Elmer FEM solver
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sparitersolve Module Reference

Public Member Functions

subroutine dummy
subroutine zerosplittedmatrix (SplittedMatrix)
subroutine sparinitsolve (SourceMatrix, XVec, RHSVec, RVec, ParallelInfo, UpdateMatrix)
subroutine sparmatrixvector (u, v, ipar)
subroutine combinecrsmatindices (SMat1, SMat2, DMat)
subroutine gluefinalize (SourceMatrix, SplittedMatrix, ParallelInfo)
subroutine clearinsidec (SourceMatrix, InsideMatrix, RecvdIfMatrix, ParallelInfo)
subroutine renumberdofs (SourceMatrix, SplittedMatrix, ParallelInfo)
subroutine dpcond (u, v, ipar)
subroutine cpcond (u, v, ipar)
function, pointer 
parinitmatrix (SourceMatrix, ParallelInfo)
type(splittedmatrixt) function,
splitmatrix (SourceMatrix, ParallelInfo)
subroutine sparupdaterhs (SourceMatrix, RHSVec, ParallelInfo)
subroutine sparupdatesolve (SourceMatrix, x, r)
subroutine sparupdateresult (SourceMatrix, XVec, RVec, GlobalUpdate)
subroutine continuousnumbering (ParallelInfo, Mperm, Aperm, Owner)
subroutine sparitersolver (SourceMatrix, ParallelInfo, XVec, RHSVec, Solver, SParMatrixDesc)
subroutine solve (SourceMatrix, SplittedMatrix, ParallelInfo, RHSVec, XVec, Solver, ErrInfo)
subroutine sparcmatrixvector (u, v, ipar)
subroutine countneighbourconns (SourceMatrix, SplittedMatrix, ParallelInfo)

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine sparitersolve::clearinsidec ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type (matrix_t)  InsideMatrix,
type (basicmatrix_t), dimension(:)  RecvdIfMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo 

Compress the given interface matrix deleting the inside connections. Note: modifies the structure of the input matrix RecvdIfMatrix.

References sparitercomm::searchiaitem(), and sparitercomm::searchnode().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::combinecrsmatindices ( type (basicmatrix_t), target  SMat1,
type (basicmatrix_t), target  SMat2,
type (basicmatrix_t), target  DMat 

This subroutine combines indices of two matrices in CRS format. Row and column indices are assumed to be in sorted order.

References crsmatrix::crs_sortbasicmatrix(), and sparitercomm::searchiaitem().

Referenced by splitmatrix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::continuousnumbering ( type(parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
integer, dimension(:)  Mperm,
integer, dimension(:)  Aperm,
integer, dimension(:)  Owner 

Create continuous numbering for the dofs expected by some linear solvers.

References sparitercomm::searchiaitem(), and generalutils::sorti().

Referenced by particleutils::initializeparticles(), directsolve::mumps_solvesystem(), and sparitersolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::countneighbourconns ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo 

This routine is used to count the nodes which have connections to neighbours the count of connections for neighbour. Then this information is used to allocate some communication buffers.

Referenced by splitmatrix().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::cpcond ( complex(kind=dp), dimension(*)  u,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(*)  v,
integer, dimension(*)  ipar 
subroutine sparitersolve::dpcond ( real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  u,
real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  v,
integer, dimension(*)  ipar 
subroutine sparitersolve::dummy ( )

Referenced by modeldescription::writepostfile().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::gluefinalize ( type(matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo 

Update all necessary global structures after the local matrix has been built.

References sparitercomm::exchangeifvalues(), sparitercomm::searchiaitem(), and sparitercomm::searchnode().

Referenced by sparinitsolve(), and sparitersolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type (sparitersolverglobald_t) function, pointer sparitersolve::parinitmatrix ( type (matrix_t), target  SourceMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t), target  ParallelInfo 

References sparitercomm::parcomminit(), sparitercomm::parenvinit(), and splitmatrix().

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelinitmatrix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::renumberdofs ( type( matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type (splittedmatrixt)  SplittedMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo 

Convert the original local DoF numbering to a compressed one to enable direct use of column indices in matrix operations.

