mesh_t)  Mesh,
type(mesh_t)  OldMesh,
integer, target  NewNodeCnt,
integer, dimension(:), target  OldIntCnts,
integer, dimension(:), target  OldIntArray,
integer, dimension(:), target  Reorder 

References addtocommonlist(), checkbuffer(), searchnode(), sort(), generalutils::sorti(), and swapnodes().

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelglobalnumbering().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::spariteractive ( logical  L)

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelactive().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::spariteractivebarrier ( )

Referenced by exchangeresult(), parallelutils::parallelactivebarrier(), and sparitersolve::sparmatrixvector().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::spariterallreduceand ( logical  L)

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelallreduceand().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitercomm::spariterbarrier ( )

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelactive(), and parallelutils::parallelbarrier().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(kind=dp) function sparitercomm::sparnorm ( integer  ndim,
real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  x,
integer  xind 

Compute global 2-norm of vector x.

References sparactivesum().

Referenced by blocksolve::blockkryloviter(), blocksolve::blockmatrixprec(), fcg(), fetisolve::feti(), parallelutils::parallelnorm(), and sparitersolve::solve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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