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problems:hydro [Elmer/Ice Wiki]

Basal Hydrology models

There is two basal hydrology models implemented right now in Elmer/Ice.

Double Continuum Equivalent Hydrological Model

General Description

The model consist of two solvers, one is used for the inefficient drainage system (IDSSolver) and the other one for the efficient drainage system (EPLSolver). Each compute the water head by mean of a diffusion equation based on Darcy's law. The two can be coupled by a transfer equation using the WaterTransfer user function.


Two basic tests can be found in [ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/Tests/Hydro_SedOnly and [ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/Tests/Hydro_Coupled.


When used this solver can be cited using the following reference :
de Fleurian, B.; Gagliardini, O.; Zwinger, T.; Durand, G.; Le Meur, E.; Mair, D. & Råback, P. A double continuum hydrological model for glacier applications The Cryosphere, 2014, 8, 137-153

GlaDS model (Werder et al., 2013)

General Description

The model consists of three solvers described on this page. User functions will be made available for the coupling with ice flow (Stokes or SSA).

problems/hydro.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/22 13:26 by gag
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