Referenced by splitmatrix().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::solve ( type(matrix_t), target  SourceMatrix,
type (splittedmatrixt), pointer  SplittedMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  RHSVec,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  XVec,
type (solver_t)  Solver,
type (errinfot)  ErrInfo 

References sparitercomm::exchangeresult(), sparitercomm::exchangerhsif(), itersolve::itersolver(), savematrix(), solver(), sparitercomm::sparcdotprod(), sparcmatrixvector(), sparitercomm::sparcnorm(), sparitercomm::spardotprod(), sparmatrixvector(), and sparitercomm::sparnorm().

Referenced by magneticw1solver(), and sparitersolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::sparcmatrixvector ( complex(kind=dp), dimension(*)  u,
complex(kind=dp), dimension(*)  v,
integer, dimension(*)  ipar 

External Matrix - Vector operations (Parallel, complex version). Multiply vector u with the matrix in A_val return the result in v Called from HUTIter library.

References buf, sparitercomm::recv_locif_old(), and sparitercomm::send_locif_old().

Referenced by solve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::sparinitsolve ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  XVec,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  RHSVec,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  RVec,
type (parallelinfo_t), target  ParallelInfo,
logical  UpdateMatrix 

References crsmatrix::crs_sortmatrix(), gluefinalize(), gt(), sparitercomm::searchiaitem(), sparupdaterhs(), sparupdatesolve(), and zerosplittedmatrix().

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelinitsolve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::sparitersolver ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  XVec,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  RHSVec,
type (solver_t)  Solver,
type (sparitersolverglobald_t), pointer  SParMatrixDesc 

Call the parallel iterative solver.

References continuousnumbering(), messages::error(), sparitercomm::exchangeresult(), messages::fatal(), gluefinalize(), gt(), messages::info(), lists::listgetconstreal(), lists::listgetinteger(), lists::listgetlogical(), lists::listgetstring(), sparitercomm::searchiaitem(), solve(), solver(), messages::warn(), and zerosplittedmatrix().

Referenced by parallelutils::paralleliter().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::sparmatrixvector ( real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  u,
real(kind=dp), dimension(*)  v,
integer, dimension(*)  ipar 

External Matrix - Vector operations (Parallel real, version) Multiply vector u with the global matrix, return the result in v Called from HUTIter library.

References sparitercomm::recv_locif(), sparitercomm::recv_locif_size(), sparitercomm::recv_locif_wait(), sparitercomm::send_locif(), sparitercomm::send_locif_size(), and sparitercomm::spariteractivebarrier().

Referenced by blocksolve::blockmatrixprec(), solverutils::computechange(), parallelutils::parallelmatrixvector(), solve(), and vankaprec().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::sparupdateresult ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  XVec,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  RVec,
logical  GlobalUpdate 

References sparitercomm::exchangeresult().

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelmatrixvector(), and parallelutils::parallelupdateresult().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::sparupdaterhs ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  RHSVec,
type(parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo 

References sparitercomm::exchangerhsif().

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelupdaterhs(), and sparinitsolve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::sparupdatesolve ( type(matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  x,
real(kind=dp), dimension(:)  r 

Referenced by parallelutils::parallelupdatesolve(), and sparinitsolve().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type (splittedmatrixt) function, pointer sparitersolve::splitmatrix ( type (matrix_t)  SourceMatrix,
type (parallelinfo_t)  ParallelInfo 

References generalutils::allocatematrix(), sparitercomm::buildrevvecindices(), combinecrsmatindices(), countneighbourconns(), messages::error(), sparitercomm::exchangeinterfaces(), listmatrix::list_addtomatrixelement(), listmatrix::list_tocrsmatrix(), listmatrix::list_tolistmatrix(), lists::listgetstring(), renumberdofs(), and generalutils::sorti().

Referenced by parinitmatrix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine sparitersolve::zerosplittedmatrix ( type (splittedmatrixt), pointer  SplittedMatrix)

Zero the splitted matrix (for new non-linear iteration)

Referenced by sparinitsolve(), and sparitersolver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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